The movie starts.

At the beginning, it is to explain that the police and the robbers respectively placed undercover agents on each other.

"Two-way undercover? Interesting!"

Old Xu smiled and said to Han Ping beside him.

Han Ping nodded.

The old man on the side frowned and said: "Old Xu, I have a hunch that something bad will happen to this moth who broke into the police!"

Old Xu smiled and said, "Lao Li, take it easy, this is just a movie!"

Mr. Li nodded lightly and continued watching the movie.

When the camera turns, the two undercover agents are adults, and they have been undercover for both the police and the robbers for many years. One is unshaven and has become one of the most trusted men of the crime boss Han Chen, while the other is well-dressed and has become a rising star in the police circle.

Although this paragraph switched quickly, it also made the people present feel a little bit embarrassed.

Although many of them are now in high positions, they all started from the grassroots, and some of them have long-term experience in contacting undercover informants.

Especially Mr. Xu and Mr. Li, both of whom were masters in solving crimes at the grassroots level. Their stories can be said to be more dangerous and exciting than those in film and television dramas.

Mr. Li also had undercover experience.

At this time, everyone in the conference room was attracted by the movie, looking forward to the next two undercover stories.

In a video store.

The two undercover agents met by chance, there was no disturbance, and the two chatted like friends.

If there is no respective identity, maybe the two will really become friends.

But in fact, the two are mortal enemies with you and without me, and they will never be able to coexist.

Chen Yongren took the signal cable recommended by Liu Jianming just now, and hurried away. Chen Yongren was going to attend a funeral, the funeral of a benefactor.

In a dark alley. Chen Yongren stood upright with a solemn expression and did not move. When the hearse passed by the alley, Chen Yongren saluted the funeral car from a distance.

At that moment, Chen Yongren's expression was solemn, resolute yet with a bit of pain and confusion, which made people feel a little heartbroken.

Every senior executive who was watching was immersed in the plot here.

An hour after Officer Ye's funeral, Chen Yongren appeared on the rooftop of a commercial building.

Because this is the place where he and his immediate boss Huang Zhicheng often meet, every time Chen Yongren collects new information, he will tell Huang Zhicheng in this place in the city center but few people.

Chen Yongren was very dissatisfied with Huang Zhicheng, and the atmosphere of the conversation was also very bad.

"It's clearly agreed to be three years, three years after three years, three years after three years, almost ten years, sir!"

"What do you think of me? Remind yourself every day that you are a police officer? Even in your dreams, you have to shout 'put down the gun, I am a police officer!' Is that so?!"

Listening to Chen Yongren's complaints, all the senior executives watching were silent.

Especially Xu Lao and Li Lao.

In order to destroy the criminal group, the two of them had placed undercover agents to each other.

So they can especially understand the pain of being an undercover agent.

They are obviously excellent police officers, and they can become a police officer who fights against evil forces with dignity and respect, but they choose to sacrifice their dreams for the sake of responsibility, and do hard work that no one can match.

In this way, Chen Yongren changed from a high-spirited young man to a haggard and tired middle-aged man.

His complaint was not the voice of the grassroots undercover.

But after every complaint, they will continue to endure the humiliation and continue to walk in the area where black and white meet.

This made Mr. Xu and Mr. Li couldn't help but think of those unknown undercover policemen back then.

That scene is so similar to the one in the movie.

It was not just the two of them who were also deeply touched.

The atmosphere in the conference room became tense as the plot unfolded.

In the following plot, the situation changed suddenly.

On November 23, Han Chen had a drug deal with a Thai on that night. After receiving the information, Huang Zhicheng and the Anti-Independence Team started a black-and-white battle.

The confrontation between the two undercover agents is imminent.

From the shock on Liu Jianming's face when Huang Zhicheng suddenly informed Liu Jianming that he was going to arrest someone, to the latter nonchalantly notifying Han Chen that there would be action tonight, including sending text messages to all the phones in the area to cancel the transaction, all actions were not obvious. Not dewy.

Huang Zhicheng and Chen Yongren communicated using Morse code.

Between the police and the gangsters, the two undercover agents used all their means, and the confrontation between you and me, accompanied by just the right music, made everyone watching hold their breath.

All the police officers were looking forward to Chen Yongren and Huang Zhicheng's cooperation internally and externally to uproot Han Chen's power and find Liu Jianming, a moth.

The plot begins with the police tracking Han Chen's shipment, and ends at the moment when the net is about to be collected.

