“I made up, I made up, I made up? Really false, Su Han and Yang Mi are together?”

“I can’t imagine, I really can’t imagine that they are actually together? My God, it’s definitely.”

“What?! Su Han and Yang Mi are together ????”

“So, it was true that Su Han was really true?”

“??? I was shocked, really, this matter is probably the most shocked by me today.”

“Da Mi, Da Mi Mi is with Su Han?! Ah, unacceptable!”

“Why can’t you accept it? I think men and women are good.”


Su Han and Yang Mi’s public relationship is now uploaded on the Internet.

At the end of Jiba, when I suddenly received the wind, the whole person was dumbfounded.


“what’s the situation?”

“How can Sister Mi and Brother Su Han …”

“Impossible, definitely fake.”

Reba was originally not believed at all, but when she saw the video content, the whole person was dumbfounded.

Watching this video stupidly for several minutes.

“I’m doing? Sister Mi and Brother Su Han really?”

“What’s the matter with this?”

“They still hidden from me and talked about it?”

Reba was embarrassed and had no intention of working.

At this time, Yang Chaoyue, who was busy working, was very surprised when he saw the news.

The fingertips of the phone paused slightly, and after a while before returning to God.

The first time he sent WeChat to Su Han.

After this wave of publicity, Yang Mi and Su Han also caused a lot of stars in the circle.

The agent of Yang Mi was stupid.

Speaking of Yang Mi, Zeng Jia is indeed her agent.

In the early days, Yang Mi was indeed brought by Zeng Jia. In the past, Yang Mi was also taken care of by Zeng Jia, and Zeng Jia was managed.

But then Yang Mi himself was slightly independent after he was strong and came by himself.

Although Yang Mi now comes by herself, Zeng Jia is still her agent anymore.

After all, she hasn’t left Jiaxing yet.

When Zeng Jia saw such a message, he was dumbfounded.

Don’t say a word, give Yang Mi a phone call.

Yang Mi, who was lying in the villa at home, waited for Zeng Jia’s phone.

“The trouble is finally here.”

She stood up and looked at Su Han.

“Zeng Jia?”

She nodded and connected to the phone.


“What’s wrong?”

“What do you mean with Su Han?”

“Even if you sign him, you still have to disclose the relationship between the couple with him now. If I don’t guess it is wrong, you should be a couple contract?”

“You don’t tell me such a big thing, you are really.”

“Yang Mi, Yang Mi, you really have hard wings, are you flying?”

Zeng Jia finally couldn’t help it, and said such a sentence directly.

“Now my business is already taking care of myself, you don’t need to care about you.”

“What does it mean I don’t need to control it?”

“Even if you are a shareholder of Jiaxing, no matter how you say, you are also Jiaxing’s artist.”

“As an artist, you should keep your duty in peace, and you should not mess up.”

“You finally got to this position today.”

“This position created by Xin Xin for many years is just like this for a man, are you worth it?”

Zeng Jia was also a little angry, and yelled out of this gap.

Yang Mi stopped talking, she also knew that the way she dealt with this time was a bit extreme.

But at this time, this method can only be said to be a perfect strategy.

She knew that Zeng Jiaqi headed, and it was useless to say more to her.

So she simply put her mobile phone aside and simply let Zengjia go away after her temper.


According to her expectations, Zeng Jia did lose his temper, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi finally relieved.

“How about it?”

“Well, it’s okay. Zeng Jia just like that.”

“Anyway, I don’t care now.”

“No matter how bad, when you leave in two years, I just run the way by the way.”


Su Han also glanced at Yang Mi in surprise.

He didn’t expect Yang Mi to want to run.

But if you think about it, Jiaxing is really not good for her.

In the early years, Yang Mi also signed a gambling agreement with Jiaxing. In those years, she has been working hard to work hard for Jiaxing.

Even if you are about to be sick, you are still working, and you are still working.

There was no greeting in Zeng Jia.

This is the case in the entertainment industry. Only interests, she has seen it for a long time.

I really want to find a chance to leave Jiaxing.

“Oh! Don’t worry, you can get through their resources first, let’s talk about it.”

“Go now, it’s too bad.”

This is indeed the case.

Now, huge liquidated damages are not worth it.

At least she was not ready.

“It’s smooth, and the effect we plan to get really work slowly.”

“After two days is the press conference of” No Thieves in the World “, right?”


“Wait, then.”

… …

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