The TV series "Sweeping Darkness" officially started filming.

Although Lin Feng's roles in this film are not enough for the leading roles, they are still quite important, but at the beginning he was still filming the leading roles.

After all, several leading actors have a certain position, and priority should be given to them.

The other actors were waiting on the sidelines, waiting to cooperate with the filming at any time.

The work of filming began to be carried out in full swing. The participating actors put on their makeup and adjusted their status while reading the script. The props team and photography team were all in place.

The director held the clipboard, put it in front of the camera, and shouted: "Everyone is on your mark, action!"

As soon as the board was hit, the first scene officially started shooting.

The play "Sweeping Black" tells that the public security officers and police, together with the public security, law and other departments, wiped out the two gangs of evil forces that have been entrenched in Lvteng City, Zhongjiang Province for more than ten years, and wiped out the umbrella of the evil forces and those who were corrupted. stories of government officials brought to justice.

The first few scenes are old dramas, even if Zhang Xiaoxing is popular now, he will be interested in going back a little bit.

After all, old opera bones are old opera bones.

Although there were a few ng shots, the effect the director wanted was still achieved.

"Every teacher has worked hard!"

The director greeted several veteran actors to rest, and then it was the turn of Zhang Xiaoxing and Jiang Shuying's play.

This scene is about the reporter Huang Xi, played by Jiang Shuying, who visits Meilidai unannounced alone. She is found to be secretly filming with a watch, and then controlled by the other party, who wants to give Huang Xi some flair.

At this time, the detective Lin Hao played by Zhang Xiaoxing appeared in time, rescued Huang Xi, and detained Huang Xi's watch in accordance with the law.

With the director's plan, the filming of this scene officially started.

At the beginning, it was the scene of Lin Hao's appearance.

Inside the house, everyone in Meilidai had detained Huang Xi and was about to give her some flair. At this critical juncture, the police broke in.

"Don't move!"

"do not move!"

"Squat down, policeman!"

A group of policemen rushed in and restrained everyone in Meilidai.

Lin Hao strolled in, and the camera immediately showed Lin Hao who was leading the team.

This is Lin Hao's first appearance, and it is very important to establish Lin Hao's personality.

I saw Lin Hao pursed his mouth, spit on the ground, and started to look around with a self-conscious look. (It’s like this in the play, it’s not me who hates him...)

Before he had time to make the next move, he heard the director shout loudly:


Zhang Zixing was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and looked at director Wuwan: "What's wrong?"

Fifty thousand walked over and said, "Xiao Xing, it's not like this. Let me tell you, Lin Hao is a hot-blooded and righteous young detective. At this time, he is sunny and handsome, full of sense of justice, and somewhat rebellious. But the way you were just now..."

"I'm telling the truth, and you don't mind, but you were so ruffian just now, you don't look like a capable criminal policeman, that's not how you act rebelliously, and you completely ruined Lin Hao when you appeared on the stage like this." The image of a criminal policeman, do you understand what I mean?"

Although the director Wu Wan is a director of the middle and young generation, the requirements are still quite high, otherwise this drama led by the above would not find him as the director.

Zhang Zixing couldn't hold back after being told so by the director, but he had no choice but to nod.

The performances of the old dramas that have been filmed before are all good, most of them pass a few, and even the few that don’t pass are not too big a problem, but there are some flaws.

And I was kicked right at the beginning, and the problem was still very big.

These old drama bones are still watching from the sidelines.

There are advantages and disadvantages to filming with old actors. The advantage is of course the high attention. Traffic stars can flaunt themselves acting with old actors. The disadvantage is that if the acting skills cannot keep up, it will be very stressful. After all, there is no comparison.

no harm.

"Every unit is ready, another one!"

Fifty thousand is also helpless, after all, Zhang Xiaoxing was arranged by the management to attract traffic for this drama, after all, Zhang Xiaoxing's fans are still amazing.

If it were someone else, 50,000 would probably be a curse.


Fifty thousand hit the board again, and start another one.

This time, as soon as Zhang Zixing came out, he wiped his nose with his thumb, sucked his nose, and spat on the ground, then looked around and saw the little boss of Meilidai took the opportunity to escape, and his eyes widened...


Fifty thousand supported his forehead, his face was speechless, this is not as good as the last one!

This time, Zhang Zixing couldn't hold back his face at all, and his face had become quite stiff. It had already been twice, and he was stopped at the beginning of the show.

Suppressing the suffocation in his heart, Zhang Zixing walked towards 50,000 and said, "Director, how about..."

Fifty thousand waved his hand, interrupted Zhang Xiaoxing's words, and said, "Xiaoxing, why don't you take a rest first and adjust your state."

Zhang Xiaoxing froze for a moment, but nodded: "Okay."

The old drama players who watched the drama on the side couldn't stand it any longer, but they also knew that this was determined by the market. In today's market, a good drama may not be popular, but those bad dramas performed by traffic stars, all the time. A lot of fans bought it.

Although this drama is led by the higher-ups, I also want to see it well.

"Lin Feng, get ready, your next scene will be filmed!" The director greeted Lin Feng who had been sitting quietly watching.

When the director called Lin Feng, all eyes on the scene fell on Lin Feng.

