Entertainment: Please, Stop Stealing Our Fans

Chapter 69 Thrilling! With Three Girls As Companions, I Almost Lost My Virginity!

This made the majority of netizens scream with excitement, wanting to be the lucky audience.

But with a popularity of 200 million, becoming a lucky viewer is comparable to winning the lottery! It is even much harder than winning the lottery!

In the end, three lucky viewers were randomly selected to have a continuous dialogue with Su Xingzhi.

The first lucky audience member to hit the jackpot was a little girl.

When she learned that she was selected as the lucky audience, the girl jumped and screamed with excitement.

"Hello, what do you call me?" Su Xingzhi smiled.

The girl said excitedly and incoherently: "Su, Su Shen, is it really you? I am so excited and so happy. I have become a lucky viewer among 200 million viewers. I want to record this moment... ..Ah, I’m sorry, Su Shen, my surname is Liu, and my name is Liu Wenwen.”

The girl was excited for a long time before she formally replied to Su Xingzhi.

Su Xingzhi smiled and could understand her mood.

"Listening to the voice of classmate Liu, he should be young, right? I should call him classmate right, right?"

"Well, that's right, I'm nineteen this year and just went to college."

"It's such a good age to be in bloom." Su Xingzhi smiled.

"Su Shen, can I interview you with a few questions?" Liu Wenwen asked, "I am majoring in news broadcasting.

"Okay! Just ask, tell me everything you know." Su Xingzhi was surprised. He didn't expect that Lianmai would have a student majoring in news broadcasting.

Liu Wenwen was extremely excited. For students majoring in news broadcasting like them, most of the jobs in society in the future will be in the direction of hosting.

It is a miracle to be able to interview a person like Su Xingzhi before graduation!

You must know that for many students who enter social news broadcasting, almost 90% of them can only engage in some low-level or behind-the-scenes work, and there is no chance of becoming a big host in front of a broad audience!

If Su Xingzhi, a big shot, is interviewed by the "620" today, maybe with this interview, he will be able to add a big resume to his professional field!

This made many colleagues watching the live broadcast extremely envious.

"Shen Su, please allow me to prepare for a few minutes."

As he spoke, Liu Wen began to record the content of the interview.

Su Xingzhi was patient and just waited for her.

But his fans and fans were extremely excited. Such an idol is really rare.

For a celebrity of this level, every minute is precious, and he is actually willing to put down his posture and wait for an interview with a female classmate!

"Okay, Su Shen, I'm ready." Liu Wenwen said: "I believe many netizens will be as curious as me. Su Shen, you are so young and have created so many classic works, and the quality is not low. And adapted You have written nearly twenty songs, can you share your talent with us and how you did it!"

Not only Liu Wenwen wants to know this question, but the 200 million viewers in the entire live broadcast room are also curious.

After all, the current music scene has long been in stagnant water. It is said that the Chinese music scene has become lonely and will never return to its former glory.

In this age of music apocalypse, young singer-songwriters with super creative abilities like Su Xingzhi are really rare!

Not at all!

Even in the most prosperous period of the music scene, Su Xingzhi's singing and singing skills are still outstanding!

Su Xingzhi smiled. Faced with this question, he already had the answer in his heart.

This issue has been mentioned more than once on the Internet.

He replied with a sincere and serious look: "Actually, I only want to say two words about this question, diligent!"

"Yes, it is hard work! A genius or a person with extremely high talent in any field will not be able to achieve much success in his field without a hardworking and diligent attitude. A celebrity said it very well, 90% of the time Nine percent of the sweat, plus one percent of the talent, this is probably how hard work can make up for weakness."

"I believe that as long as the 200 million viewers in the live broadcast room can spend all their energy on one thing, it is only a matter of time before success.

After explaining the logic that diligence is greater than talent, my heart is filled with excitement.

He never believed that hard work was greater than talent.

Because most people's 99% effort is not as good as their 1% talent.

Talent is destined.

Often you spend a lot of effort, but you can't match someone else's small talent. What's the point of your hard work?

It's like, no matter how hard you work to make money, you will never be able to catch up with others and get a good pregnancy.

Some people have grown up with golden keys in their mouths. How do you compare them to others? They have tens of billions of assets when they are born. Why do you earn tens of billions?

Can't even afford a house!

Liu Wenwen couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "What Su Shen said is so wonderful! Ninety-nine percent of hard work and one percent of talent. It seems that Su Shen can be so successful."

For the most part, hard work outweighs talent! Come to think of it, Su Shen must have put in a lot of hard work behind the scenes in order to be able to create for fans!"

Su Xingzhi's face almost turned red when he said this.

