"Student, do you want to sign?"

Lin Feng looked at the girl, since everyone found him, of course he would not refuse.

The girl looked at Lin Feng excitedly and said, "Lin Feng big brother, I'm Liu Xiaolin, do you remember this name?"

"Liu Xiaolin?"

Lin Feng searched for this name in his mind, and soon showed a dazed look: "Are you a poor college student supported by me?"

He remembered this girl, this girl worked hard and was very competitive.

After receiving his sponsorship, he was admitted to a very good university. At that time, the charity organization specifically told him about it.


The girl nodded heavily, seeing Lin Feng recognized her, her eyes turned red with excitement, and said: "Lin Feng big brother, I finally have the chance to meet you, thank you!"

Saying that, the girl bowed to Lin Feng: "Your kindness will never be forgotten in my life!"

Lin Feng hurriedly said: "Student Liu Xiaolin, you don't have to do that."

Liu Xiaolin shook his head slightly, and said, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know where I am now, maybe I'm living a muddle-headed life in a certain corner, and you saved my life!"

Lin Feng was also slightly taken aback when he looked at the girl who was grateful to him.


Perhaps one of my inadvertent acts of kindness can change someone else's life.

Just like the children in the mountains and the students in the girls' high school, with the efforts of Principal Zhang and teachers, the fate of many children will be changed.

In fact, Principal Zhang and the teachers paid much more than themselves.

However, no one pursues rewards. The changes in children's lives and success are their greatest rewards.

The same goes for Lin Feng.

The girl's gratitude made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Liu Xiaolin wiped the corners of his eyes and said with a smile: "Lin Feng big brother, I'm sorry, I'm so excited to meet you. I also read your report. You suffered for us!"

"Please rest assured, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations, work hard, and repay your kindness!"

Lin Feng nodded, he knew the girl was telling the truth.

But he smiled and said: "Student Xiaolin, listen to me, you don't have to remember me, let alone repay me."

Hearing this, the girl was taken aback.

I saw Lin Feng continued: "I'm just a passer-by who helped you along the road of your life, don't remember me, just remember what kind of person you want to be!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng gave the girl an encouraging smile, then turned and left.

Seeing Lin Feng gradually sinking into the darkness, the girl's tears fell silently...


For more than forty days before and after, Lin Feng relied on "hello! "Mr. Tree" won multiple awards, and was also crowned the title of Best Actor.

At this time, Runtu also called.

On the phone, Runtu was very excited, saying that the new game "Reverse War" from Penguin Games bought the copyright of the song and asked him to be the spokesperson.

Lin Feng didn't say much, just congratulated.

Not long after that, Runtu typed in the current half of the song, which totaled more than one million yuan.

"Hello! Although the pay of Mr. Tree is very low, the fixed pay plus box office share is less than one million, but this movie has won awards at major film festivals, and the bonuses add up to hundreds of thousands.

After it became popular, domestic and overseas copyright income was also high, and Lin Feng's share was close to 2 million.

However, the two songs "Once Upon a Time" and "Compendium of Materia Medica" brought Lin Feng the most income, adding up to more than five million.

Adding up all these things, and excluding the operating expenses of the studio, Lin Feng now has a total of over 20 million in funds on hand.

Now that the script "Infernal Affairs" has been written, Lin Feng of course wants to make this classic movie from the previous life and let people in this world see it.

Variety shows in this world are developing rapidly, and it is precisely because of this that there are some gaps in the film and television industry.

That's why some classic film and television dramas and songs in the previous life did not appear, which also brought unlimited opportunities to Lin Feng.

In the previous life, after the completion of the script "Infernal Affairs", there was no reason why investors could not be found, because the undercover theme was already outdated, and many capital companies believed that it was impossible to make a big sale and make money.

In the end, a producer from Media Asia Film Distribution Company took a fancy to the script, hesitated again and again, and finally decided to invest 20 million yuan.

In the end, the film crew also completed the filming of this classic film with an investment of 20 million yuan.

This is unbelievable today.

Because in this movie, almost all the powerful actors and stars of the three generations of Hong Kong Island at that time, old, middle-aged and young, were gathered. Today, the salary of a traffic star is more than 20 million.

In fact, there are no big scenes in this movie. The main part is literary and drama, and the action scenes are also limited to gun battles, so the cost of shooting is not high.

The shooting cost of 20 million is more than enough.

However, the difficulty lies in the actors' remuneration and the later announcement.

