The words Xingye said at the premiere of the premiere for several days.

After the box office came out, it was sought after by countless people.

Then there are manuscripts that tout the Journey to the West.

“From being scolded to rotten movies to the supreme classic masterpiece, why can” Journey to the West “counterattack the film?”

“Journey to the West has been scolded by countless people, and now he boards the altar.”

“That mortal Supreme Treasure, for his Zixia, exhausted all his strength.”

“From bad movies to classics, why does” Journey to the West “block God?”

“Actually the structure of” Journey to the West “is a tragedy love story. This is such a tragedy. It uses a comedy method to shoot.”

“” Journey to the West “is adapted from the traditional classic masterpiece” Journey to the West “. Some people have difficulty receiving mythical characters some time ago.

“The former Sun Wukong, who once descended from the demon, and the maintenance of justice, became a monkey who deceived the ancestors and played with emotions. And the Tang monk changed from a Pudu sentient beings, and the moral monk became a chatter.”

“Guan Shiyin, who is more than 10,000 people, can actually get a show of jumping. The characters in it are all the classic characters in the Journey to the West.”

“When watching Journey to the West 1, there are indeed many bridge sections that cannot be accepted by others.”

“But after watching Journey to the West 2, I think most people have been moved by this alternative love story.”

“Who says that Sun Wukong can’t have love, who said that Sun Wukong must be good from the beginning? Those who are rebelled in the film are what we should have in our time.”

“In the original book” Journey to the West “, Sun Wukong was an unrestrained monkey. Later, he was restrained to escort the Tang monk Xitian to learn from the scriptures.”

“But does Sun Wukong really want to become a Buddha? He is unwilling!”

“At this time,” Journey to the West “appeared, which gave us this story.”

“About Sun Wukong’s fantasies, he has not eradicated the seven emotions of mortals. He will fall in love with Bai Jingjing.

“In our society today, the rhythm is too fast. People are about to forget what love is like.”

“From the time of the car and horse slow, the letter is far away, and I only love one person in my life.”

“Today we have everything, but we can’t find the original sincere love. Lost the most essential thing.”

“Sun Wukong’s reincarnation became a Supreme Treasure. He encountered Bai Jingjing five hundred years ago and encountered Zixia five hundred years later. He found a more real meaning of life on the two women, which is to protect your own love.”

“Use the moonlight treasure box to shuttle back and forth between the future and the past. I think I can change my life against the sky, but I don’t know that everything is fake.”

“Life is a circle, love and fate are doomed, and everything cannot be changed.”

“If he saves Bai Jingjing, he must meet Zixia. If Zixia is saved, he must put on a golden hoop.”

“Esseo treasure, or Sun Wukong. The fate of everyone is doomed from the beginning.”

“Although this movie is nonsense and funny, he is essentially tragedy. Maybe many people don’t understand, or many people understand it.”

“But I can’t understand it, it’s pretty good.”


After this wave of film reviews, the smallpox of “Journey to the West” fell into a new height.

Film reviewers like to interpret the most. Many times, the director did not think so much at all, but in the view of the film critics, there is a unique interpretation method, which is extraordinary.

Originally, many people who were not optimistic about the Journey to the West were watching this wave of film reviews, reputation, and videos of Xingye’s first love at the propaganda scene, and they all bought tickets.

In the theater, everyone will be moved at the end of seeing at the end, and tears moved to it.

“Journey to the West” finally succeeded.

After experiencing the setbacks of the first film and Xingye’s bankruptcy, the rise of this time undoubtedly made his career a little progress.

There are many endless praises on the Internet.

“I felt funny at first, but I smiled and burst into tears. Because if you want to save Zixia, you must defeat the cattle demon king. If you want to defeat the cattle demon king, you must become Sun Wukong. If you want to become Sun Wukong, you want to become Sun Wukong.You must forget the seven love and six desires. All this seems simple, but it is really difficult. It is difficult to turn around and put on a golden hoop. Maybe only people who understand can understand the helplessness and sorrow in it. ”

“Each paragraph needs to be tasted slowly, and each picture is very moved, and classic. What makes me most amazing is Su Han’s life love. Although I can’t see his face in this film, I have always been in my heart. I have always been in my heart.Remember to hang Su Han, I really hope that I can see a movie that can have Su Han’s face quickly, when will you make a movie again! ”

“Zixia is so beautiful, Sun Wukong is unruly and affectionate. When the ending song is loved by the whole life, it is full of regrets. Journey to the West, it’s really good.”

“The Supreme Treasure in my heart has always been there.”

“In the end, I am not Sun Wukong, nor the Supreme Treasure. I finally became the group of people under the city wall. Looking at the love of others, chewing my youth, I was emotional five hundred years ago.”

“Ten thousand years old, just love the day and night. Don’t give up love for your career. When you are old, you can only regret it. I watched the video of Xingye’s first love at the promotion of the movie.Cherish the people around you. ”

“Su Han is really too good, loves all his life, this song is too classic. It is really good to this movie.”

“So, Su Han, when can your clown be seen !!!”



Good night in advance.Looking at the zero again, the zero o’clock is more, today we must write it in advance and start working hard.Seeking all gifts, seeking all support, looking for more, and reviewing.A variety of data is here!

… …

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