Xingye, Zhang Bozhi watched Su Han with a smile on the set, and came up to care about inquiries.

“are you OK?”

“It’s okay?”

“Is it so funny?”

Seeing Su Han Xiao was so happy, Xingye and Zhang Bozhi looked at him very surprisingly.

“Fortunately, okay.”

“Seeing that you laugh so crazy, do you think you are doing.”

“Mainly you play well.”


“Do you perform well?”

“Taking here for the time being for the time being, everyone will end!”

“Go back early to rest!”

“Do it tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow.”

Everyone simply packed up and was ready to get off work.

Su Han walked out of the crew and happened to hit the Yang Mi who came over.

“Why are you here?”

I usually go back by myself. If there is no special thing, Yang Mi will really not appear.

But today Yang Mi suddenly came to pick him up, obviously that something came here.

And Su Han himself also has a strong sixth sense.

“I came to pick you up with a friend.”


“Guo Xiaosi.”

Yang Mi said that, Su Han understood it at a moment.

“Little Time?”


“So what do I have in the past?”

Su Han’s question is very serious.

“You pass …”

“It must be useful.”

“Xiao Si told me to find you to play a role.”

To be honest, for him to appear in a small era, Su Han really did not have this idea.

I do n’t know why, I always feel that playing in the small era is to recruit themselves black and fall into the coffee position.

Although an actor is very important, it is also very important to choose a movie movie.

Because a large number of people will watch the new drama played by this actor according to their favorite actors.

If the new play he played is not good, it feels like corrupted his character.

At least Su Han thought so.

“To be honest.”

Yang Mi really looked at Su Han: “Well, you say.”

“Although the small times can have a very good box office. But to be honest, I don’t want to pick it up in this scene.”

“I think I’m going to choose a show now, not all the scenes.”

After listening to Su Han, Yang Mi probably understood what he meant.

However, Su Han still says a certain reason.

So many scenes are not necessarily good, especially in bad movies, sometimes there is really no need to shoot.

“Actually I probably understand what you said, I think it is okay.”

“It’s not good for you to pick up too much now.”

Yang Mi talked, and suddenly thought about it.

“But you mean this movie is not good, right?”


She was still very picky, and she would pick it.

Suddenly picked the key point.

When Su Han’s eyes turned around, he could find it.

“So what, can’t say that.”

“Although the accomplishment of this film in art is really not high, the box office is really good.

After listening to Su Han said, Yang Mi was even more certain that she thought it was correct.

“In short, in a word, you don’t shoot.”

“Well, yes.”

“That’s okay, then I will tell him later.”

“Anyway, just eat meals in the past as a friend.”


Su Han and Yang Mi probably discussed it.

When the car stopped, they had arrived in the place.

It is a high -end restaurant.

“Xiao Si has been waiting for us in it, let’s go, let’s go in.”

Yang Mi came to Su Han and stretched out her swan arm.

Su Han held her swan arms and went upstairs under the leadership of the restaurant employee.

“Two, please.”

As soon as I entered the door, Guo Xiaosi was in the eyes.

“Hello ~”

“Honey! You are finally here!”

When I saw Yang Mi and Su Han, Guo Xiaosi greeted him enthusiastically, and opened his arms to hug Yang Mi.

Then he had a big hug with Su Han.

“Su Han, hello!”

“I am Guo Xiaosi, I have a long -time name!”

Su Han also greeted him politely.

“Guo Guo! See for the first time.”

Guo Xiaosi is really short. The whole person looks small, very thin, and is the same as a teenage child.

And when he looked at Su Han, his eyes were shining.

In fact, he saw Su Han’s eyes bright.

Guo Xiaosi couldn’t help but look at Su Han a few more times, and secretly looked up and down several times.

When Su Han knew what Guo Xiaosi was, when he was watched, he also felt a little uncomfortable, even a bit of goosebumps.

Yang Mi also looked through Guo Xiaosi’s careful thinking at a glance, and quickly reminded.

“Hey, Xiao Si, it’s almost enough. Your sight is a little convergence.”

“Haha, hahaha.”

Guo Xiaosi smiled awkwardly.

“So what, come over and sit up. I applaud you well and prepare it.”

“I often come to eat this restaurant, it’s pretty good.”

After a while, the waiter was serving.

“this is delicious.”

“Taste this.”

Guo Xiaosi sandwiched a ribs to Su Han and handed it to the bowl.

“Hey, okay, thank you!”

To be honest, Su Han was a little flattered.

The next step is to chat while eating.

Most of the content of chatting is about the content of Su Han’s acting.

“I watched a lot of scenes before, I am your fans.”

Guo Xiaosi came up and directly opened Su Han, which also made Su Han nowhere to block.

Yang Mi, who was sitting aside, smiled and looked at it all the time to watch lively.

Although Su Han is not particularly experienced in dealing with such scenes.

But to deal with the scene of Guo Xiaosi slightly, Su Han can still try it.

The skills you need to use at this time are commercial touting.

Just take a look at the business touting, it can deal with it.

Su Han smiled.


“Actually I also came from your book fan.”

“real or fake?”

“You don’t want to make me happy, so say that?”

Guo Xiaosi is still a bit unbelievable, and it is generally a business touting.


“Like sorrow, we flow into a river, small times, jue, and the end of summer, I have seen all of them.”


“You, it seems you really didn’t lie to me.”

Su Hanneng said so many books in one breath, which was really unable to do it.

Obviously, he should really read these books to say so many books.

“I didn’t lie to you.”

“How can I be so sincere people, how can I lie to people.”

Listening to Su Han said, Yang Mi smiled.


This light cough also has some interesting in it.

“Honeym’s cough seems to mean something.”

“But no matter what, I really have seen those movies that you have really felt good.”

“I really like it.”

Guo Xiaosi expressed his favorite to Su Han seriously.

Of course, his expression is actually making a pavement.

For him, he might find the pavement of himself.

First, he boasted that his acting skills were good, and then asked if he wanted to play his new movie, it was probably such a way.

Su Han also had an idea in his heart.

“Director Guo, I heard that you want to talk about the new movie about the new movie?”


“You all know?”

“Should I tell you, right?”

Guo Xiaosi looked at Su Han with a smile, as if waiting for Su Han to have been waiting for a long time.

“Well, I heard Boss Yang said.”

“Is it a small era, right?”

“It is not ordinary to film and television, this is not ordinary.”

Guo Xiaosi looked at Su Han thoughtfully.


“Very unusual?”

“How do you like it?”

“Actually, I came to you this time, and I also wanted to say that I wanted to find you to play a protagonist in my movie.”

“I don’t know if you are interested?”

“Which person is it?”

“Xi Cheng.”

Sure enough, Guo Xiaosi still said his needs.

He also invited Su Han and Yang Mi to come over for dinner. The most important thing that most wanted to get was Su Han.

After all, Su Han now has a certain influence in the Mainland, and the ability to call on fans is still very good.

As his first movie, even if the director may have a little bit of lack of something, but because of the popularity of book powder, and then added Yang Mi, coupled with the two heavyweight fan traffic of Su Han, it must beA wave of large flow.

So this is the purpose of Guo Xiaosi to find Su Han.

… …

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