Without a system, any bullshit diligence is nothing!

"In addition, what are Su Shen's future plans? Will he continue his singing career? Or will he transition into other fields?"

This question about Liu Wenwen is something that most netizens want to know.

With such singing skills and such creative power, it would be a shame not to continue in music.

Su Xingzhi shrugged and said frankly: "Transformation will happen, but I am serious about singing. As long as people are willing to listen, I will keep singing."

This answer undoubtedly gives everyone a reassurance.

"Thank you Su Shen for your answer. Previously, Xingzhi Entertainment approved a new drama project and will shoot the first film and television drama with the theme of fairy tales. Su Shen will be the director of the film and television drama. Is this true?"

"That's right! This is our company's first fairy sword film and television drama, and it can also be regarded as the first fairy tale drama in China. I will control the entire filming process of this drama."

"Wow! Su Shen, are you going to enter a new field?" Liu Wenwen said in shock: "You are simply the idol for all of us to learn from!"

Su Xingzhi smiled and waved his hand: "What idols are not idols? Please chase stars rationally and don't blindly follow the trend. If you want to chase them, I hope you will chase the heroes who have devoted themselves to the country and the people. They are the real national idol stars!" "

"When the people's country is in danger, how many people's soldiers shoulder the mission with their own flesh and blood!"

"When the earthquake came, how many people's soldiers were not afraid of hardships and sacrifices, and braved the danger to rescue the people!"

"When the disease struck, how many medical workers fought against the disease, disregarding their families and sacrificing themselves to fight against the disease!"

"When a fire breaks out, how many flesh and blood people rush to the scene of the fire and bravely fight against the fire to keep the fire away from the crowd!"

"At any time, there is a group of beautiful and ordinary rebels standing behind us. There is no quiet time in this world. It's just that some people use their lives to bear the burden for you."

"So, I call on everyone to pursue stars rationally, pay more attention to these ordinary but great retrogressors around us, and don't put too much energy into celebrities. Compared with their efforts, we really pay too little attention!"


An exciting speech made the entire audience in the live broadcast room excited.

"What Su Xingzhi said is great! There is no quiet time in this world. It's just that someone is carrying the burden for you."

"It's so touching. I almost shed tears when I heard it. Su Shen is indeed a god-like figure. His simple words spoke directly to people's hearts!"

"Everyone knows what has happened in the past few years. When there was a large-scale disease in Seoul, if the medical staff had not sacrificed their lives, we don't know how many people would have died! They are the real heroes and real stars in our hearts!"

"I was the child who was rescued from the disaster area in Sichuan. It has been more than ten years since then. Thank you to the People's Soldiers!"

"Just because of what Su Xingzhi said, he will be the only idol in my heart from now on!"

"As a retired veteran, I want to pay tribute to Su Xingzhi!!!"

Su Xingzhi's words were so deeply rooted in people's hearts that even the three women beside him, including Liu Yifei and Rejuu, were shocked by his words.


Compared with those heroes who work in obscurity, what contribution do these so-called stars have?

There are even many celebrities and artists who evade taxes and receive various negative news.

Sky-high remuneration and more!

Next, Liu Wenwen asked a few more questions about music, and Xing Shang answered them truthfully.

Happy time is always short-lived.

After Liu Wenwen got the answer he wanted, he went offline with satisfaction.

Therefore, this online interview will definitely greatly improve her future career!

Then a few lucky viewers were micked, and tonight's live broadcast ends here.

It took more than three hours in total.

Su Xingzhi didn't even drink any water during the whole process.

The real-time number of people online in the live broadcast room has also soared to 270 million!

What is this concept?

Hua Chenyu on the other end was completely in ruins.

After the popularity declined, the singing became more and more boring, and finally the live broadcast was hastily ended early.

Being ridiculed by countless people and becoming Su Xingzhi’s stepping stone!

"Finally the live broadcast is over! I'm so tired!"

After turning off the live broadcast, I stretched out a lot.

"Boss, I think what you just said is so meaningful. I decided to reward you by making you a cup of coffee every day!" Reba came over with a smile.

"Oh?" Su Xingzhi frowned and said with a smile: "Even if there is no live broadcast tonight, you still have to make me coffee."

"Hehe, then I'll make an extra cup!" the little girl smiled happily.

Su Xingzhi scraped her nose angrily.

"Thank you to my little cousin. To reward you for your hard work, let's celebrate tonight.

Liu Yifei said in a good mood.

"Well, forget it, I'm almost exhausted, I'd better rest early... How about? You go to celebrate, I won't go.

After three and a half hours of continuous live broadcast, singing and talking, I have long since lost the energy to have fun.

