In the early morning, the sun is abundant in Los Santos, shining directly into Xu Can's bedroom through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the mansion.

Xu Can woke up in a daze, only to feel that his nostrils were very itchy, he reached out and dialed it, intending to continue sleeping.

It's so sleepy!

As a result, within a few seconds, ~ the nostrils began to itch again.

There were still people in their ears who forced laughter, and their bodies kept shaking.

Xu Can was already awake at this time, deliberately closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, and waited for the person to keep getting closer, and then suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed her slender wrist!


Mildew was teasing Xu Can with the tips of her golden hair, and she was startled when she was suddenly caught red-handed.

"You're not asleep......"

"You woke me up, you said what to do. Xu Can feigned anger.

"Okay, okay, I'm not going to tease you, keep sleeping. "

The mildew was just about to get out of bed and escape, but Xu Can turned over and pressed and was captured on the spot.

Just kidding, can you get away with me Spider-Man?

"Hold-on, I haven't brushed my teeth yet...... Well. "

Xu Can possessed him, Mildew had been banned by him, since she was woken up by her, she must be punished as she deserved.

There are singers who can't sing ten beats E6 on the five stages,

Mildew was easily realized in Xu Can's bedroom, listening to it tactfully, and the attack speed was full, as natural as her songs.


Xu Can was busy in the kitchen last night before he had time to clean up, and he didn't bother to wash the dishes early in the morning.

Start by toasting bread with a new frying egg, frying two eggs, and having a loving breakfast with over-consumed mold.

After that, the kitchen is cleaned up by the little Latin American babysitter.

"Husband, you're really bad...... I had made an appointment to shoot an advertisement today, but I guess I won't be able to move. "

"Then rest at home for the day...... Wait, what do you call me?"

Xu Can almost choked on breakfast.

"Husband, I checked later, this word means husband... We're not married, you're so wicked!Evi1!"

However, the small fist hammered on Xu Can's shoulder, and he was caught by his backhand on his slender wrist.

"Then you still call me that. "

"I don't know why, but it feels very smooth. "

"Then you call me a few more times......"

"I don't!" Mildew quickly diverted the subject, "Aren't you going to a meeting today? "

Xu Can looked at the time and really wanted to go to the company.

In addition to the finalization of "Iron Man", there are also many movie project discussions, such as Xu Can's upcoming "La La Land".

If there were no such things, Xu Can would have to carry Mildew into the bedroom and continue the activities just now.

"Can I stay at your house and rest? It's all your fault, I'm tired. "

"Of course, you call me husband, and you are also the mistress here. "

With Xu Can's words, Mildew couldn't help but be overjoyed, and took the initiative to step forward and put some water on Xu Can's mouth.

"Can I eat the dishes you made yesterday? The potatoes and brisket are so delicious. "

"Look at your performance. "

Mildew stepped forward and hugged Xu Can again, and he had a meal.

Since yesterday night, after her seal was lifted, she has taken the initiative to be a lot more enthusiastic.

Xu Can almost couldn't hold back again, so he carried her princess to the bedroom and lay down, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and turned to leave.

If you don't leave, you can't leave.

After Xu Can closed the door, Taylor Swift looked at the ceiling thoughtfully.


"Now that the trailer has been produced and the grading PG13 is reviewed, it is planned to be finalized in the second week of January. "

"No problem, what about the rest of the world?"

"It's been scheduled, and it can be premiered simultaneously around the world. "

Xu Can nodded with satisfaction.

"The Dark Knight" is far away in Huaxia review, and some of the content in it is a bit sensitive, Xu Can suggested resolutely not to cut it, so it is necessary to carry out some public relations.

"Iron Man" is not a big problem, it was approved in seconds, and the contract was signed with China Film.

Finally, a movie can be released simultaneously around the world!

There is still a month to go, and the trailer and offline advertising in the early stage of the movie have been laid.

When "The Dark Knight" was released, the "Iron Man" poster could already be seen on the streets everywhere.

and released several 30-second pilot teasers, which created some heat on the Internet.

Now that the final trailer is about to be released, the turmoil of The Dark Knight has not subsided, and Iron Man is already waiting for its release!

Xu Can's movie offensive is wave after wave, not giving fans any respite at all!


The aftermath of the controversy between The Dark Knight and the old version of Batman has not subsided.

In fact, the "battle between the old and the new clowns" has reached a consensus in North America and the world.

The old version of the clown is very classic, and Xu Can's new version of the clown has created an image that has left a name in film history, and it is faintly higher in the hearts of more people.

It's almost the difference between A+S grades.

But there are still some hard-mouthed bars who haven't watched "The Dark Knight", so they casually belittle Xu Can's performance.

As a veteran American comic fan and Xu Can fan, Dr. Sheldon from Caltech can't bear it at all.

