A piece of "Compendium of Materia Medica" satirized those idols who sang Chinese and English songs, and even pure English songs, and at the same time awakened the national pride in many people's hearts.

The people of Longguo are proud of their own culture. They used to be, they are now, and they will be in the future.

This will not change because of some people with ulterior motives.

Sing a song.

There was thunderous applause, and almost everyone applauded from the bottom of their hearts, except for those few fans of course.

He Jiong in the background couldn't stop nodding.

As expected, he was not mistaken, this Lin Feng was not simple, even stronger than he thought, it was definitely a good thing to have a good relationship with him.

The problem with Lin Feng is that he is too aggressive.

At this time, choosing to sing such a song is equivalent to firing a shotgun and offending many top traffic stars.

It is not without reason that Lin Feng is often hacked.

Don't manage relationships, just act rashly, and I don't have a public relations team yet, and I don't manage fans.


Can you be called young if you are not arrogant?


Awards ceremony continues...

However, with Lin Feng's final decision after the group of demons danced wildly, the rest of the program seemed a bit dull.

The loss of viewers in the live broadcast room is also very obvious, and of course there are many fans who never leave.

The awards ceremony lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, and finally came to an end.

In addition to winning the Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards, Lin Feng also won the Most Popular Newcomer Award of the Year. There are two awards in total, which can be regarded as a fruitful harvest.

After the awards ceremony, Lin Feng's first thought was to leave as soon as possible, because he had to catch the last subway.

Originally Yang Dami also participated together, but Yang Dami did not dare to openly get too close to Lin Feng, because now Lin Feng is not like before, and it is difficult to get along with Lin Feng.

There are so many paparazzi following, once it is photographed, it will definitely be another scandal farce, and if Jiang Shuying, who is filming in other places, finds out, her best friend may become a rival in love.

Lin Feng hurriedly walked alone.


A hand patted his shoulder lightly.

Lin Feng turned his head and took a look.

It turned out to be Jay Chou holding a cup of milk tea elegantly in his hand.

Lin Feng was taken aback.

Could it be that Jay Chou wants to say that his inspiration was one step ahead of him?

In a daze, he saw Jay Chou gave him a thumbs up, and said coolly:

"Ouch, not bad, kind of cool!"

After that, Jay Chou turned around and left coolly without waiting for Lin Feng's answer.

Lin Feng smiled, and shouted at Jay Chou's back:


However, the cool Jay Chou didn't look back, he just waved his hand back gently...


After the awards ceremony, sure enough, several related content rushed into the trending searches.

#Chinese Golden Melody Awards Winners List#

#《waitwaitwait》Chinese Golden Melody Award#

#HuaHua Large Practice Site#

#He Teacher Helps Lin Feng Talk#

# Lin Feng Smoking Reason#

Of course the hottest one is: #《本草纲目》好听#

But those bad hot searches were quickly suppressed.

Lin Feng didn't care about these things.

Instead, "hello! Mr. Tree" wants to catch Lin Feng's popularity. After all, this movie is too niche. Of course, the producer hopes that more people will go to the cinema to watch this movie.

"Hello! "Mr. Tree" released some tidbits during the filming, and director Han Jie shared the behind-the-scenes story of the filming.

In the tidbits, the protagonist, Mr. Shu, has a sloppy appearance, blurred eyes, a decadent expression, and even his movements seem a little uncoordinated.

If you don't say it, almost no one will

It turned out that Lin Feng played the role of Mr. Tree.

Han Jie also talked about the story during filming, Lin Feng asked him for cigarettes on the first day he joined the crew, and he had to drink some white wine with every meal, and Tan Jin drank to boost his courage when filming passionate scenes, etc.

In the end, Han Jie gave Lin Feng a very high evaluation, saying that Lin Feng is the tree in his mind.

Lin Feng also forwarded this Weibo.

In the previous life, this movie only earned two million at the box office, and the cost was not even recovered. It can be described as dismal.

In this life, with himself as the leading role, he certainly hoped that the box office would be better.

And his salary and box office are still linked.

After a series of publicity, let "hello! "Mr. Tree" has gained a lot of attention.

Many people have high expectations for it.

After all, since Lin Feng's debut, although he has stumbled, he has never missed a piece of work.

And "Hello! "Mr. Tree" is his first film to play the leading role. Many people believe that from Lin Feng's perspective, he would not choose a poor script.

Taking advantage of this wave of enthusiasm, it didn't take long before "hello! "Mr. Tree" has been announced to be released!

At the same time, "33 Days of Broken Love", which was rejected by Lin Feng due to scheduling reasons, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" by Disney in the beautiful country, and "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" are waiting to be released later.

It can be said that large groups get together, attacking from front to back.

When Lin Feng talked with Jia Zhangke on the phone, he persuaded Jia Zhangke to postpone the release of the film, but Jia Zhangke asked back, if it is not released now, when will it be released?

Lin Feng was immediately stopped by the question.

Yes, an ugly daughter-in-law always needs to see her in-laws, so worrying is always superfluous.

On the day of the premiere, the protagonist Lin Feng was naturally invited to Shanghai to participate in the premiere ceremony to create momentum for the film...

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