Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

575 Is Killing People Like Crazy, Killing People Like Crazy, Everyone In The Avengers Alliance Is Fu

"Humph, it's like this again. I'm too lazy to argue with you!"

Sarnoff complained secretly.

Soon the staff in the audience handed over the microphone.

Qin Nuo picked up the microphone and looked down at the celebrity artists from all over the world.

Haven't spoken yet.

Everyone's eyes have already been cast.

There are surprise, exclamation, excitement, admiration in the eyes, and of course jealousy.

After all, Qin Nuo is too young.

He is less than thirty years old, no matter where he is at this age.

It's not easy to direct a movie of your own alone.

And what about Qin Nuo?

He was already famous all over the world before he was thirty years old.

Became the second director in the world to earn more than 2 billion yuan.

This record will probably be difficult to break within fifty years.

It's hard not to be jealous.

But I also feel deeply powerless.

Qin Nuo on the stage didn't care about this. What they thought had nothing to do with him.

Putting the microphone to his mouth, a signature smile appeared on his face.

"Everyone, welcome to the Dark Knight's celebration party!"

As soon as he said this, thunderous applause broke out from the audience.

After a while, the applause slowly disappeared.

Qin Nuo then continued.

"Thank you for your encouragement." He picked up the phone and walked out slowly.

"Perhaps everyone thinks I'm being self-effacing, but I really didn't expect it to break 200 billion before The Dark Knight was released."

"I made a bet with the reporters at that time. In my mind, the prediction for the Dark Knight was between 1.2 billion and 1.5 billion!"

The following guests also listened carefully to Qin Nuo’s inner thoughts.

After hearing this number, the guests felt it was true.

I even think Qin Nuo is a bit arrogant.

No one was optimistic about the Dark Knight at the time.

Everyone even thinks it would be great to have 500 million.

But Qin Nuo’s prediction is 1.5 billion.

have to say. This guy is really confident in himself.

"But it turns out that I still underestimated myself. I didn't expect to break 2 billion, haha!!"

The guests had smiles on their faces, but they felt as if they had eaten Xiang.

He complained secretly.

By the way, Director Qin, we know you are great, very powerful.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Is it okay to smile so happily?

Onlookers just thought Qin Nuo was a bit humorous, but the person involved was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

This time Robert and the leading actors from the Avengers also came.

Hearing Qin Nuo's laughter, their faces were very ugly.

Robert Downey Jr., Evans, who plays Captain America, and other leading actors, their eyes immediately fell on Scarlett, the Black Widow.

As everyone knows.

The relationship between Scarlett and Qin Nuo is extraordinary.

The two are very close.

In fact, Scarlett was also very unhappy. Did this bastard Qin forget that I am also a member of the Avengers?

This smile of yours makes me very embarrassed.

But it's not over yet.

Scarlett turned around and suddenly felt strange.

Why are you guys looking at me?

What's the meaning?

"What are you looking at? I have nothing to do with this bastard Qin, if you don't like him.

"You can go up and give him a beating."

Robert Downey Jr. and Evans twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Turned his head back.

I thought to myself.

It doesn't matter?

Do you think we are stupid?

You, the black widow, must have been subdued by Qin Nuo a long time ago.

The black leather coat has also become a red dowry

Don't think we don't know.

And Qin Nuo.

Just wait, we were indeed careless this time.

Why don't we come back for Avengers 2?

Qin Nuo on the stage didn't care so much. He smiled and suddenly turned serious.

"I was just joking. The Dark Knight can break 2 billion. In my opinion, the biggest contributor is not me.

"It's not Hathaway, Bale and the others, and it's not Warner Bros."

Suddenly Qin Nuo looked at the fans behind him and said loudly.

"The biggest contributor should be you, your lovely fans!"

"If it weren't for your support, the Dark Knight would never have come back!"

"So, thank you!"

After speaking, Qin Nuo bowed deeply towards the lucky fans invited from behind.

Bell Hathaway and other leading actors also quickly imitated Qin Nuo and bowed.

This move greatly moved the fans who came.

His eyes were red.

"Qin, we will always support you!"

"Qin, the king of DC, we believe that DC will return to glory under your leadership!"

"Thank you Qin, you are the best."


The lucky fans behind shouted.

It even seemed a little hoarse.

They thought they were lucky to have come, but they didn't expect Qin Nuo, a world-class director, to thank them personally.

I instantly felt surrounded by happiness.

They secretly decided that no matter what movie Qin Nuo makes in the future, they will always support it.

For nothing else.

Just for today.

The current guests looked at Qin Nuo on the stage and admired him very much.

This young man is really awesome.

Although they knew that maybe Qin Nuo was just showing off.

Take advantage of the celebration party to increase your fan favorability.

But not everything can be done like this.

Many directors never take the audience into consideration, they just treat them like leeks.



They may even look down upon them.

It's like a product-carrying anchor looks down on consumers who buy his own products.

He even despises people for being poor.

Pick up the bowl to eat, put down the bowl and scold your mother.

There simply aren't many people like this.

To put it simply, it’s floating!

But Qin Nuo has never forgotten its original intention.

This alone is better than countless others.

"Hey, Korgas, let's talk to Qin Nuo later, DC has already put his mark on him!" David looked at Qin Nuo on the stage.

There is happiness and frustration.

"If there is a substitution, I'm afraid Warner will be demolished by these angry fans.

"BOSS, shouldn't this be decided long ago?"

Korgas said with a smile.

"Do you still want to change someone? It's impossible!"

"No one can draw the blueprint of the DC universe except Qin!"

David smiled bitterly.

In fact, before, he really had the idea of ​​​​changing Qin.

Of course it's not that stupid Tommy's problem.

It's not about money either

It's just that if DC really relies on one person, the fault tolerance rate will be too low.

Not healthy.

And it's very restrictive.

This is a terrible thing for a Hollywood top film company.

But very helpless.

The question now is if the next DC movie doesn't have Qin Nuo as the director.

Then the fans will disagree first, the board of directors will not agree, and the Nasdaq side will not agree either.

Even many Warner Bros. executives disagreed.

To put it bluntly, he is a CEO who is just a high-level worker.

What can be done?

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

DC still has to let Qin come, which is something that can't be done at least in the first three or even five movies.

"Of course I know, maybe I'm too greedy.

"Actually, I envy Disney more." David said softly.

"Because no matter who Disney is missing, Robert, Allen or even Downey Jr."

"Then Marvel is still Marvel [they can continue to make movies" (Qian Wu's)

Korgas shrugged, feeling indifferent.

David is indeed a bit greedy.

You can't just sell DC after Qin Nuo saved him.

This situation should be prepared when the film project is approved.

Now it's just a matter of seeking kindness and receiving kindness.

To put it another way, so what if we really rely on Qin Nuo.

Korgas has a very good opinion of Qin Nuo.

He is not a greedy person, at most he takes a small advantage.

For Warner, it doesn't matter.

"BOSS, don't think too much, think about the good things. For example, you might be getting promoted?"


After hearing this, David thought about it carefully and it seemed to be the same truth.

There were rumors some time ago that Warner Times CEO Jeff Koeman had some health problems.

Very likely to resign.

And he, David, had little chance.

But this time the Dark Knight was too dazzling, and the Times board of directors felt that David had a good vision.

It can actually save DC, which has been dilapidated for decades.

The importance of vision to a CEO is self-evident.

Therefore, his approval rating among the candidates has skyrocketed. .

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