Entertainment: Re-Employment From The Wind

Chapter 24 Cooking "Porridge" Around The Stove (Part 2)

"It happens that everyone is here, why don't we just choose a day, let's cook porridge around the stove first? How about it?" Xie Zhiyao looked at several people and said. "It's not easy for everyone to get together from all over the world. It just so happens that the weather is good tonight. Let's sit together and chat, brag, and enjoy the scenery."

"Very good." Chen Nanxing replied with a smile.

It is not bad to meet such a group of interesting people at the end of life.

Seeing that Chen Nanxing agreed, Xu Hongdou and Liu Changqing followed suit.

"Exactly, I still have unfinished skewers here."

Hu Youyu lifted the bag in his hand.

"Then I'll call Damai." Nana said with a smile.

Hu Youyu consciously went to the next room and got a stool out.

Several people sat around, and Master Ma also came out with a few sets of bowls and chopsticks.

"Wow, it smells so good~" A crisp child's voice sounded at the gate of the small courtyard.

Everyone looked back, and saw a little boy standing at the gate of the small courtyard, looking at everyone.

"Little Hulu, why are you here? You still not sleeping so late? Where's your mother?" Xie Zhiyao saw that only Little Hulu was there, but Xie Xiaochun was not there.

"Grandma is going to make flower cakes tomorrow, and mom is helping."

"Then why did you run out by yourself, come here." Xie Zhiyao said.

But the little gourd still stood there without moving.

"I wanted to go and play with Tuotuo, but when I passed by here, I smelled good, so I came here." Little Gourd said in a childish voice.

"Little gourd, do you want to drink it?" Xu Hongdou said softly, "Come here, and let Uncle give you some to taste, okay?"

Hearing this, the little gourd came over.

Liu Changqing really didn't expect that cooking porridge by himself would attract all the children.

"The products produced by this system are really high-quality goods." Liu Changqing thought.

Liu Changqing first filled Chen Nanxing and Xu Hongdou with a bowl of porridge, and then filled the little gourd with some.

"Then you guys drink first, I don't know if the child told her mother when she went out, I'll go and talk to Xiaochun, so that she won't worry, and ask her if she's coming." Xie Zhiyao said.

"Alright then, save some for you and Xiaochun." Liu Changqing said.

Fortunately, Liu Changqing cooked a little too much porridge today, otherwise it might not be enough to drink.

Chen Nanxing gently scooped up a spoonful and tasted it.

eyes lit up.

"How is it?" Liu Changqing looked at Chen Nanxing and asked, "Is it to your liking?"

"Well, it's really good. I thought that medicinal food would have a strange smell of traditional Chinese medicine, but I didn't expect it to have a faint fragrance."

"Of course, cypress is a kind of spice, since you like to drink, drink more." Liu Changqing said.

"Try it too." Liu Changqing said to Xu Hongdou, looking for praise.

"It's delicious." Xu Hongdou said with a smile, "It feels like I don't know you after such a long time. I have learned to cook, I have the courage to resist the leader, and I have also learned to write novels... Are you a student? Science and engineering? Why did you think of writing a novel?"

While the two were talking, Nana and Damai also walked down, and they managed to persuade them to come down.

"Writing novels? Who, I didn't expect that there are two great writers hidden in our small courtyard."

Just hearing Xu Hongdou's words, Lin Na asked curiously.

"I'm not a great writer, I just make a living." Liu Changqing said.

"Can you tell me what book you wrote?"

At this time Damai said, maybe only this topic can make the socially fearful Damai take the initiative to ask a stranger who is not very familiar.

"Lord of mysteries, in Feilu." Liu Changqing said without much thought.

"What? Lord of Mysteries? You wrote it? You are Qingshan?" Damai said in shock.

"Is this book famous?" Chen Nanxing didn't read novels very much and asked curiously.

"This book, it's not a matter of not being famous, it is now a novel that is popular all over the Internet."

Everyone looked at Liu Changqing in shock.

