“Clown” has been released for a month.

That is, in this month, the box office revenue reached 6.6 billion high box office.

“Clown” has become the most profitable movie in the history of film.

Most importantly, this film is the best film in the Venice Film Festival.

The ultra -high box office of “Clown” has also attracted the attention of many people.

Especially the crooked nuts, all of which are about the cattle criticism of this movie.

Media reporters, the news media seemed to be crazy for a while, praising the movie crazy and writing various manuscripts.

“Chinese actor Su Han and” Clown “are shortlisted for the best film in the Venice film industry. The 6.6 billion big box office is really bullish.”

“At first, it was stared at by the police, and even a movie that could not be launched. To this day, its box office reached 6.6 billion. The power of” Clown “cannot be underestimated.Not to open Su Han. ”

“The global box office exceeds 6.6 billion dark horse explosions, the word -of -mouth box office double harvest, DC cattle criticism! Chinese actor cow batch!”

Foreign media are reported.

Of course, this news is naturally indispensable for domestic reports.

Now the domestic movie “Clown” is also overwhelming.

“Douban score 9.2,” Clown “global box office exceeds 6.6 billion. This is the strength of DC. Su Han really competes for the country! Thank you!”

“The global box office exceeds 6.6 billion, and” Clown “eventually became the most profitable movie in film history. However, Su Han, as the starring star, is really very powerful, pay tribute to Su Han.”

“Investing in 600 million, the box office was 11 times,” Clown “became the most powerful man -turned movie in the history of film history. It was a bull approval. I heard that Su Han invested 300 million. This time Su Han really made a profit!”

“” Clown “box office broke 6 billion in the box office, but it was not optimistic about you before starting. Is this the existence of the king?”


There are many drafts about the clown, one by one.

The clown has won 6 billion box office this time, which is indeed very good.

That’s what such a thing has attracted a lot of attention.

However, at this moment, Su Han, who was resting at home, just received investment profits.

“** Bank, 100 billion yuan in account …”

One billion yuan.

For the first time, Su Han received so much 0 money. When he saw these money, he was called excitement.

“Fortune, get rich!”

“Boss Yang, come soon, divide the money!”

Su Han shouted happily, and he had to share money with Yang Mi.

“Yes, boss Su, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it. This is really speed to get rich.”

“Your investment is really high.”

“I feel that you will not lose where you go to invest.”

Yang Mi laughed deeply.


Su Han was still very happy.

“Come, return your money.”

Su Han said, and immediately applied Yang Mi to Yang Mi.

“Bank account, that, do it yourself.”

“Come here.”

Su Han gave Yang Mi over three billion yuan. After hitting it, she also gave her 20,000 in the past.

“These 20,000 are interest.”

“Hey, there is interest.”

“I feel that my investment is quite worthwhile. Thank you boss Su.”

“That’s yes, invest in me, will not lose.”

… …

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