“It’s been a long time, Su Han!”

“Yi Xing, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Before and after Su Han, Zhang Yixing put away some of his high emotions.

It can be considered a little bit of Yang Mi’s mood, of course, it is not exaggerated.


Yang Mi took the initiative to say hello to Zhang Yixing.

Zhang Yixing smiled, very friendly: “Hello, I’m Zhang Yixing.”

“Hello, I am Yang Mi.”

Then Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng, and Teacher He trotted up.



Teacher He shouted while running.

Teacher Huang looked at the kitchen far.

“Teacher Ho.”

Yang Mi and Teacher He hugged slightly politely.

Then Teacher He simply introduced Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng to Yang Mi.

“This is Peng Peng, this is Zifeng.”

“Peng Peng, I know, I have escaped a record of a show. I have watched her movies before Zifeng, and I like it very much.”

Yang Mi’s social etiquette is very in place, and the art of speaking makes everyone very comfortable.

“Teacher Huang is in the kitchen.”

Teacher He pointed to the kitchen direction.

After finishing the work in his hand, Mr. Huang came out.

“Su Han, your kid is finally here!”

“Teacher Huang!” Su Han smiled, and when he saw Teacher Huang, he seemed to meet his old friends.

“Teacher Huang!”

Yang Mi shouted very sweetly.

“Yang Mi, let you pick up the treasure of Su Han.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“Teacher Huang, you are not right to say that. I picked up his treasure, then he also picked up a piece of jade.”

“Langcai Girl!”

“Langcai Girl!”

“Very good!”

Netizens watched this scene and looked happy.

“Hahaha! These people are really, so I need to laugh at me.”

“This wave of business is really interesting, it is very interesting.”

“Fun, fun.”

“Su Han hasn’t seen me for a long time, it’s handsome again, oh oh.”

“I envy Da Mi, I can pick up a good man like Su Han. Although Su Han hasn’t got the film emperor this time, I don’t think it is far away.”

“Being with Yang Mi, Su Han can also be the object of envy in our nationwide men.”

Teacher He: “Haven’t you lunch yet?”


“Come on, come over for a meal.”

“Teacher Huang gave you lunch.”

Teacher He said, greeted Su Han and Yang Mi to the table at the door of the kitchen.

Peng Peng and sister and Zhang Yixing helped Teacher Huang a piece of food.

“I made fried noodles today, a bowl of noodles, a spoonful of fried sauce, stirred.”

“Su Han, can you eat more?”

“Hmm! Teacher Huang, I like to eat meat!”

“That’s so much to add meat sauce! Your kid has been back for so long, and there is no meat yet.”

Teacher Huang looked up and down Su Han, and a parent looked at Su Han’s sense of vision.

“Teacher Huang, I am not a long meat, but my meat is in the right place.”

“I have muscles.”

“Really or false? You guy can blow the most every day.”

Teacher Huang: “I don’t believe it anyway.”

“You have the ability to show show!”

Peng Peng: “I don’t believe it!”

Teacher He: “Su Han, show the chicken for them!”

Zhang Zifeng and Yang Mi couldn’t help but look back and forth, and smiled happily.

Su Han said, rolling up his sleeves, showing his muscles directly, exposing his biceps.

Originally, netizens did not expect anything, but when they really saw Su Han’s healthy muscles exposed, they were directly shocked.

Su Han’s muscles are really strong and healthy, making people look full of security.


The friends of the mushroom house were deeply shocked for a while.

Su Han’s muscles are really very healthy.

“Su Han, you are thin and thin, and you have meat.”

“Your wave is really absolutely absolute.”

Zhang Zifeng’s younger sister saw Su Han’s healthy muscles and quickly covered her face shyly.

But because I still wanted to see it very much, she secretly opened her fingertips and exposed her eyes through her fingers.

Little eyes blinked and stared at Su Han’s muscle.

At this moment, netizens were also excited.


“I can really be the muscles in Su Han.”

“Su Han was still thin when wearing clothes. Su Han, who took off her clothes, was so charming. Damn, this figure was my dream. I loved love.”

… …

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