Damai heard the conversations of a few people before, it seems that Liu Changqing is not a full-time writer, he just started to learn to write novels recently, and as a full-time writer, the books he writes are not slow, the old saying is really true, just throw away the goods

"Is this your first book?" Damai asked curiously as if he had been hit.

"No, I've written many books before, but none of them became popular..." Liu Changqing heard Damai's hidden meaning and told a white lie.

"But this is also very good, your hard work has paid off." Damai's eyes seemed to dim a bit.

"It's okay, Damai. We will work hard and we will succeed." Seeing Damai's mood suddenly become depressed, Lin Na comforted her.

"Damai, so are you also writing a book? Are you female? I also know about it. If you have time, let's talk about it together." Liu Changqing said.

Liu Changqing didn't specifically read female channel novels, but he basically read all the popular TV series in his previous life, and now they are stored in his mind.

I don't know how to write female videos, so I just sorted out the outline and handed it over to Damai to write, as long as I make it clear that the right to adapt the film and television belongs to myself.

"It's not communication, it's learning. I'll learn from you!"

It can be seen that although Damai at this stage is very confused, he still wants to go on this road.

Unlike later, when he was hit, it was only after Hongdou and Nana's persuasion that he became firm in his mind.

Therefore, when she heard that a great god was willing to play with her, she was very happy.

"What are you talking about? So happy."

When a few people were chatting, Xie Zhiyao brought Xie Xiaochun back.

"It's just right, the porridge is not hot anymore, and it won't taste good if it's cold." Liu Changqing said. "I was talking about the novel just now."

"Fiction? By the way, what is the title of the novel you wrote? I must go and read the masterpiece of my old classmate."

What Xie Zhiyao thought was that his old classmate lost his job and spent so much money to rent a house. With the lessons learned from Damai, it is estimated that writing novels does not make much money. Ask about the title of the book so that I can support it .

"Lord of Mysteries" Liu Changqing repeated, without stopping to hold the porridge in his hands, "Little gourd, do you want more?"

"Thanks Uncle, I'm too drunk, I don't want it."

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed when they heard Xiao Hulu's words.

"Little gourd, it's not called drinking too much, it's called full, you know?" Xie Xiaochun said.

"Oh, then Uncle, I'm full, I don't want it anymore." Little Gourd said in a childish voice.

"It's so cute." Xu Hongdou pinched the little gourd's cheek.

"Cute, you'll have one too." Chen Nanxing whispered.

"Who am I going to live with?"

"Isn't the person there?"

Although their voices were small, Liu Changqing heard them all.

I thought to myself, "Nan Xing, you are really the strongest wingman!"

Then thought of something.

"System, do you have any medicines for Ca in your store?"

【have! Price 100,000 points]

"I'll go, it's so expensive?"

[Compared to a life, 100,000 points are not expensive. 】

When the system said this, Liu Changqing could understand it, but he absolutely couldn't afford the price.

[The host can add wish items to the wish list, so that the next festival, the mall's discount list may appear]

"Really?" Liu Changqing was a little unbelievable, and then a little discouraged, thinking, "If you get a 10% discount, you will still need 10,000 points, and it will be Labor Day soon. If it takes a long time to save, I can afford it, Chen Nan Xing can't afford to wait."

"How many fishing points do I have?"

【5002 points】

"Why are there so many?" Liu Changqing thought to himself.

[The host has been busy with quarrels and lawsuits with others recently, and has not tried hard to update, which is considered fishing! 】

"Okay~" Liu Changqing was a little embarrassed. It seems that the system is relatively loose in judging what constitutes fishing. If this is the case, there is hope until May Day.

Liu Changqing even added the drug for Ca treatment to the wish list.

"This is really resignation." Liu Changqing glanced at Xu Hongdou.

Although he was not familiar with Chen Nanxing, that is, when he was dating Xu Hongdou, he occasionally heard Xu Hongdou talk about his best friend.

But through this contact, he really felt that this girl was quite open-minded.

It's just that sometimes, those who stay in this world are the ones who suffer. Although even if Chen Nanxing passed away, Liu Changqing is confident to let her come out, but Liu Changqing doesn't want to see Xu Hongdou sad.


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