Arguing with others for hundreds of floors in the forum was not enough to relieve his anger, he simply shot his own video to reply to those stubborn guys.

Unexpectedly, Sheldon's reply video became popular and received tens of millions of views on YouTube.

His somewhat dull image, as well as his sour, sharp but unusually rigorous diction,

It simply spoke to the hearts of Xu Can's fans, and stunned the stubborn doubters into speechlessness, announcing that Xu Can's version of the clown had won a big victory.

Sheldon tasted the sweetness and planned to start a video column to review the live-action version of the American comic movie.

He was recording a video in his apartment when Leonard on the other side interrupted his recording by yelling.

"Excuse-me, it's time for me to record the video, you should have been outside the room for 30 minutes. "

"Leave that alone, look at this!"

Leonard excitedly clicked on a video, which is the final trailer for Iron Man!

It has just been released on YouTube with 5 points, and it has already exceeded one million views!

Sheldon's eyes straightened when he saw it......


【Produced by Galaxy Pictures】

【Marvel Entertainment】

【Columbia Pictures Distribution】

Click, click......

The drumbeat of the classic track "Back-in-black" by the legendary hardcore rock band AC/DC opens with a beat,

With the restless and passionate melody,

On the vast Gobi Desert, a team of military Humvees is galloping.

Playboy Tony Stark sits in a Hummer with a glass of bourbon in his hand.

"Are you all not allowed to speak?"

"Is it better to be respected or to be feared?"

The high-tech missile was launched, disintegrating into countless warheads in the air, forming a terrifying explosion in front of the mountain, and the shock wave almost overturned the soldiers.

"I want them all. "

"For the sake of peace......


Tony Stark was overturned by the explosion, and his whole body was dying, and he was captured by the enemy and put in a cave.

"Tony Stark, you're my dog. "



In the cave, Tony Stark picks up a sledgehammer and strikes the metal.

At this point, Leonard and Sheldon in front of the screen didn't know what the sound of striking metal meant.

"Stark, what do you want to build?"


Mark1's original Warframe breaks out like a beast and goes on a killing spree!


"Welcome home, Mr. Stark. "

"I'm sober, I'm going to protect people. "

Stark puts on a mask, and the steel glove in his hand shoots lasers!


"There is a group of iron warriors, enough to level Asia. "

In the lab, Tony Stark's armor gradually improved.

"yes, I can fly. "

Seeing this, Sheldon couldn't hold back any longer, squeezed Leonard out of his chair, sat down by himself, and stared at the screen.

The original rock music has been replaced by more violent and boiling metal music!

With a blood-pumping melody,

The silver-white Mark2 armor soars into the sky from the garage!

"Yeeeeh-huh!!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The armor ran out of power and quickly fell, smashing through the roof of a building and smashing a limited-edition supercar.

【January Tribute!】

"Sir, the upgrade is complete. "

"Give me some cool red. "[]

The familiar image of Iron Man appeared in front of the two, and both Sheldon and Leonard jumped to their feet excitedly!

Is this Xu Can's strength?

Since "Spider-Man", he has gradually brought those classic images to the screen, and now it is Iron Man's turn!

Will there be Marvel's American team, Hulk, and Thor in the future?

Can DC's Flash also be arranged?

Can scenes that were once only imagined by comics and shoddy animation finally be seen on the big screen of movie theaters?

It's exciting to think about!

In the picture, dazzling and fast editing,

Those seemingly exciting scenes are itching!

[Heroes, not born]

[Heroes are created]

"Some people suspect that I have something to do with the recent superhero incident, and I am not the hero you imagined......"



[January 11, 2008]

[Shocking release!]


The "Iron Man" trailer, as always, made huge waves on the Internet,

Judging from the trailer alone, it is another fast-paced live-action comic film,

Although he is not starring Xu Can, as a director, he also makes fans feel extremely relieved.

"Xu Can's product must be a high-quality product"

This statement is being verified over and over again!

Fans have fallen into a brainless carnival at this time, and the Hollywood industry is also shocked by Xu Can's new film.

The trailer only shows the tip of the iceberg, but the texture of Iron Man and the special effects of the film surprise them.

"Wait, you tell me, this is made by a start-up special effects team?"

"Boss, they have poached a lot of people from Industrial Light & Magic and Western Digital, and some of our team members have left......"


"This ...... Who would have thought?"

At Disney headquarters, the angry president is taking down his subordinates.

Paramount and Fox were also in a meeting at this time to study Xu Can's new film.

Especially Paramount, they have just launched a mecha masterpiece "Transformers" that detonated the market,

I didn't expect another mecha special effects blockbuster to be released!

Regardless of the story and performance, in terms of special effects and action scenes, Xu Can's "Iron Man" is no weaker than "Transformers"!

"Don't worry for the time being, this is just Marvel's second-tier superheroes, and most of their popular characters are out there. "

Paramount CEO Brian Robbins said proudly.

