Entertainment: Re-Employment From The Wind

Chapter 45: I Hope There Is No Disease In The World

Xu Hongdou opened the first video, which was the video uploaded by Xie Zhiyao himself.

Sure enough, the ID is called "Yunmiao Village Grass".

Hongdou smiled, and then turned up the volume of the video a bit.

Otherwise, these two people are still "quarreling", and they can't hear clearly~

The video was played at double speed. In the evening, the night gradually fell, and a few stars suddenly appeared in the east.

At this time, the prelude of the song starts to play, and the subtitles appear on the video.

"the brightest star in the night sky"

Lyricist: Aoyama See Me

Composer: See Me in Aoyama

Original Singer: See Me in Qingshan

Guitar: See Me in Aoyama

Piano: See Me in Aoyama

Violin: See Me at Aoyama

Composer: Nanzhao Xingguang Recording Studio

Recording: Nanzhao Xingguang Recording Studio

"Eh..." Xu Hongdou glanced at Liu Changqing who was still arguing with Xie Zhiyao, and thought, "When did this guy learn piano and violin?"

Without giving Xu Hongdou a long time to think, the prelude was over.

The video also gradually increased with the dots of starlight, becoming quiet and secretive.

The earth quietly merged into a warm night.

With the gentle breeze coming, the villagers danced and sang freely under the starry sky...

"the brightest star in the night sky

can you hear me clearly

the one who looks up

The loneliness and sigh in the bottom of my heart

oh the brightest star in the night sky

can you remember

walked with me

figure lost in the wind

Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence

whenever i get lost in the night

oh~ the brightest star in the night sky

oh please light my way

the brightest star in the night sky

can you hear me clearly

the one who looks up

The loneliness and sighs in my heart"

The video will be over soon.

"Sigh." Xu Hongdou sighed again. Although it was not the first time she heard this song, but with this video, she could always think of that night when Chen Nanxing said to herself

After leaving, she will become the brightest star in the sky...

After picking up his mood, Xu Hongdou clicked on the comment, wanting to see what everyone said about this song.

[The song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" is really suitable for listening to alone while strolling on a country road, or walking on the streets where 050 leaves are piled up. At this time, if there are a few faint stars in the sky, and there is an old friend beside you, it will be more beautiful. ]

[I don't know what to say, I just know that the moment I heard this song, my heart seemed to be hit by a bullet. At this moment, I raised my head and tried to look up at the starry sky, but I saw that It's the neon lights on the city's steel forest... Who can hear the loneliness and sighs in my heart?]

[I haven't seen such a clean starry sky for a long time, where is this?]

[Village Grass in Yunmiao Village (Author): This is Yunmiao Village in Nanzhao, welcome to play. ]

These few comments are more popular in the comment area, with more likes.

In addition, there is another one that is also very popular.

[Do you guys think the name of the songwriter and singer of this song looks familiar?]

[Qingshan sees me? The person who said "the world is so big, I want to see it" and the account of the leader who is angry have been called Qingshan for a long time @青山不知道是他。 ]

[Reply: Yes, the author said this is Yunmiao Village, I remember that @青山 also went to Yunmiao Village. ]

[Reply: When you said that, I also remembered that he seemed to be going to Nanzhao. ]

The replies below became more and more outrageous, and even the boss of Starlight Recording Studio was picked out.

[Starlight Recording Studio: Hello everyone, I am the owner of the BGM recording studio in the video, thank you for your attention to this song, I think this song is in the Chinese music scene in recent years, not to mention Wang Zha, it is at least 4 level 2 song

About the original singer, I can't reveal too much, because the original singer said that he doesn't want to be exposed in the public eye, so I can only say that he is an excellent, handsome and serious guy. In addition, I hope everyone will pay more attention to the songs, so that our original singers will have more outlets, thank you everyone. ]

"Hey, you two crouching dragons and phoenix chicks~ stop arguing, you two." Xu Hongdou stopped the two who were still arguing. "Look at this."

