On the subway, Su Han smiled wildly.

The crazy laughter was like a lunatic.

He couldn’t stop laughing because of neurological disorders.

Three hugs humming the song and walked towards him.

He asked him why he laughed. Su Hangang wanted to answer, but was snatched his backpack by the other party.

One of them hugged him from behind and kept him from letting him offensive.

His resistance was ineffective, and was finally swept on his face by a junior punch.

With a slam, he fell directly to the ground.

“Don’t get up, blame your will!”

The harsh scolding echoed in his ears, and the three were surrounded by the three stunies, and he began to punch and kick him.

The subway is moving quickly, and the lights flash back and forth.

At this moment, Su Han felt it, such as a purgatory world.

This depressed atmosphere made him breathless.

The three of them fists his feet, and his body was painful.

But he seemed to be paralyzed directly on the ground, and he couldn’t get up.

Weakness, cowardly, aggrieved.

After enduring it for so long, the emotions that had accumulated in the depths of the long -term backlog burst out.

He touched the gun from his pocket and pointed at the three bruises.




In the flickering ground tunnel, with the sound of three guns, two of them were beaten to the ground.

The tip of the nose is filled with strong blood.

One of the little stunies who was hit quickly escaped, and he quickly caught up.

Little murmured running madly while yelling.

At this time, Su Han was completely out of control.

After suppressing a long mood, all must be ignited at this moment.

These garbage must die!

He has always had this idea in his heart, and he kept repeating this idea.

He rushed out desperately and could feel a large sweat bead on his forehead, and his heart jumped.

The whole person seemed to be crazy, chasing it crazy.

“Bang Bang!”

The sound of gunfire ended abruptly.

The last little gangster fell in a pool of blood and died.


When simulating it here, Su Han stopped in time.

Out from the simulation world.

“Huhuhu ~”

When he woke up, he was breathless and exhausted, as if he really experienced a person’s life.

The main thing is that this is too depressed. Su Han feels that he is about to breathe, and finally decides to come out from the simulation world.

I go, this world is too depressed, no.

I can’t stay for a long time. If I have stayed for a long time, the whole person can’t get out.

The clown’s stamina is indeed too great. Even after Su Han came out of the simulation world, he still felt the feeling of depression and depression, which was too strong.

That night, after Su Han’s simulation was over, he rested as soon as possible.

When I got up the next day and went downstairs, Yang Mi was always ate breakfast in the living room as usual, and watched the news.

“Breakfast is ready, eat it quickly.”

“Today we have an event to attend.”

“Huh? What activities?”


“Late media to interview, after all, all three films have your participation. Soon after it is released, it is also time to make a wave.”


Su Han ate breakfast simply. Under the minimalist match of clothing artists, she went out to the interview with Yang Mi.

At this time, countless journalists and friends at the scene arrived.

At the time of point.

Su Han and Yang Mi came to the scene.

Su Han’s neat gray suit, Yang Mi stepped on black high -heeled shoes, a black long skirt, holding Su Han’s wrist, and the two came to power together.

When they came to power, they were very loving, and the cameras in the reporters accurately clicked them.

Captive, deeply sighed.

“Su Han and Yang Mi are really good.”

“Lang Cai’s female appearance is really good.”

“I am envious of Su Han, and can actually hook up with a girlfriend like Yang Mi.”

“This is estimated to be envious of the people across the country.”

“Su Han is also good, Su Han is so excellent. It is a potential stock. I think Yang Mi and Su Han are in the same place.

This pair of Langcai women’s appearance is quite eye -catching, making people look like.

Everyone went up and held the microphone, and the camera rushed to Su Han and Yang Mi.

Reporter 1: “The three movies recently released have Su Han, and each movie is played by the villain. I am curious. If you have a decent to find you, will you play?”

“Yes, I am all the villains in these movies now. I, I currently plan to go to the villain to go to the villain. As for the decent, there is no idea for the time being.”

Reporter 2: “Among these three movies, your acting skills are particularly outstanding. Do you think you will have the opportunity to go towards the film emperor in the future?”

Hearing this problem, Su Han smiled: “Isn’t the film emperor say that even if I said, can I be a film emperor, this still wants to look at the comments above? If I can have the opportunity to become a leader, maybe I will be very determined to be very determinedSay you can be a film emperor. ”

Although Su Han is very confident, it is not necessary to say that this idea knows it.

Reporter 3: “At present, it seems that the relationship between the two is quite good, especially loving. I want to know when the two are going to get married?”

The question of the last reporter directly asked Yang Mi and Su Han.

… …

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