"However, the director is Xu Can!" Someone already sensed the threat.

"He's the director, he's laughing to death, a hairy boy, he doesn't learn to run and wants to fly?"

Brian Robbins disagreed.

"I'm really worried if he starring. But if he directs it, and adds an addict starring him, the movie will definitely be over. "

In January, it was their new sci-fi film, The Clover's Files, that competed with "Iron Man".

It stands to reason that one is a superhero movie and the other is a thriller pseudo-documentary sci-fi, and the audiences of the two do not conflict with each other.

However, the January market is not a summer file, and it is a relatively unpopular schedule.

At this time, only one movie can dominate the group, and the box office of other movies may be affected.

The two have formed a competitive relationship.

Whoever kills the deer depends on the quality of their respective films!


"I've done my tap dancing, when are we going to do it together?"

Galaxy Entertainment, dance studio.

Emma Stone captures Xu Can, who is trying to escape.

"Before the movie starts, as long as Iron Man is released and the messy entertainment is dealt with, we can start filming. "

"And what about your movements? Can you jump?"

"Of course, I learned it when I was a kid. "

"Excuse me...... I thought you wouldn't. "

Emma Stone lowered her head in embarrassment, but Xu Can picked up her smooth face and aimed at her red lips.

Two hours ago, he had kissed the blonde girl at home, and now he had transferred the kiss to the red-haired girl in front of him.

Xu Can has become accustomed to this ability to seamlessly switch feelings.

No matter who you are facing, you can achieve 100% investment.

"I'll be sure to show you what I'm capable of. "

Xu Can whispered in Emma Stone's ear.

What he means is that even if he didn't learn to dance, when the time comes, he can use the golden finger to activate the soul fusion of the male protagonist of the movie, and he can naturally master the dance moves perfectly.

As a result, in Sister Shi's ears, Xu Can was not serious again.

"Hate ......"


The "Iron Man" trailer was released for some time, and 2007 had come to an end.

In the blink of an eye, 2008 has come, and this is Xu Can's second year in this parallel world.

In less than two years, everything has changed dramatically.

He is on an unknown and crazy path, all the way north!

On Chinese New Year's Eve, Xu Can became a master of time management.

After eating with Emma Stone, Forefoot drove to a secluded clearing behind the restaurant to jungle.

After sending Sister Shi back to her apartment, she took Taylor Swift to eat a French meal at the same restaurant.

Fortunately, Xu Can booked a private box and used his money to buy off the waiter.

Otherwise, this news will definitely cause an uproar in the European and American entertainment circles!

In fact, there are a lot of Xu Can's scandals now, flying like snowflakes.

One moment he and Emma Stone held hands on the street, and the next he had a private country music diva in a restaurant.

Some also said that he was ambiguous with Avril and had an intimate relationship with Emma Roberts.

Xu Can in the front admitted, but the back is a bit nonsense.

added Avril Lavigne's friend, and the two just had a meal once,

Xu Can wanted to include her under his own banner and sign a contract with Galaxy Music. The two European and American divas are in charge, and Galaxy Music can also develop better and give the company a blood transfusion.

It's a pity that after Avril got married, she didn't have such a strong sense of professionalism, and she gradually had the idea of retiring from the music scene.

Xu Can is not a thief, he is not very interested in married women, and it is useless for Avril to look good.

The two just agreed that Avril could contact him at any time if she changed her mind, and Galaxy Music always had Avril's place.

As for Emma Roberts, she and Xu Can just met as friends.

It's been a long time since I've seen each other catch up on the old days, it's normal!

Emma Roberts likes to hold Xu Can's arm, which is normal, right......

Fortunately, Xu Can had too many scandals, so much so that they were automatically filtered by fans and treated as rumors.

Knock Spider-Man Gwen cp as always,

Knock mildew Xu Can SNL variety show cp, also knocked very happy,

The two groups of people's well water do not interfere with the river water, but this is a scene that Xu Can can't imagine.

However, on most occasions, Xu Can's official CP is still Emma Stone,

Spider-Man's influence is so great that everyone is used to the pair.

On the day of the 65th North American Golden Globe Awards, it was Emma Stone as Xu Can's partner, and the two appeared on the red carpet hand in hand.

Taylor Swift had nothing to do with the film industry at this time, so he could only sit in front of the apartment TV angrily, pouting and looking at the two on the screen.

"Hmph, why did even the potato chips turn sour?"

Xu Can was nominated for this year's Golden Globe Awards for his miraculous performance in "Batman: The Dark Knight".

Although Mildew watched it very hard, she still didn't turn off the TV.

She wanted to witness the moment when Xu Can lifted the Golden Globe trophy for the first time.

Even if it's not an Oscar, this is Xu Can's first trophy!

It is the beginning of a saga nine!.

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