Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

103 Goals Broke The Record, Liu Yifei Broke The Defense! These Reporters Are So Annoying!

Wang Lin, vice president of Huaying on the side, smiled. echoed.

"Yes, Third Master, Qin Nuo, this guy doesn't usually burn incense. He only takes care of things at last minute. He didn't even come to see Third Master during the Chinese New Year. If something happens, he'll beg for it..."

"I think we should deal with him properly!"

"Yes, let me think about it. Maybe I'll block him in his next movie and let him know who is the boss in the entertainment industry!"

"That's great! This guy is very popular now. I heard that entertainment companies like Huayi and Bona are chasing after him to invest in him!"

"Why don't we give him a try? If the script doesn't pass the review, let's see what he makes of the movie!"

The two talked and looked at each other and immediately laughed.

Are you kidding me that the script is blocked? It's too late for them to be happy about Qin Nuo's movie.

For a director of Qin Nuo's caliber, as long as the script is not too excessive, Optoelectronics will basically not be stuck.

Some dramatic films can be made by great directors, but others cannot. This is the prerogative of great directors.

"Let's say hello to Optoelectronics. If we postpone it for one month, we will be proud if we can break the record!"

"No problem, Third Master!"

Wang Lin was about to leave when the Third Master spoke.

"You, if you are not busy at ordinary times, you can go to the Magic City for a walk. It would be nice to feel familiar!"

"That kid Qin Nuo might be able to help if something happens in the future~"

When Wang Lin heard this, he nodded quickly and suppressed the joy in his heart.

The Third Master did not say this casually. Depending on his age, the Third Master may have to take a back seat in the next term.

It's still uncertain who will be in charge at that time, but the third master has hinted like this, if Wang Lin still doesn't understand.

It's no use staying within the system for so many years.

But if you want to rise to the top, in addition to the support of others, the support of some major domestic directors and the performance are also a resume.

If people in the industry don't accept you and don't give you face, then there's no point in what you do as the boss.

Qin Nuo is a good choice. He is young, energetic, and has a bright future. With Qin Nuo here, it is not a big problem for Wang Lin to have another resume.

"27Thank you, Third Master. I am not busy next month. I will go to the Magic City then!"

"Okay, I'm getting older. When there is a celebration party, you can go to it in my place."

"Okay, Third Master!"

On the other side, Qin Nuo hung up the phone with a smile on his face. Actually, it is not impossible to break the box office record without delay.

When Jiang Wen's "Let the Bullets Fly" premiered in one week, it didn't even make 250 million, but that guy had a lot of stamina.

Many people watch it over and over again.

Qin Nuo himself also knew that Tang Tanshen's speed was average, and reading it twice was already the limit, so it was better to play it safe.

Besides, there’s no need to confine Quan Litian.

He doesn't steal or rob, it's just a delay. As long as you have hope in domestic movies, Optoelectronics will generally not be stuck.

"Agreed?" Fatty Zhou looked at Qin Nuo and asked.

"Agreed!" Qin Nuo nodded.

Fatty Zhou had a smile on his face. Before, their goal was just to win against Feng Xiaogang, but now.

I no longer have that thought, Feng Xiaogang has lost, and now Qin Nuo and his goal is to break the box office record!

"Qin Nuo, it's still a bit uncertain. I'll think of an explosive point when I have time~ The extension is unreliable. In many cases, it's only 20 to 30 million!"

"There are so many hot spots, but we are already taking advantage!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes. Tang Tan had taken all the advantages, with great publicity and great theaters, but he still couldn't break the box office record.

Then he really had no choice. They traveled to more than ten cities in a week, what else could they do?

"It's all my fault for that guy Feng Xiaogang. If he hadn't insisted on going against us, if this thing had been released a few days later, maybe it would have earned 300 million at the premiere!"

"This old guy deserves to die!"

"What you said, Feng Xiaogang might also think so..."

Qin Nuo is very clear-headed. If only one of their two movies is released during the Spring Festival this year, the box office will indeed be much higher.

