Entertainment: Please, Stop Stealing Our Fans

Chapter 6 A Song Makes A Group Popular (Please Give Me Flowers And Collect Them)

Netizens were surprised to find that the little-known group at the time had released so many good songs, and their talents were so outstanding.

To netizens, it was like they had stumbled upon a treasure.

That's why they flocked to Lin Zhixuan and Li Ji's Weibo, hoping to find more treasures among the treasures.

As for Lin Zhixuan, who was involved, he didn't know that he had become popular again.

He was still asleep at this time.

In the dream, he stood in a venue that could accommodate 100,000 people, facing his fans, singing to his heart's content.

This is definitely a sweet dream for Lin Zhixuan now.

After the group Youke Li Lin disbanded, Lin Zhixuan entered the music scene alone and was popular for a while.

Later, due to various reasons, he fell silent again, and now he is almost forgotten by the public.

He has not held a small-scale concert for several years, let alone a concert with 100,000 people.

Now Lin Zhixuan can only dream of holding a concert.

But even with such a sweet dream, Lin Zhixuan could not live without peace.

Just when he was singing the chorus of a certain song, he suddenly heard a heavy banging on the door.

The sweet dream was shattered at this moment.

Lin Zhixuan also woke up.

He glanced in the direction of the door, climbed up helplessly and walked to the door, asking, "Who is this?"

Lin Zhixuan's agent's voice came from outside the door: "Brother Xuan, it's me, open the door quickly!"

Lin Zhixuan sighed and opened the door.

The manager stood outside the door with an excited look on his face and said: "Brother Xuan, you are popular, you are popular, hahaha!"

Lin Zhixuan asked with a confused expression: "Am I angry? Why didn't I know?"

The agent walked into the room, put his arm around Lin Zhixuan's shoulders and said, "Of course you don't know. You probably slept well last night, right?"

Lin Zhixuan still nodded blankly and said: "It does smell good. I even dreamed that I was holding a concert."

The manager raised his eyebrows and said: "You don't have to dream anymore, I guarantee you will be able to hold a real concert in a while!"

Lin Zhixuan's eyes lit up, and then he said sadly: "With my current popularity, I guess I won't be able to sell the tickets for the concert, so let's forget it."

The manager smiled and said: "Don't underestimate yourself, first look at the number of Weibo fans you have now!"

After saying that, the manager took out his mobile phone and handed it to Lin Zhixuan.

Lin Zhixuan took the phone and glanced at it, and then his eyes widened.

The interface displayed on the phone is his Weibo interface.

In the fan count column, it clearly shows 4.3 million fans.

Before that, Lin Zhixuan’s Weibo followers were only a measly one million.

Overnight, the number of fans increased by nearly three million, and Lin Zhixuan was really shocked.

The manager patted Lin Zhixuan's shoulder and said, "How is it? Are you surprised?"

Lin Zhixuan came to his senses and asked with some stuttering: "What...what is going on? I remember that my number of fans was only over one million last night. How come it increased so much in one night?"

The manager smiled and said, "Do you still remember the song "So What if You Lose and Win the World" that you composed when you and Brother Ji were in the Youke Li Lin group?"

Lin Zhixuan nodded and said: "Of course I remember it. What does this have to do with that song?"

The manager shrugged his shoulders and said: "Of course it does matter. Yesterday, "The Strongest Singer" released two video clips from the latest issue. One of the video clips was a cover of your song "Losing" by a new singer named Su Xingzhi. So what if you win the world?"

Then, your song "So What if You Lose or Win the World" became very popular on the Internet. As the original singers, you naturally became popular too! "

After hearing what his manager said, Lin Zhixuan widened his eyes again and said, "You mean, because that new singer named Su Xingzhi covered our guest Li Lin's song, we became popular again?"

The manager nodded and said, "That's right, not only your Weibo fans have skyrocketed, but Brother Ji's Weibo fans have also increased, but the increase is not as exaggerated as yours."

Lin Zhixuan had an expression of disbelief on his face and said, "Are you kidding me? A new singer... can make our group from twenty or thirty years ago popular?"

The manager shrugged his shoulders and said: "I also think this is a joke, but it is the truth. You can listen to Su Xingzhi's cover. I think his cover is really good!"

After saying that, the manager took the phone back from Lin Zhixuan, found the video clips released by the "The Strongest Singer" program team, and then put the phone back in front of Lin Zhixuan.

Lin Zhixuan read it once, and then praised: "This singing is so emotional, and the voice is so good, no wonder it is so popular!"

The manager asked maliciously: "Then do you think it is you who sings better, or Su Xingzhi?"

Lin Zhixuan sighed and said: "He sings much better than me. When I sang this song, it was difficult for me to express the regret and regret in the song.

Su Xingzhi's voice is very suitable for singing this song. The voice is bright and penetrating. Just listening to his voice, you can feel full of regret and remorse. It is particularly easy to resonate with the audience. I especially like it. His singing! "

The agent curled his lips and said: "You are very honest. Anyway, you are now popular again. I think we must use this wave of traffic quickly to stabilize your popularity. What do you think?"

Lin Zhixuan was silent for two seconds, and then said: "I think I have to do one more thing before that!"

The agent immediately asked: "What do you want to do?"

Lin Zhixuan looked at his agent and said, "I want to thank this little brother Su Xingzhi. If it weren't for him, I might never have a chance to turn around in my life!"


The manager said hesitantly: "I'm afraid this is a bit inappropriate. You are a veteran in the music industry. To thank a junior for such a thing is too unconventional, and it will also appear to be extremely utilitarian!"

Lin Zhixuan said with a serious face: "They helped me, but I turned a blind eye. This is called falling behind!"

The agent said helplessly: "Okay, okay, then I'll listen to you. Just thank you!"

Lin Zhixuan nodded, then picked up his cell phone and called Li Ji.

Soon, the call was connected.

Lin Zhixuan said: "Brother Ji, last night..."

Before Lin Zhixuan finished speaking, Li Ji said excitedly: "I saw it last night. A new singer named Su Xingzhi sang our song "What if You Lose and Win the World", and he also sang It sounds particularly nice!

When this song was released, I said it was definitely a great song, but it was released in the wrong year. If this song had been released in the past two years, it would have become a huge hit! "

Lin Zhixuan scratched his head and said, "Brother Ji, have you noticed the number of followers on your Weibo?"

Li Ji smiled and said: "Of course I have noticed it. My Weibo followers have increased by more than one million. I never thought that I could become famous again even though I have already quit the music scene!

Speaking of which, I really have to thank the new singer named Su Xingzhi. If it weren't for him, no one would remember the group Youke Li Lin anymore, and that song would be completely forgotten! "

Lin Zhixuan nodded and said: "I really want to thank Su Xingzhi. I'm going to post a thank you on Weibo. Brother Ji, do you want to come with me?"

Li Ji said without hesitation: "Of course we have to do it together. They have given us such great help. It would be very rude not to thank you!"

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