Philips couldn’t help but sigh with Yang Mi.

“His acting skills are really good.”

“He has always been a group performance before?”


“He is really talented, talented talents, natural actors.”

“I’m glad you can discover him. If no one finds him, such a piece of gold will be wasted.”

Philips came up to exaggerate Su Han.

It is conceivable that it must be because Su Han’s acting skills are really very good. Philips is very satisfied, so he praises Su Han so hard.

Su Han was indeed very good and swept it at a glance.

Most of the staff in the crew redd their eyes, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely depressed.

It can be seen that they were all moved by Su Han.

The experiences of the clown’s character are really worrying.

Arthur’s mother told Arthur that he was the illegitimate son of Gotham’s long -headed Wayne.(Actually not)

Because of this, Arthur went to Wayne.

Finally, he pretended to pretend to be a chance to meet in the toilet.

So the next shooting started.

Wayne was going to the toilet, Su Han walked up and stood at the door.

He kept talking in place, and did not take the initiative to speak, until Wayne asked, “Are you wrong?”

Su Han looked at Wenen, looking forward to his eyes, a little nervous, and at a loss. I don’t know how to speak.

“I do not know what to say.”

Wayne rushed to the toilet and turned to the washstand: “Do you want to sign something?”


He followed and followed Wayne to the toilet.

“My name is Arthur.”

“Fleke is my mother.”

Washing Wenene stopped and looked up at Su Han from the mirror.

“Is it you who came to my house yesterday?”

“Yes. I’m sorry, don’t ask for it.”

“I have to talk to you.”

Su Han, who was standing behind Wayne, was extremely uncomfortable, a little nervous, and was at a loss.

Now in his opinion, Wayne is his father.

That’s why he has such emotions.

“Listen, I’m not your father.”

“Oh, what’s wrong with you?”

Wayne laughed and sneered while wiping his hands.

Su Han still stared at Wayne very seriously: “I think you are.”

“That’s impossible.”

“Because you are adopted, and I have never had a relationship with your mother.”

Su Han: “I’m not adopted.”

Wayne: “What do you want, money?”

“No, no. I’m not adopted.”

“My God. Did she never tell you?”

Wayne looked at Su Han’s eyes very serious.

“tell me what?”

“Your mother has adopted you during my work.”

Su Han stared at Wayne with great determination: “This is not true.”

“Why did you say that?”

“Because she was arrested when you were still young, and were locked in Akham Hospital.”

Su Han shook his head hard: “Why do you say that? I don’t need you to lie to me, I know this is strange.”

“I’m not interested in provoking you, I don’t understand why everyone is so polite.”

“Why are you like this too, I don’t want to get anything from you.”

“Or a little warm, maybe a hug.”


“Can’t I get a little respect?”

“What is going on with you?”

“Why do you treat me so?”

“I’m completely insulting my mother’s words.”

Su Han was crazy, and he shouted all the grievances in his heart.

Staring at Wayne, scolded.

It is visible to the naked eye, his forehead is loud and almost jumps.

He couldn’t suppress himself at all.

However, in the face of such a manifestation of Su Han, Wayne stared at him very calmly.

“She is a lunatic.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Su Han started to get sick and laughed.

Laughing painful.

Wayne squinted his eyes: “Do you think this is funny?”

“Dad, it’s me.”



Wayne smashed on Su Han’s face with a punch.

He covered his nose with both hands and bowed his head.

Wayne turned away without mercy: “You touch my son again, I will kill you!”

In the end, Su Han supported the washstand and bowed his head for a long time.

Su Han’s interpretation of this wave was too praised, and everyone took a deep breath.

Low pressure throughout the process.

In the end, Arthur went to check.

Check it clearly that he is indeed adopted.

I also retrieved my memory that I have been blocked in my mind.

He was abused by his mother and adoptive father since he was a child.

This experience is his pain, and he has been reluctant to think of.

To this day, he still remembered.


This is really ridiculous.

I have always been Wayne’s illegitimate son. I did not expect that her mother was really delusional, and the final fantasy was broken.

There was no conviction at all, and the world view collapsed.

What are you doing like this?

What makes Arthur’s miserable experience in childhood?

It was the past experience that was too miserable and painful. In order to survive better, he adopted a depressed defense mechanism to let himself escape the pain from consciousness, and always seal the pain in the past forever.

But now this tragic experience is undoubtedly dug out.

The experience of being abused in childhood is also a motivation for Arthur to become anti -social personality.

… …

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