“Wow! What new movies are you going to plan with Xingye with Xingye? Looking forward to it!”

“Wow, Su Han and Xingye are ready to join a film again?”

“In short, just look forward to it.”

Netizens in the live broadcast room are now very much looking forward to these these.

However, the friends of the mushroom house are even more looking forward to Su Han’s next chat content.

Especially Teacher He, his eyes flashed with light.

“Are you ready to start cooperation again with Xingye?”

“What movies are you going to shoot?”

“This time I am going to make a big one. This movie is very classic. If it is filmed, it will really be very good.”

The special suspense thrown from Su Han made people look forward to it.

“What is called, what is it?”

“The subject matter … comedy type, called the king of comedy.”

“The King of Comedy?”

“This name sounds very beautiful, I want to see it.”

“Let’s wait! Haven’t started shooting yet, wait for the shooting, it will be released, and then come to us again.”

“Okay, let’s wait for your movie to shoot.”

Zhang Yixing couldn’t help but come out at this time: “So before your movie was filmed, can you give us a few songs?”

Zhang Yixing blinked with a guitar and blinked, signaling him.

“Sing a song, sing one!”

Teacher He also took the lead in drinking, and everyone in the mushroom house sipped together and coaxed.

Let Su Han come to a song.


“Come, I’ll give you one song.”

Su Han is not awkward, generous.

“I’ll sing a sorrow for you.”


The friends of the mushroom house were instantly excited, applauding and applauding.

Everyone prepared a small bench, sitting around Su Han, sitting in a circle.

Su Han hugged the guitar and sat on the high stool with Erlang’s legs, and the long fingertips moved back and forth on the strings.

The sound of piano sounds flowing out of the fingertips, which is soothing.

Everyone stared at Su Han seriously. At this moment, Su Han was particularly appropriate, close to the sea in front of him, and was very comfortable.

“When you walk into this happy field, carry all the dreams and thoughts on your back.”

Su Han kneeled and opened his eyes directly, and he couldn’t help closing his eyes directly. As the rhythm of the music shook his head slightly and enjoyed it.

“No one remembers your appearance on all kinds of makeup on all colors.”

“Three patrols have been in the corner, singing the bitter song stubbornly.”

“Listening to him was flooded in the hustle and bustle, you picked up the wine glass and said to yourself.”

“A cup of respectful to the sun, a cup of honor.”

“Wake up my longing, gentle cold windows.”

“So you can fly back against the wind, not afraid of rain, and frosty eyes.”

There is a sadness in Su Han’s singing that seems to be unable to say, and it feels like a story.

“A cup of hometown, a cup of respect.”

“Keep my kindness, urge me to grow up.”

“So the north -south road is no longer long, and the soul no longer has nowhere to place it ~”

I thought that Mao’s singing this song was already the best configuration, but after Su Hanyin sang, it could make people feel the charm of this song.

This song seems to be creating him, full of story.

The little friends of the mushroom house were all tears, and one or two were moved by Su Han.

“A glass of respect tomorrow, a cup of respect.”

“Support my body, heavy shoulders.”

“Although I never believe that the so -called mountain is high and long.”

“Why don’t you forget your life?”

“A cup of freedom, a cup of respect.”

“Forgive my ordinary, dispels confusion.”

“Okay, always leave the field after dawn, the sober people are the most ridiculous ~”

“Okay, always leave the field after dawn, the sober people are the most ridiculous ~~”

Qinyin finally faded …

Everyone is immersed in a faint sadness.

The netizens in the live broadcast room stopped for two minutes. The moment Su Han finished singing, everyone seemed to be crazy, as if it was a Mustang who was off and released the barrage crazy.


“Woohoo, so crying so well, the cow is still batch of Su Hanniu.”

“Su Han, I love you!”

“Singing and crying, but it’s okay. I only cried once when I heard this song. The first time I listened to Mao’s unjust singing, the second cried was because I heard Su Han sing.”

“Su Han really has a sense of story. It is really a waste of talent to be a singer.”

… …

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