But there was nothing I could do, I could only grit my teeth and hold on, and it was not Qin Nuo who should cry, Feng Xiao should cry just now.

What a record-breaking movie, the background board was suddenly created.

"How about we hype up Liu Yifei and Gao Yuanyuan?"

The last time Gao Yuanyuan competed for position was a big hit in the industry. Basically everyone in the industry knew about it, and some viewers also knew about it.

But before word got out, Qin Nuo called it quits, and the two heroines had conflicts after the movie was released, which didn't sound good.

So there is no news online.

The relationship between the two is also very bad now, and they haven't spoken a word in so many days.

"Are you afraid of this? We are serious people!"

Qin Nuo was a little moved.

"Hey, Qin Nuo, why don't we do anything about it? Reporters are very interested in things like this. You were not allowed to spread your message at the beginning. They gave you face so they didn't report it."

"If you let go, I guarantee this will be a hot search topic tomorrow!"

"What did you say? When did I say I couldn't pass it on? Fatty Zhou, don't talk nonsense!" Qin Nuo looked serious.

"As an artist, your purpose is to entertain the public. If there is anything you can't say, this is called restricting freedom of speech. Do you understand?"

"A week ago, weren't you..." The fat man was anxious. You are a person who always falls out with you.

"I don't remember saying this, and I don't know about it either. Don't ask me." Qin Nuo waved his hand.

"Okay, I have something else to do, let's go first!"

After saying that, Qin Nuo was ready to leave.

Looking at Qin Nuo's back, Fatty Zhou suddenly reacted!

Damn it, Qin Nuo, you are so stubborn.

He understood that Qin Nuo wanted to be popular but didn't want to take the blame. He was being both arrogant and arrogant. It was really shameless.

What he means is that I don't care about this matter, and I won't stop you. You can do whatever you want.

Don't come to me if something happens, I don't know.

"Qin Nuo, with your deceitful appearance, you can be a director, but you can definitely rise higher if you become an official!"

"By the way, Fatty Zhou is going to step on Fatty Wang's guy by the way. We can't get enough of the heat!"

"Fat Zhou"


After saying that, Qin Nuo slipped away directly.

He is a serious person and doesn't do these things. Fatty Zhou is the bad one who leaks pus.

[Ding, the host's shamelessness has exceeded the bottom line and successfully allowed Fatty Zhou to break his defense. The shameless index is five stars, and the evaluation is three stars]

[Ding, the system rewards score points +20, and items are drawn once]

Qin Nuo didn't take it seriously when he heard what the system said. "It's none of my business. If I really want to do it, I won't do it."

There is nothing smart about this system.

"Item lottery?" This attracted Qin Nuo's attention, and he looked to see what good things he could draw.

"System, lottery!"

【Ding, won the lottery......】

[Congratulations to the host for getting energy pill +5]

[Energy Pill: Taking one pill can restore the host's body's various skills to their peak state...]

Qin Nuo looked at the introduction and his face turned dark.

Damn, after all that, isn’t it just the little blue pill?

Do you think it’s my first day out?


Qin Nuo doesn't even have the desire to take it out. You can buy this thing at the convenience store downstairs. Why do you use it?

"Okay, thank you for your support!" On the tenth day after the movie was released, Qin Nuo brought everyone to Jiangcheng, and the fans were very enthusiastic.

After ten days of unremitting efforts, the box office of Detective Chinatown has exceeded 300 million, reaching 310 million.

There is still about 400 million left before the box office record, which is indeed promising.

"Director Qin, is your goal this time to break China's box office record?" After the movie, the audience and reporters took advantage of it.

"My goal is to get as high a box office as possible. If I can break the record, that would be great." Qin Nuo looked at the crowd: "If it doesn't work this time, it will definitely work next time!"

When the audience below heard this, they also screamed.

"Qin Dao Niubi!"

“I just like Qin Nuo’s confidence, come on!”

"Nono is so handsome, can I sign it?"

"Director Qin, the box office of the first Tang Detective movie has exceeded 300 million. It can be said to be very successful. When do you plan to shoot the sequel!"