Liu Jianming suddenly used the equipment of the police force to send out a message:

"There is

Ghost, terminate the transaction! "

As soon as the news came out, the audience sighed and regretted.

Mr. Li even slapped the desk violently, cursing in pain: "Damn it, you moth!"

Everyone was shocked.

Mr. Xu hurriedly patted the excited Mr. Li, and said, "Old Li, this is just a movie, don't bring your work emotions into it!"

Mr. Li was still very angry.

He knows the difficulty of being an undercover agent best, but Liu Jianming easily dispelled the information that Chen Yongren worked so hard to spread, which made it hard for him not to be angry.

Fortunately, in the following plot, Han Chen had no choice but to throw tens of millions of goods into the river because of the police's intervention.

In any case, being able to prevent these things from flowing into the country is considered a successful operation.

In the next police station.

Han Chen ate his box lunch recklessly.

I have to say that Duan Yihong and Sun Honglei played really well in this scene.

From the seriousness of Duan Yihong's assignment at the beginning, to the outrage when he heard someone else's mobile phone ringing, and finally realizing that his actions had been exposed, he frowns and frowns vividly.

As for Sun Honglei, during the section of eating box lunch, his domineering sideways, low tone, and small eyes gleaming with cold light, showed a vicious, fierce, extremely arrogant, and extremely oppressive lord in front of the audience.

The two are black and white, which is impressive.

Afterwards, both sides understood that they each installed an undercover agent next to the other side, whoever finds the undercover agent first will win, but the loser will die.

This is the cruelest part of the struggle between soldier and thief, and there is only one chance.

Who knew that by coincidence, the person selected by the police to investigate the undercover agent turned out to be the undercover agent himself.

This made the big shots who were watching the film feel their hearts tugging at once.


Not long after, Huang Zhicheng and Chen Yongren met again on the rooftop.

At this moment, Liu Jianming informed Han Chen that he didn't know who the undercover agent was, but he knew where he was now.

On the building side, before Huang Zhicheng and Chen Yongren had a chat, Han Chen's people had rushed downstairs and sealed off all the exits, and Chen Yongren himself received a call asking him to go to the building to catch the ghost.

Seeing this, the hearts of everyone in the conference room rose.

In fact, undercover agents in real life will face any unexpected situation, and such things are commonplace.

Huang Zhicheng and Chen Yongren left quickly.

Huang Zhicheng asked Chen Yongren to take the elevator from the top of the building and go first, while he himself took the elevator.

When parting, Huang Zhicheng called Chen Yongren to stop and wanted to say something, but he still didn't say it in the end.

The camera followed Chen Yongren, and everyone's emotions were tied to Chen Yongren. After a long few minutes, Chen Yongren reached the ground. He immediately rushed out of the road and stopped a taxi, jumped into the car, and asked the driver to go around to the main entrance of the building. , the taxi stopped at the main entrance, Chen Yongren got off, and walked quickly to the entrance of the building.


Chen Yongren heard a loud bang behind him, and the ground trembled.

He froze. look back.

In an instant, Chen Yongren's heart stopped beating, and the world seemed to stop at the same time.

He couldn't believe his eyes, he saw a motionless person lying on the roof of the collapsed taxi.

Is that man Officer Huang?

Chen Yongren stepped forward and moved closer. Officer Huang's face was turned towards him.

Chen Yongren had never tried to look at Officer Huang's face from an upside-down angle. The face was very strange. Could this person... be Officer Huang?

Chen Yongren forcibly controlled himself not to say a word, otherwise their relationship would be leaked.

But Lin Feng's eyes perfectly expressed the complex emotions of shock, disbelief, and sadness, making people unconsciously substituting them.

A sad "Goodbye Police" sounded at the right time.

Everyone who was watching was the same as Chen Yongren. After the shock, there was deep sadness.

Especially a few old people.

They have been through half their lives, and almost everyone has experienced the scenes of colleagues, subordinates, bosses, and even undercover sacrifices. Even now, those scenes still appear in dreams from time to time, making their pillows wet with tears.


With tears in their eyes, they remember those lovely people who have gone away...

Goodbye, police!

Mr. Li, who had been trying to be strong all his life, was crying the most at this moment.

At this point in the movie, everyone who watched the movie was deeply shocked.

Their minds were completely immersed in the movie, no one spoke, they all watched quietly...

Under the protection of Sha Qiang, Chen Yongren escaped smoothly.

However, Silly Qiang died in front of Chen Yongren because of being shot, and before he died, he revealed Han Chen's secret of finding an undercover agent, so Chen Yongren should be more careful.

