Entertainment: Please, Stop Stealing Our Fans

Chapter 15 Killing Like Crazy! (Please Give Me Flowers And Collection)

At this moment, Hong Tao suddenly walked into the backstage lounge.

He first greeted the other singers, then grabbed Su Xingzhi's hand and said excitedly: "Xiao Su, the song "The Wind Rises" you just sang was so beautiful, it made me feel like It felt like my ears were suddenly clear when I listened to the music, and I almost cried while listening to it!"

In fact, Hong Tao cried when he heard it. As a middle-aged man with a story, this song really touched his heart.

But in front of the camera, Hong Tao must be reserved and not be too emotional.

After hearing Hong Tao's praise, Su Xingzhi said with a sincere expression: "Director Hong gave me a chance to sing on stage. I will definitely go all out and perform well, and I will not let down Director Hong's trust!"

Hong Tao patted Su Xingzhi on the shoulder and said: "Your performance has greatly exceeded my expectations and gave me a big surprise, so I plan to tell you good news."

Su Xingzhi suddenly asked curiously: "What kind of good news?"

Hong Tao glanced at the other singers and said mysteriously: "It's not convenient to talk here. Let's go to my office to talk."

Su Xingzhi nodded and followed Hong Tao to Hong Tao's office.

After the two sat down, Hong Tao said: "The good news I want to tell you is that the program team plans to sign a new contract with you. Most of the terms of the new contract are basically the same as the old contract, except for two. different!

The first is that your appearance fee will be greatly increased, from the original two hundred thousand per issue to one million per issue; the second is that as long as you stay on the show for one more episode, the price will increase by one level. , each level is increased to 200,000, what do you think? "

Su Xingzhi's eyes widened after hearing this.

He really didn't expect that the program team would give him such a high treatment!

One million is considered the standard appearance fee for second-tier singers.

As a new singer, it is simply a miracle to get an appearance fee of one million.

The most important thing is that the program team also provides room for improvement.

As long as Su Xingzhi can sing until the end, the appearance fee will continue to increase!

If Su Xingzhi can win this season's Singer King, the appearance fee may directly exceed the appearance fee standard for first-line singers.

The program team has definitely spent a lot of money!

Of course, Su Xingzhi really deserves this treatment!

After all, Su Xingzhi's popularity is so high now. The ratings of the last episode of "The Strongest Singer" were off the charts, which is inseparable from Su Xingzhi's appearance.

At that time, Hongtao had the idea of ​​increasing Su Xingzhi's appearance fee, but this idea was not firm.

After all, there are too many short-lived new singers in music variety shows.

One of the biggest problems for new singers is that their music library is too shallow.

Many new singers only have one hit song.

Maybe Su Xingzhi is like this, and can only sing well in one song, "So What if You Lose and Win the World".

In the next competition, Su Xingzhi may not be able to perform as well as the last one.

That's why Hongtao was a little hesitant.

But after actually watching Su Xingzhi's second competition, Hong Tao finally clearly realized Su Xingzhi's strength.

Although Su Xingzhi is just a new singer, he is definitely a genius in terms of music arrangement and singing.

To a certain extent, this song "The Wind Rises" is even better than "So What If You Lose or Win the World", with a stronger sense of picture and more emotion!

Hong Tao was just a little touched when he listened to "So What if You Lose or Win the World" and did not cry, but he did shed tears after listening to "The Wind Rises".

Of course, he didn't know that this was all due to Su Xingzhi's "god-level image shaping" skills.

He only thought this was a manifestation of Su Xingzhi's arrangement ability and strong singing skills.

After Hongtao clearly realized Su Xingzhi's strength, he had great expectations for Su Xingzhi.

A new singer used his powerful strength to kill everyone on the stage of "The Strongest Singer" and crushed a group of seniors in the music industry. Just thinking about it is quite interesting!

As long as Su Xingzhi can keep winning in the show, the ratings of the show will definitely rise!

Because of this, Hongtao revised the contract, increased Su Xingzhi's appearance fee, and added a stepwise price increase that is generally applicable in the industry.

For Su Xingzhi, the content of the new contract is obviously very attractive.

He was previously a member of a domestic boy band, but later terminated his contract with the team due to various reasons.

After the contract was terminated, he has been very poor.

If Liu Yifei, a distant cousin, hadn't been helping him, he would have starved to death.

Now that he finally has an opportunity to make a lot of money, Su Xingzhi will not miss it.

He looked at Hong Tao and said, "I think the new contract is okay. Thank you Director Hong for your kindness!"

Hong Tao suddenly said excitedly: "Okay, I will ask someone to send the contract over now, and we will sign the contract now!"

Su Xingzhi nodded and said yes.

Hong Tao immediately picked up the landline and called his assistant.

Soon, the assistant sent over the new contract.

The new contract has been sealed by the program team and only needs Su Xingzhi's signature to be established.

Su Xingzhi briefly looked through the contents of the contract, and then signed his name happily.

After the contract was signed, Hong Tao immediately smiled and said: "Now you are an artist with an appearance fee of one million, so you have to perform well on the stage from now on!"

Su Xingzhi shrugged and said, "Of course, Director Hong, don't worry, I will fight to the end!"

Hong Tao nodded, chatted with Su Xingzhi for a while, and then let Su Xingzhi leave.

After Su Xingzhi left Hongtao's office, he did not return to the backstage lounge and returned directly to his home.

He has completed the task of defeating the Surprise Singer and needs to go back quickly to receive the reward!

Just as Su Xingzhi was on his way home, a video clip of his song "The Wind Rises" suddenly appeared on the Internet.

And it’s the second climax of the video, which is the part where Su Xingzhi hits the high notes.

This immediately made the whole network boil.

"Let's go, Master Su's high pitched voice really penetrates the sky. My heavenly spirit cap has been lifted!"

"Master Su, are you crazy? The songs in the competition are getting more popular than the last!"

"It feels like Master Su is made up of muscles from his mouth to his throat. Otherwise, how could he hit such a high pitch and last for such a long time?"

"Although I only listened to the climax, I couldn't stop crying. Su Dashen's singing was so emotional and over the top!"

"My pitch is not good, my breath is not stable, and the transition between high and low sounds is not smooth. These are all shortcomings of my singing. Master Su perfectly avoided my shortcomings and sang so well!"

"This song by Master Su is probably original. I feel like I have never heard it before."

"I also think this song should be original. The overall melody is unfamiliar to me, but it sounds very nice!"

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