The reporter's words also attracted the audience's attention, and they all looked at Qin Nuo.

They also saw in the last scene of the movie that the story of Chinatown was not finished, and there was even more than one.

This is a series of movies from Qin Nuo.

They are looking forward to when the second part will be released.

"Next year, if it is released too early you will be tired. Besides, I haven't written the script yet, so maybe next year!"

"Director Qin, what are your plans for your next movie?"

"Yes, I have"

The reporters were excited. Qin Nuo was a fast shooter, fast and good, but they didn't expect that he would make new moves so soon.


"I haven't found any investment for the movie, the cast has not been decided, and there is no script yet, but I plan to release it on National Day!"



Deng Chao and others on the stage looked at Qin Nuo and couldn't help laughing.

Director Qin, you are really putting on a show. You did nothing but plan to release it on National Day. Aren’t you just teasing reporters?

Seeing the confused expressions of the reporters in the audience, they simply couldn't help it.

The reporters rolled their eyes inwardly, regardless of whether Qin Nuo was playing tricks on us, and turned to look at Liu Yifei.

"Sissi, how did you get along with the crew during filming?"

"Very good" Liu Yifei said with a smile.

"No, during the premiere we saw that you and Gao Yuanyuan seemed to have a conflict. Is there any conflict between you and Gao Yuanyuan?"

Upon hearing this, the smile on Liu Yifei's face froze instantly.

This girl is not good at managing expressions. She still wrote down what happened last time in her notebook, but now she is busy running road shows and has no time to settle accounts with Gao Yuanyuan.

Seeing Liu Yifei's expression, the reporters instantly became excited. Hot searches were coming, and the Tang Dynasty heroine was competing for the position, pulling each other down.

What netizens like to watch most these days is scandals and feuds.

"Excuse me, Liu Yifei, what is the conflict between you and Gao Yuanyuan?"

"Is it because of your rank?"

"When Liu Yifei was on the set, someone broke the news that you had never spoken to Gao Yuanyuan. Is the news true?"

Liu Yifei was very angry. She really didn't want to bear it. If she hadn't seen so many people, she would have wanted to say what was in her heart.

But no, if I say it, I will definitely be criticized by netizens later.

"That's not the case. Gao Yuanyuan and I have a good relationship!"

Liu Yifei said coldly.

"Excuse me....……"

"Okay, okay, that's it for today's interview. Everyone should go back and rest early. Bye!"

After Qin Nuo finished speaking, she took Liu Yifei and walked outside, and the crew followed.

"Qin Nuo wait a minute!"

"Last question~"

It's a pity that Qin Nuo ignored these people at all and left quickly under the escort of security guards.

The reporters felt a little dissatisfied when they saw people disappearing.

Finally got the big news, Qin Nuo ran away again.

"Qin Nuo, this is really annoying. There is definitely something wrong with these two women!"

"Why do you care so much? Qin Nuo won't let us interview, why can't we make it up ourselves?"

"Brother Liu, this is not good, what if someone sues us?"

Brother Liu listened to the words of the rookie next to him and rolled his eyes. Sue? How to sue? He has been a reporter for so many years and has written scandals about countless celebrities.

I have never been sued, but I have received a lot of red envelopes...

"What the hell, you're still young, maybe Qin Nuo did it on purpose."

Brother Liu has been in the reporter circle for more than ten years and has never seen anything. Detective Tang is now hitting box office records.

It's very promising. If we create more hot spots, the box office will be higher.

He felt that maybe this was a scene directed by Qin Nuo.

"on purpose?"

“Forget it if you don’t understand~”

Some reporters nearby also touched their chins. If Brother Liu hadn't mentioned it, they wouldn't have mentioned it before they thought of it.

Don't say it's really possible.

But forget it, it doesn’t matter whether he is real or not, as long as there are explosive points, we don’t care about the rest!

ps: There will be two more updates later. If you like the book friends, please support me. I update 20,000 words a day. The author won’t be too embarrassed. Try not to raise it. If you set a higher level, maybe you can add two more recommendations. Thank you!!.

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