

Xin Shuang looked very comfortably and shouted directly.

Especially when he saw Su Han, he applauded and smiled.


“very good!”

“Teacher Su Han, you play so well!”

As a newcomer director, Xin Shuang spoke very polite and polite.

It was embarrassed to be embarrassed by Su Han.

“No no.”

The next paragraph is Zhang Dongsheng’s face being beaten by his wife.

Zhang Dongsheng is a weak surface, but it is a personality that has always been tolerated, and it is also very outrageous.

Su Han took a little play with the actress.

As soon as the actress saw Su Han, she smiled and worshiped.

Su Han is really inspirational, which is such an inspirational role that has become a role model in the minds of many people.

“Hello Teacher Su Han!”

“I like you for a long time!”

“I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to cooperate today!”

“It’s just that you will have a fan of your face when you are playing with you. Please treat it more.”

As soon as the actress spoke, he expressed his favorite to Su Han.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Despite your feelings.”

“It’s all to achieve a better performance effect, I don’t care.”

“Good duck and duck!”

“Thank you Teacher Su Han!”

“If the two teachers are ready, we will start shooting?”

The director asked.


“Start shooting!”

All staff members of the crew have done all kinds of preparations.

The shooting is now officially carried out.

As soon as he came up, the actress was tears in his eyes.

Tears came out several times, and the actress looked particularly sad, staring at Su Han resentfully.

Su Han: “I’m sorry.”

“Pop ~”

The actress dumped Su Han with a slap …



The director shouted.

Su Han looked at Xin Shuang.

“What happened to the director?”

“Where is wrong?”

“It’s okay, Teacher Su Han, you are completely fine here.”

“Actually the problem is here.”

“It’s an actress, the teacher, your face is too light, and it feels better to get worse.”

The actress looked at the director slightly.

“Ah, is it me?”

“Is my movement too light?”

“I don’t dare to use it too much, I’m worried …”

Actress is obviously concerned about himself to give Su Han Ba, and it will hurt Su Han.

Su Han probably understands what it means.

Immediately open.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, don’t worry. Don’t worry about hurting me, it’s good.”

“Although you throw my face vigorously, so that I can perform the corresponding and better performance according to the performance you give.”

Su Han told the actress like this.

After listening, the actress probably understood.

But thinking about it, I still have a little concern.

“Teacher Su Han, can I hit you, is it really okay?”

“Well, you just come, don’t be fake. You can’t fake this thing, and you really can’t get emotionally when you are fake.”

Su Han repeated several times to make her not fake, let her be true.

The actress listened and nodded.

“Then I probably understand.”

Continue to shoot.

As soon as the actress came up, he slapped Su Han.




The actress’s ruthless slap and slapped on Su Han’s face, Su Han buried his head down throughout the process, his eyes fell to the ground, and he never lifted it up.

Every slap was loud, and Su Han’s face quickly became red.

In this scene, the staff of the crew looked at it.

They originally wanted to say that Su Han’s acting skills were born, and they were envious of him. They envious him who was born with this bowl of rice.

But now after watching Su Han cooperating with actresses, she was really slapped by the actress. When she was really hitting her face, it was also very uncomfortable.

What they see is that Su Han is not only a talent for acting, but also the dedication of the actor.

Generally, actors like Su Han, who are slapped, will use stand -in actors.

But Su Han did not use a stand -in actor. Instead, let the actress hit himself seriously, don’t slap or do.

… …

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