Needless to say, the remuneration of the actors, this movie has a lot of literary and inner drama, and it is a test of acting skills, so good actors must be used.

Publicity includes publicity and distribution. Publicity costs generally include the production of posters, trailers and sideshows, hard advertisements, theater terminal materials, media promotion, ground events, premieres, hiring sailors and buying film critics, etc. Distribution costs mainly include copy production costs, theater public relations and negotiation costs, etc.

If all these are counted, then the 20 million funds will be stretched.

These days Lin Feng is thinking about making his own film, especially the issue of funding.

Originally, according to the regulations of the system, 90% of entertainment income should be used for charity, and 10% could be used for career development.

But if this is the case, only 2 million can be reserved for 20 million, so I don't know if I want to make a movie by myself, I don't know if it will be postponed until the year of the monkey.

Lin Feng has to frantically take on movies, and take on good and bad movies together, so that he can save enough funds for filming.

But Lin Feng didn't want to wait, the pace was too slow, not his style.

So he discussed with the system side, first use the money to develop the business, and then start charity after making money.

This only changes the order of priority, and can greatly increase the amount of charity.

If there is no violation of the regulations, the system will certainly not reject it.

So making a movie by himself is what Lin Feng is determined to do. As for the scripts that came to him after he became an actor, Lin Feng turned down one by one.

But the most urgent thing now, Lin Feng felt that he needed a car.

Where do you go now, you can no longer squeeze the subway, ride share

Cycling, let alone the possibility of being watched, is the time wasted on the road, which makes Lin Feng feel heartbroken.

Buying a car is used as a studio car, so it cannot be counted in the category of personal enjoyment.

After making up his mind, Lin Feng called Zhao Yongyue in.


Zhao Yongyue's face is full of red now, in "Hello! During the time when "Mr. Tree" won the award, she was busy and helped Lin Feng arrange to participate in various film festivals.

Busy is busy, but it's a lot of fun.

She has now found her direction in life, which is to assist Lin Feng.

"Sister Yue, it's like this, I want you to help me buy a car!"


Zhao Yongyue's eyes lit up.

The boss finally got the hang of it, he made so much money, he should enjoy it!

"Boss, what car do you want to buy?"

In Zhao Yongyue's view, with Lin Feng's current social status and development momentum, almost all the luxury cars on the market are no problem.

Lin Feng should indeed have a car worthy of his position.

However, Lin Feng did not hesitate, and replied: "Just Wuling Hongguang!"

Zhao Yongyue is stupid...


That afternoon, Zhao Yongyue brought back a Wuling Hongguang.

Lin Feng and Fatty were very satisfied, but Zhao Yongyue pursed her mouth and didn't want to talk.

Soon, Lin Feng contacted Yang Dami.

Yang Dami is one of the few capital parties he knows and has a good relationship with him, so of course he wants to find investors for the film "Infernal Affairs" through Yang Dami.

Of course, if Dami Yang wanted to invest, he would naturally welcome it.

"You want to make a movie yourself?"

Yang Dami was quite surprised when she heard that Lin Feng was going to make a movie.

You know how long Lin Feng has only debuted, so he is going to prepare to make a movie by himself?

And the last "hello! Although "Mr. Tree" won many awards, from a commercial point of view, it was an extremely failed movie.

But after calming down and thinking about it, it seems to be taken for granted again.

Since Lin Feng's debut, the first TV series has caused great controversy, and then there have been more bumps and bumps, but every time Lin Feng has relied on his own strength to prove himself, until now he has become the best actor.

If acting well is leading, this is a more popular method in the circle.

But there are not many who can really succeed.

But Dami Yang intuitively believes in Lin Feng, because Lin Feng is so magical every time.

However, as to whether to invest in Lin Feng's film, Yang Dami is still a little embarrassed, because now that the company has grown, she is not the only one who has the final say.

Besides, their company mainly focuses on the field of TV dramas. Although TV dramas are not as good as movies, they can make a lot of money in a short period of time, but TV dramas are steady and stable, and even if they lose money, they can't pay much. Once they become popular, the traffic will disappear. Worse than the movie.

Yang Dami said: "As for whether you want to invest, I can't reply to you now. I need to discuss it with my shareholders, but I can introduce some investors to you!"

Lin Feng didn't refuse either, after all, contact with capital is indispensable in today's entertainment industry.

Next, Dami Yang booked a box for Lin Feng, and then sent the address to Lin Feng. Biqu library

That night, Lin Feng set off in his Wuling Hongguang...

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