Xu Hongdou handed the phone to Liu Changqing.

"I'll go, they can find out my identity?" Liu Changqing was shocked after reading the comments.

"Well, please reply to (acbj) for me, and say, 'The original singer said: If you eat an egg and think it tastes good, why do you need to know the hen that lays the egg?' Just reply him like this."

"If you eat an egg and think it tastes good, why do you need to know the hen that lays the egg?" Xie Zhiyao repeated this sentence, "It's very philosophical."

Although there is Mr. Qian Zhongshu in this world, it seems that there is no foreign reporter who wants to know Mr. Qian Zhongshu, so Mr. Qian Zhongshu did not say this sentence.

So Xie Zhiyao just thinks this sentence is very philosophical.

Xu Hongdou replied Liu Changqing's original words.

Unexpectedly, this comment directly confirms the original singer of this song, who is the one who said "the world is so big" and "life is more than what you see in front of you".

In less than two minutes, this comment received more than 3,000 likes and hundreds of comments.

[Look, let me just say this name looks familiar, let me guess right. ]

[You might as well not explain, the more you explain, the more interested you will be, after all contemporary netizens are focusing on a traitor @青山]

[I want to ask you, how much did you give to the studio boss when you recorded the song at this time? Good guy, don’t let others make money, right? ]

This netizen really misunderstood. It really cost money to record this song, otherwise it would have no effect.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the recording studio noticed this reply, and he replied below [At this time, I received the song 5000#笑喵, although the lyrics and music are well written, but the original singing is full of emotions, without skills, I taught A little tricky, so I still charged a little money. ]

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions.

A singer who can write this kind of song will have poor singing skills? Netizens expressed their disbelief.

Seeing Liu Changqing getting more and more outrageous, everyone's focus has changed.

I had no choice but to take out my mobile phone, download the already uninstalled Douyin back, and personally reply under the video.

[Hello everyone, I am the original creator of the song at this time. I am very glad that everyone likes this song, but in fact, the purpose of my writing this song is to promote our beautiful Yunmiao Village in Nanzhao~ But now everyone seems to be paying attention Focus on me, I am actually a very common, even vulgar person, there is really no need for everyone to focus on me!

In addition, as I said before, because I don’t know how to live broadcast or bring goods, I just hope that everyone will not pay too much attention to me! This will put me under a lot of pressure, because your every move will be watched by others, like me Ordinary people, sometimes what they do or say will inevitably be magnified by everyone.

In the end, I still hope that this video will return to the video itself, which is the geography, humanities, and beautiful scenery of Yunmiao Village! Everyone is welcome in Yunmiao Village! @云喵村村草 pair whispers, he is no longer a village grass day laugh

[Excellent, sober in the world!]

[Yeah, it’s really clear in the world to make a lot of money with internet celebrities and not do it#狗头]

[Do you think everyone is the same as you? This person looks like a person with ideals and ambitions. To say that he is an Internet celebrity is really an insult to him. ]

Liu Changqing was a little helpless looking at the comment area, why did they start arguing?

"Just get used to it." Seeing Liu Changqing's helpless look, Xu Hongdou comforted her.

"Why don't you close the comment area, otherwise I always feel that these people will never focus on Yunmiao Village itself." Liu Changqing thought for a while, and said to Xie Zhiyao

Xie Zhiyao was also paying attention to the comment area.

After thinking about it, considering that Liu Changqing seems to be really unwilling to be the focus, turning off the comment area will reduce the popularity of the video, but let's focus on the feelings of friends first.

"Okay, then I will close the comment area, no matter how many tourists there are, our village will not be able to digest them.

Afterwards, Xie Zhiyao only left a comment of "Welcome to Yunmiao Village in Nanzhao", all other comments were deleted, and then the comment area was closed.

Liu Changqing didn't know how much this matter would affect his follow-up, but after a whole morning of gags, he was not so nervous.

For Chinese food, Liu Changqing made a vegetarian dish, and invited the people in the small courtyard to have a vegetarian meal.

Vegetarian food again at night.

