After returning, Su Han was about to work on the movie.

After a while, the king of comedy is about to start.

Then the most important thing now is to get things about your role first.

Su Han also simulated in the role of the crow in the crow.

You should find a chance to find the film to talk about the role.

It is just that because of the strong side of Xiangjiang, many people in Xiangjiang did not dare to offend Qi Qiang, so they did not dare to find Su Han to perform.

Even if he knew that Su Han played the drama, no one dared to move.

However, Su Han did not rush to shoot during this time.

He also wanted to invest in the movie during this time, or filmed the king of comedy first with Xingye.

In half a month, Xingye also used this time to find an actor and a cooperative crew.

Actors, all the crews were done.

Xingye called Su Han with a phone call and shouted Su Han to go to the studio a show.

As an investment father, Su Han was also invited to the booting ceremony of the comedy king.

Many media reporters gathered at the start of the comedy king.

These reporters gathered here for several reasons.

One is to conflict with Xiangqiang and Xingye, which is a hot spot.

The other is that this movie has Su Han’s investment, and Su Han is investing in his father.

Third, Xingye’s self -directed film.

This is several reasons that have made many media reporters very curious about the movie of the King of Comedy.

The booting ceremony was first cutting the ribbon, worshiping God, and then the media reporters interviewed, and they answered the interviews with media journalists.

It is also this session interviewed by media journalists.

Su Han and Xingye stood one by one.

Faced with the cameras in the hands of countless media on the stage, clicked, the flash flickered back and forth on them, alternating.

They also prepared a lot of questions, waiting for Su Han and Xingye to answer.

Reporter 1: “Mr. Su Han, hello. I heard that you have also invested in the movie of Xingye this time. Between Mr. Xiang Qiang and Xingye, why do you choose to stand on Xingye.What about it? ”

Reporter 2: “Mr. Su Han, I heard that after choosing to stand on the stars, you will make trouble with Mr. Xiang Qiang. Then because of this incident, many movies in Xiangjiang have not found you.Is it trouble for you? ”

Reporter 3: “Xingye, for the matter of you and Xiang Qiang, hearing to Qiang Qiang said that you stole the drinks of their house that day.

Reporter 4: “I heard that this movie is a comedy. Is the two investors confident that the film can sell the box office?”

Reporter 5: “Mr. Su Han. I heard that you have made a lot of money in the clown before, and have a very good investment. This time you invested in Xingye’s movie. Did you fancy the prospect of this movie? According to youGuess, do you think the box office of this movie will be sold big? ”


After Xingye and Su Han were in the same frame, the reporters seemed to catch the hotspots of the entertainment industry, and they caught them with a strong question.

And it can be seen that the reporters present were particularly curious about Su Han.

Because most of the questions they ask are for Su Han.

Su Han is also very calm in the face of these problems. He has answers every question.

At this moment, Su Han standing in front of the camera seems to be more idle than that he has just entered the entertainment industry.

The whole person is even more breath.

He coughed lightly first.

“First of all, I can answer the first question first.”

“For Xiang Qiang and Xingye, why do I choose to stand on the question of Xingye. I can say that reporters who can ask this question are really a bit disabled.”

“I will not explain this problem at the scene. For details, you can review my speech at the Golden Eagle Awards, where you have the answer you want.”

After Su Han’s remarks were spoken, everyone present could not help taking a deep breath.

Especially the reporter who raised this question, his face was so dark.

Obviously, Su Han was angry.

Of course, Su Han, who answered like this, was sought after by countless fans in the live broadcast room of the booting ceremony.

“Ahhhhh, Su Han is so handsome!”

“So domineering, so real.”

“This man, love!”

“The entertainment industry should have more men like Su Han. In public, they should return to reporters like this.

“second question.”

Su Han continued to answer the question.

“My standing team, Xingye, it really affects me in Xiangjiang. But I want to say, it doesn’t matter.”

“Don’t find me to act, that’s your loss.”

“Anyway, there is less Xiangjiang, I still have the mainland, I still have overseas. My resources are big, I don’t miss it.”

“Of course, what I want to say is that I still like the film and television industry on Xiangjiang very much.”

“Here, I also hope that Xiangjiang’s directors can find me to cooperate.”

“But if you are really afraid of Xiangjiang’s capital, then we can only have fate and no points!”

“Then, I played the role of villain. If you are interested, you can come and talk to me!”

At this critical moment, Su Han was able to tell the role of Xiangjiang Movie in front of countless shots.

Of course, there is no fear of capital.

This answer is also very domineering.

Let netizens look at Su Hanniu for approval.

“The third question, I answered for Xingye. Do you think Xingye will be such a person? Justice and free, don’t blind the truth because others say something!”

“Fourth, I just watched the prospect of this movie, so I invested. If I don’t think he will sell the box office, I will not invest. You can see me as a very smart businessman, I am not just that I am not justIt is Xingye who invests because of his brotherhood, okay. ”

“Fifth. The question you ask is nonsense, repeat the previous question!”

“The above is my answer, thank you!”

“Then I want to say that this movie is definitely a very classic movie. Everyone waits all the expectations until the movie is released, go to the cinema!”


After Su Han finished speaking, a ninety -degree bow was very polite.

Such a large length and fluent answer make netizens look thrilling and very exciting.

Netizens criticized the cow.

And the reporters at the scene were now dare not breathe, and their eyes were admired by Su Han’s response to media reporters.

It feels like Su Han is a walking machine. This meow is absolutely!

In the live barrage, countless netizens comment …

“I made up, I made up me! I now discovered that Su Han was so powerful. In the face of so many reporters, they answered like a flow. This guy is really a waste of talent.”

“Keke, according to me, Su Han should go to what, talk show actor, this language skills, real cow.”

“I think the key is that he dares to tell the truth and offend people. You think how many people in the entertainment industry can be as real as Su Han.”

“Damn, there are really many people like Su Han.”

“Bull, I just want to say a word, real cattle!”

… …

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