With the popularity of "Infernal Affairs", Lin Feng's popularity has been pushed to the peak.

However, facing the turmoil on the Internet, Lin Feng did not pay attention to so much, but chose to come to Guichuan.

Here, away from the hustle and bustle, Lin Feng empties himself and being with his classmates can be regarded as a vacation for himself.

Moreover, he also needs to discuss with Principal Zhang and the others about the next charity issue.

The box office of "Infernal Affairs" has reached 3 billion, but the growth rate of the box office has slowed down.

But the box office of 3 billion is scary enough.

You know, the investment of this film is only more than 60 million, and it costs almost no money to announce it, but it has won more than 3 billion at the box office.

Generally, high-grossing movies are basically the types that audiences love to see, such as big scenes, comedies, and popcorn. They all have one characteristic, family fun, low threshold, and wide audience.

And it is a miracle that a police film with depth, mind-burning, and no big scenes can achieve this result.

Lin Feng did some calculations, excluding taxes, the dividends to the theaters, the dividends from several investors, and the dividends from the actors, he still has about 1.5 billion yuan in his hands.

What is the concept of 1.5 billion?

Even if your annual salary is one million, you have to work for fifteen hundred years.

That is to say, you travel back to the time of Li Shimin in the Tang Dynasty. From then on, the annual salary is one million, and you can only earn that much money until now.

So this money is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, this is just the beginning for Lin Feng.

Therefore, it is not without reason that countless people are looking for Lin Feng, a cash cow.

In the office.

Lin Feng is asking Principal Zhang about the situation of the school.

Now the whole school, with enough financial support from Lin Feng, has basically completed everything that can be improved, including teaching buildings, school buildings, and food.

Hall, library, activity venue, playground, everything is available.

The teachers also have their own dormitories, and the salary is much higher. More and more teachers are willing to stay.

And Principal Zhang finally has his own independent office.

The school has now started an enrollment expansion plan, and more and more impoverished girls can continue to go to school...

Principal Zhang smiled a lot as he spoke.

"Now that the free girls' high school is becoming more and more famous, many impoverished girls from other places come to seek help. Some of them are too far away, and my family members are not at ease. I am also powerless!"

"Also, the school only targets poor girls, and there is no way to help many poor boys!"

Lin Feng nodded, expressing his understanding.

Later, Lin Feng said: "Principal Zhang, I want to build more free high schools, not just for girls, but for all poor students. What do you think?"

"Of course!"

Principal Zhang replied subconsciously, but soon frowned again: "But that requires a lot of money!"

"Money is not a problem." Lin Feng replied flatly.

Principal Zhang thought for a while and asked, "Mr. Xiaolin, can I ask, how much do you plan to invest this time?"

"Well, about a billion or so!"


Principal Zhang's face changed in shock, the muscles on both cheeks drooped loosely, and his mouth almost looked like a small round hole.

For a while.

Principal Zhang stared at his eyes and said, "A billion or so? Teacher Xiao Lin, are you serious?"

Lin Feng nodded.

150 million, 10% deducted as funds for business development, that is, 150 million, indeed there are still more than a billion.

Principal Zhang knew that Lin Feng was not joking.

But she really couldn't imagine that Lin Feng would spend so much money.

She didn't even dare to think about the five million yuan of Fei Girls' High School, let alone more than one billion now?

"Mr. Xiaolin, there is too much money!"

Principal Zhang calmed down and said, "I don't have the ability to handle that much money. I think it might be better for you to find the Charity Federation of Guichuan Province."


Lin Feng nodded, he thought so too...


Kyoto, Fa-rectification headquarters.

Han Ping reported Lin Feng's whereabouts to Mr. Xu.

"Old Xu, I don't know when Lin Feng will come back, or if he wants to..."

"don't want!"

Elder Xu directly raised his hand to interrupt Han Ping's words. Biqu library

He pondered for a moment.

Elder Xu said leisurely: "Wouldn't he be doing charity again when he went there?"


Han Ping nodded suddenly.

Old Xu said: "Don't disturb him, don't interfere with him, understand? Let him come to see me when he has time later!"


"By the way, how are the preparations for the anti-corruption drama going?"

"The project has already started!"

"Tell me when the project is approved!"


Han Ping nodded.

He can probably guess what the old man meant, because now that the anti-criminal drama has been filmed, they are planning to shoot an anti-corruption drama. It seems that the old man intends to hand it over to Lin Feng to film...


Jiaxing Media Headquarters.

Assistant Xiao Sa hurried into Yang Dami's office.

"Boss, someone arranges for you!"

As she spoke, she handed the phone to Dami Yang to watch the news.

I saw someone broke the news on the Internet, it was a surveillance video, and the background was Lin Feng's old community.

In the video, it is late at night, and Yang Dami is helping Lin Feng to his rental house.

It is accompanied by text: According to the reporter's investigation, Yang Dami once held Lin Feng's hand late at night, and the two went back to Lin Feng's old rental house in the suburbs of Beijing together, suspected to be living together.

Seeing this, Yang Dami's face turned black...

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