"Brother, why do I feel like you are going to become a monk?" Hu Youyu complained, "You meditate here in the morning, you are a vegetarian at noon, and you are also a vegetarian at night.

"What you said, I'll ask you if it tastes good." Liu Changqing said.

"It's delicious, but it's just that there is no meat, so I always feel weak."

"Hey, then I've made a decision. From now on, I'll be vegan at the end of every month." Liu Changqing said with a smile. Of course, he still has a word in his heart, that is, if the system mall can find special medicine, he will buy it. If you can afford it.

Night fell quickly.

Liu Changqing bathed and burned incense, waiting for the clock to strike zero.

Near zero, Liu Changqing let out a long breath~

Anyway, it's life. If there is a "life-saving medicine" in the system mall, then Chen Nanxing's life in this world should not die. If not, then it's fine to act out the plot of the original drama in this world.

And there is still me in this world, believing in me makes Xu Hongdou get out of sadness faster.

Once you figure this out, time flies by quickly.

May 1 at 0:00

"System, open the system mall."

[Exclusive festival for working workers! 10% off on site! Don’t miss it when you pass by, miss it once, and wait for a year~]

This damn thick and weird big sale style.

"To be honest, it's a bit shocking~" Liu Changqing complained. "But today is a 10% discount for the entire site? Then if you can refresh the special medicine, the original price is 100,000 points, and the 10% discount is only 10,000. I can afford it, and even have points left."

"Ca specific medicine!!" Liu Changqing murmured in his mind while looking for it on the shelves of the system mall.

Finally! Liu Changqing saw what he was looking for.


Liu Changqing covered his mouth! He forced his smile back!

On the shelves of the system mall, there is a [nano Ca cell inactivation robot] original price: 100,000, current price: 10,000! It can automatically identify Ca cells and kill them after marking. Note: 1 capsule contains 100,000 units of nanorobots, and you can choose how to use them yourself.

"Choose the way to use it yourself? That is to say, can the medicine not be swallowed in the form of capsules?" Liu Changqing is still thinking about how to make Chen Nanxing eat the capsules. without appearing obtrusive.

But now the system prompts, you can choose how to use it yourself, then open it and put it in the food, so that it will not be obtrusive.

"System, roughly how many capsules are needed to completely heal?"

[This is a cell robot, theoretically it can be infinitely complex

Made, so only one capsule is all you need. 】

"Infinite replication? Wouldn't it become a second Ca cell?"

[Host please rest assured, when the 'robot' loses the target cell, it will automatically enter a dormant state. Although this technology is a backward technology in ancient times on the home planet of this system, it is

It has gone through a long-term technical certification, and it was the only medical solution that year. 】

"Good guy, this is still your ancient technology.

[Yes, you can't afford the latest tech gadgets. 】

"...Well, if this cell robot is dormant, does it mean that if Ca cells are produced again, it will be activated?"

【Yes. 】

"Good guy, then this means that this person will never get a CA." Liu Changqing thought in his mind.

"It's a pity that I don't have points on hand now, otherwise I can exchange one or two capsules of this kind for backup! Or use them for research..."

Capsules were exchanged directly.

"Huh? What's going on? Why not?" Liu Changqing asked.

【Host please rest assured, all physical rewards have been delivered by express delivery!】

"Scared me~ I thought it appeared out of thin air." Liu Changqing thought.

Finally, a matter of concern was resolved.

After buying the capsules, Liu Changqing still has 2341 points left.

This point is still enough for Liu Changqing to buy a top-level skill in the system mall, which is a skill with an original price of 15,000.

At the same time, it was enough for Liu Changqing to turn on the system dial twice.

But Liu Changqing took a look. Although the price of the big carousel has increased, the probability of shipment has decreased instead.

Even the top reward area is only as wide as a little finger~

After weighing it for a moment, Liu Changqing decided not to draw a lottery, and spend 1,000 points to gain a little chance of getting top-level skills. It is better to spend 1,500 to exchange for top-level skills.



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