In a white world,

Chen Yongren's only friend is Huang Zhicheng, and in the black world, he is a fool. Within an hour, both good friends left Chen Yongren.

Helpless, Chen Yongren wanted to cry but had no tears.

Man is a complex animal, principles and beliefs must be adhered to, but feelings are also true.

Silly Qiang's death touched Chen Yongren very much, and Huang Zhicheng's sacrifice also made Liu Jianming very uncomfortable.

Liu Jianming has already begun to have his own ideas.

He decided to team up with Chen Yongren to kill Han Chen.

Two hostile undercover agents miraculously stood on the same front.

Under the circumstances that the two of them were open and dark, but they didn't know each other, they had a tacit understanding like old friends. In the end, Liu Jianming ended Han Chen's evil life with one shot.

Han Chen never thought that he would die at the hands of his chess pieces.

Just like what he taught Liu Jianming at the beginning, life and death should be decided by oneself for those who come out to the rivers and lakes...

However, Han Chen's death did not reassure the audience.

Because a bigger tiger appeared, Liu Jianming was freed from Han Chen's shackles, and from then on he could become a real policeman in the police force without any restraint.

But now, Chen Yongren was his only hidden danger.

Two undercover agents, the final showdown unfolded.

Through a file bag clue buried in the early stage, Chen Yongren saw through Liu Jianming's identity, and he was Han Chen's inner ghost in the police force.

With his thoughts extremely confused, Chen Yongren quickly left the police station.

After calming down, Chen Yongren finally got Han Chen's tape. Obviously, the tape was secretly recorded by Han Chen to guard against Liu Jianming.

Next, Chen Yongren, holding Liu Jianming's handle, led Liu Jianming step by step to the rooftop where he and Huang Zhicheng often met.

Finally, when it came time to arrest Liu Jianming, everyone watching the movie was looking forward to it.

However, it is different from what everyone thinks.

There was no violent fighting, just a peaceful conversation between the two men.

"give me a chance."

"How can I give you a chance?"

"I didn't have a choice before, but now, I want to be a good person."

"Okay, go talk to the judge and see if the judge will give you a chance!"

"You just want me to die?"


Chen Yongren laughed contemptuously, and then uttered four words sonorously: "I am a policeman!"

"well said!"

Once again, Mr. Li couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

This time, everyone nodded secretly.

They know that the meaning of the words "I am a policeman" is more important to Chen Yongren than anything else, more important than his life.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. This is people's good expectation, and it is also the consistent style of movies.

Chen Yongren endured all the sufferings for ten years in order to get rid of violence and bring peace to the people.

In Chen Yongren's heart, he longs to be recognized by the society.

I still remember him saying to Li Xiner, "I'll tell you a secret, I'm actually a policeman." Li Xiner jokingly replied, "Me too". At that moment, Chen Yongren's expression was so calm and happy.

This secret has been kept in his heart for too long, and now, he finally has the opportunity to reveal the truth!

Chen Yongren raised his pistol and put the muzzle against Liu Jianming's forehead. If he could regain his identity by pulling the trigger, he would be a murderer without hesitation.

Unfortunately, things are not that simple.

The sudden appearance of Lin Guoping broke the situation originally controlled by Chen Yongren.

Lin Guoping, who was originally a policeman, pointed a gun at Chen Yongren and demanded that Liu Jianming be released.

The two confronted each other and were at a stalemate. Chen Yongren thought in his heart that the open roof was not a good place to negotiate with the police, so he decided to hold Liu Jianming downstairs.

Chen Yongren moved forward step by step, while Lin Guoping retreated step by step.

All the bosses who watched the movie, their hearts were raised again.

The tense atmosphere made everyone hold their breath.

Elder Li even scolded angrily: "Oh, this Lin Guoping is such a elm-headed man, he can't tell the good from the bad!"

Even Mr. Xu couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Han Ping beside him: "Xiao Han, Chen Yongren should be fine in the end?"

Han Ping: "..."

His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to answer, which would make the old leader feel better.

But before he could figure out how to answer.


A gunshot rang out, and evil bullets flew into Chen Yongren's eyebrows.

He twitched and fell down in despair.

Opening and closing the elevator door, bumping against the fallen hero, Chen Yongren finally ended his journey of infernal affairs...

The bosses in the audience were dumbfounded.

The picture seemed to freeze.

Except for the sound of the movie, the audience was silent.

Han Ping buried his head, not even daring to look at the faces of the big shots...

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