Especially those old drama characters, whispering, obviously looking forward to Lin Feng's performance.

The scene is already set up, it's a nightclub.

Sun Xingben, played by Lin Feng, is the owner of the Phoenix Nightclub in Lvteng City.

"On your marks, action!"

With the director's board, the shooting officially began.

In a dim luxury box.

A younger brother was hung upside down, his hair was disheveled, his face was full of panic, and sweat and blood mixed together and flowed down.

Apparently he had just been tortured.

When the camera turned, I saw a man in a suit and leather shoes lazily resting his head on a woman's white thigh, with his back to the camera.

Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang.

The man stretched out a hand, connected the phone, and a lazy voice sounded: "Hello."

An anxious voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Brother Xing, something has happened, our beauty center has been sealed off by the police!"


The man was stunned for a moment, then replied lightly, then hung up the phone, got up from the woman's lap, sat down on the corner of the sofa, scratched his head with his hands, and just by looking at his back, he could tell that he was very irritable now.

The younger brother who was hanging looked at him in fear, the muscles on his face trembled uncontrollably.

Although he is just an unimportant supporting role, but looking at the back at this moment, he is also involved in the play, and he really feels the fear, as if the person turned around and was about to eat him.

The figure on the sofa finally stood up and walked out. He didn't know what he wanted to do, but just looking at his back, he knew that he was very unhappy at the moment.

"Brother Xing!"

"Brother Xing, I was wrong!"

Hearing his younger brother begging for mercy, the man stopped in his tracks.

At this time, the camera focused on the back figure.

The back figure turned around slowly, showing a calm face with a pair of sunglasses on his face, making people wonder what he was thinking. Looking at the little brother who was hanging, there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

It is the protagonist of this scene, Sun Xing.

Lin Feng gave Sun Xing's sense of mystery and the coercion of a big boss to Li for the first time.

Standing up, people can't help but want to see what he will do next.

A few veteran actors watching the show nodded slightly.

Don't look at this kind of play as simple, in fact it is the most difficult to act.

Because the actor didn't show his face, he could only perform with his back view and body movements, but it was really not easy to perform that feeling.

Especially the expression of turning the head, it is very delicate, one point more is enough, one point less is not enough, it is difficult to grasp, but Lin Feng has accurately controlled it.

At this moment, the camera panned to the other side, and several younger brothers were surrounding the man who was hung.

"Let you collect some money, you talk about feelings, huh?" a younger brother said.

"We are really in love!" The man who was hanged hurriedly begged for mercy.

The little brother scolded: "Fucking shit is like you, brother Xing's beautiful loan is still making money? Huh? Eat the inside out!"


The camera turned to Sun Xing, only to see Sun Xing sneered, the corners of his mouth curled up, and a strong breath rushed towards his face.

"Brother Xing!"

"Brother Xing, I was wrong!!!"

The man who was hung saw it and begged for mercy repeatedly.

The playful taste on Sun Xing's face became stronger, and then he searched on both sides, and suddenly picked up an iron baseball bat from the ground, and while laughing, knocked on the floor.

Bang bang bang!

The sound directly frightened the man who was hung to turn pale.

"Brother Xing, I was wrong!!!"

"I have a real relationship with her..."

Sun Xing slightly pushed down the sunglasses on his face, suddenly showing a pair of crazy eyes, raised the bat, and made a swinging motion.

A younger brother immediately understood, stood up, took out a baseball, threw it at Sun Xing, and then immediately dodged.

The little brother who was hung up trembled instantly and made a sound of fear.

"Ah, no--"


Sun Xing slammed his stick and hit the baseball!


The baseball flew past the ear of the dangling boy, shattering the surrounding wine bottles.

The little brother was frightened and stupid.

On the other hand, Sun Xing showed an annoyed expression, grinned suddenly, and showed a refreshing smile after venting, threw the baseball bat, turned and left.

The leaving figure gradually regained his irritability...


As the director's voice sounded, all crew members couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They all took a deep breath just now, for fear that a mistake of their own would ruin the almost perfect scene just now.

"Okay, great, everyone has worked hard!"

The director just said a simple sentence, but the satisfied smile on his face has already betrayed him.

Lin Feng only had one line during the whole process, but Sun Xing's crazy, cruel and moody image immediately stood up.

This is what he wants Sun Xing!

This time I found Lin Feng to play Sun Xing, I really found the right person!

And the most commendable thing is, one pass!

The whole scene is not short, but it is done in one go, even the supporting roles are perfect, as if Lin Feng has the magic power to bring others into the play!

"This young actor is not easy, and his future achievements will not be low!"

Although Wuwan had already experienced Lin Feng's strength during the audition, but at this moment he couldn't help but secretly admire it.

Clap clap!

The few old actors who were watching next to him couldn't help applauding.

They can also perform this kind of play, but they can't guarantee a success. However, Lin Feng is much younger than them, and he only has one play experience. It is really rare to be able to reach such a height.


This is the first feeling in the hearts of several old drama players.

Zhang Xiaoxing on the side looked at Lin Feng who was modestly thanking everyone, and snorted softly, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

And Jiang Shuying's beautiful eyes lingered on Lin Feng all the time, full of surprise, admiration, and curiosity...

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