"How can this work? Today is a great day. The live broadcast is so successful. Do you know how popular it is online in real time today?" Liu Yifei expressed dissatisfaction.

How many?"

"Two hundred and seventy million!"

"Hiss~" Su Xingzhi couldn't help taking a breath and said in surprise: "So high?"

"Yeah, it's not just high, it's amazing." Liu Yifei smiled and said: "Also, do you know how many people Hua Chenyu has for tonight's live broadcast?"

"How many?"

"It's not even a fraction of yours, but I was scolded miserably by netizens, and ended up in a bad mood. It really made me laugh to death."

When Hua Chenyu was mentioned, the three women couldn't help laughing.

Su Xingzhi sneered: "With his arrogance and empty stomach, it will be a matter of time before he is defeated."

"I'm in a good mood today. For no other reason than to get yelled at at Hua Chenyu, I have to have a team-building celebration! Dear concubines, please have two drinks with me tonight!"


The three girls were extremely happy.

Of course.

Su Xingzhi is happy here.

But the Internet is not quiet at all.

The original singers who covered more than a dozen songs gained a lot of fans overnight, and their influence was also brought out. Although the covers of these works by Su Xingzhi are just the same as the previous Huo Gexi, which are very good to listen to.

However, if there were no covers by Su Xingzhi, how many people would search and listen to them? How many people would follow these singers?

In short, everyone's money spent is not lost. Great value for money!

"Chapter" "A Thousand Years Later"

It even swept the major charts of all music platforms on the Internet!

It was so overwhelming that all the singers who had just released new songs could not breathe.

The worst person is Hua Chenyu.

After the live video was exposed, it lost millions of followers overnight.

Even though he has a lot of fans on Weibo, in fact they are all die-hard fans, and he only has a few active fans.

Hua Chenyu lost millions at once, almost making Hua Chenyu cry.

Su Xingshang was the only person to round up the top ten of almost all the hot search headlines on the Internet.

In particular, Su Xingzhi donated hundreds of millions of rewards and gifts overnight to children in impoverished mountainous areas.

received widespread attention.

Even Yangshi News also liked it again and spoke highly of Su Xingzhi: Only an artist with such good moral character deserves to be a real singer!!’

Faced with a huge amount of heat, he didn’t care that much.

He just wants to relax and have fun now.

He thought this was a celebration for himself, but it turned out that Liu Yifei's three girls were having more fun than him. After drinking bottle after bottle of beer, the three girls immediately became drunk......

"Hey, hey, wake up!"

Su Xingzhi was dumbfounded.

The three girls are already drunk and unconscious, okay?

Should he be asked to leave the box with three women on his back? This is unrealistic.

After thinking for a long time, Su Xingzhi could only ask for help.

The problem is that he can't think of anyone to turn to for help now. There are not many people he can trust in the entire Demon City.

"Drink, I can still drink. Come on, little cousin and cousin will have two more drinks on April 7."

Liu Yifei was already drunk and confused, so she pulled him and wanted to sell him some drinks.

"Still drinking? How drunk are you? Wake up!"

Su Xingzhi patted her face gently.

"Boss, I want to drink too!"

At this time, Reba also rushed forward, her center of gravity was unstable, and she suddenly threw herself into Su Xingzhi's arms. Su Xingzhi subconsciously reached out to catch her, and happened to catch her in a sensitive spot!

"I'm so crazy%#¥%"

Fortunately, Reba drank too much and didn't pay too much attention.

"It's so hot,"

"Drink nimei, drink!" Su Xingzhi was angry.

Reba began to take off her clothes.

"I'm so hot too. My face is so hot." At this time, Liu Fei on the side also began to unbutton her clothes.

Liu Yifei's outfit today was sexy and cool. She wore a half-covered suspender top underneath. Once the outer clothes were taken off, her almost slender figure was revealed in front of Su Xingzhi's eyes.

"I have a baby~"

"Jeans are so uncomfortable."

At this time, Reba took off her upper body clothes and started to take off her jeans again.

She already has a sexy figure, and her long legs are white and straight. If she takes off her jeans, will she be able to survive after leaving work?

The nosebleeds must come out.

"No! No!!!"

Su Xingzhi quickly stepped forward to stop him.

But just as he stopped Reba, Liu Yifei started to take off her pants after taking off her top.

Good guy.

This is to kill yourself!

"Am I home? I really want to sleep."

Angela Chang also joined the stripping camp. Although she doesn't have the tall figure of Liu Yifei and Reba, her proportions are still good.

In such a beautiful and charming scene, if he doesn't react at all, is he still a normal man?

This is the time to lose your virginity tonight!

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