No one thought why Su Han suddenly lost his temper.

This temper came a little suddenly, and one or two of the netizens looked a little aggressive.

Especially at the scene, Teacher Huang and Zhang Yixing, the two of them were stunned in place directly and were stupid.

Teacher He in the kitchen also realized this and ran up quickly.

“What happened?”

“what happened?”

Teacher Huang whispered to Teacher He.

“I don’t know, this stinky boy was suddenly angry, and I didn’t know what was going on. I guess I provoked him?”

“You persuade him, I’m afraid of me, he will beat me later.”

Zhang Yixing looked at Su Han and shivered.

Still appease Su Han: “It’s okay?”

“Brother Su Han, don’t be angry.”

Teacher He stepped forward, got in front of Su Han, and whispered, “What’s wrong? Where is the unhappy?”

Netizens are also very confused when they see this scene.

“I made up, what is the situation in Su Han? Why was suddenly so angry?”

“Mom, what’s wrong with Su Han?”

“What happened? I don’t quite understand what happened.”

“What’s wrong with Su Han?”

Just when everyone was very puzzled, when he was very curious why Su Han had a temper, Su Han couldn’t help but endure.


“Ha ha ha ha!”

He suddenly laughed back and back, and netizens were stunned.

Teacher He, Mr. Huang, and Zhang Yixing looked at him in the same place, and did not understand.

“You are …”

“I tease you!”

“Look at you, hahahaha.”

Zhang Yixing, Teacher He, and Teacher Huang looked at each other, and looked at Su Han slightly.

“You guy, really!”

“Su Han, you are really bad, so bad!”

Su Hanle, who succeeded, had a batch.

“Hahahaha, Teacher Huang, are you scared?”

Teacher Huang rubbing the goosebumps of his arms: “To be honest, I was really scared.”

“You still give me the acting skills, it’s really too much.”

Zhang Yixing slowed down, and Su Han really scared him.

“Huhu, almost scared me to death.”

“I still thought about what was happening, why did Su Han brother suddenly get angry?”

“Brother Su Han, your acting skills are really amazing.”

Netizens can ease it here.

“It turns out that Su Han is acting, mom, I still want to say how he suddenly became crazy.”

“It’s really scared me just now.”

“Hahahaha, this man is really terrible. At this time, there is no one who performs skills, and there is no one.”

“Su Han, you are so absolutely !!!”

“This acting skills are so good, I really was scared by him just now.”

“I was shocked, I panicked.”

Su Han smiled and waved his hands.

“it’s okay no problem.”

“I am teasing you to play, see you panic.”

“No, no.”

“You are leaving today.”

Su Han nodded: “Well, I’m gone today. Old Huang, how do you want to pit me?”

“Why did I pit you?”

“Am I like the bad uncle who can pit people?”

“Teacher Huang, don’t say it, it’s really like it.”

A glutinous voice came from upstairs, and they looked at them.

A pair of big long legs came into view, so that netizens couldn’t help swallowing.

“Damn, the long legs are so thin.”

“Yeah, there is no fat, it is really beautiful.”

“It’s love anyway.”

Teacher He looked up.

“Honey, wake up?”

“Well, Teacher He. Early.”

“Teacher Huang, early.”

“You are going back today, otherwise, you can see if you can have the opportunity to let Su Han stay here.”

“Let him be our resident guest!”

“Many netizens like Su Han.”

“You are all the last issue, so I told me that I was looking for me as a resident?”

“Teacher He, do you tease me?”


“I’m going to laugh.”

“I really want to laugh at the place.”

Su Han suddenly remembered something, and drank Teacher He.

“Hey, how about playing a game later?”

“what game?”

“I will scare Peng Peng and my sister later!”

“Do you perform skills?”


Speaking time and then fast, his words had just fallen, Peng Peng came out of the room …

… …

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