Chu Sheng’s words directly stunned everyone.

To know.

The last time these three actors collaborated, the play was called “Let the Bullets Fly”!

That is one of the few movies that Jiang Wen has won both box office and word-of-mouth.

The cumulative box office is as high as 100 million!

Not only that.

The film even swept through major film festivals, allowing several leading actors to win awards and get soft.

Some people even said that “Let the Bullets Fly” is definitely a peak of Jiang Wen’s artistic creation.

But now.

Chu Sheng actually said that they were going to cooperate again, is this really false?

And just when everyone was surprised, Jiang Wen rolled his eyes and looked at Chu Sheng speechlessly: “Can you stop talking nonsense, can you still write a script?” ”




When everyone heard this, they were all dumbfounded, and everyone’s eyes looked at Chu Sheng with a look of shock.

Reba blurted out: “Godfather, you still write scripts?” ”

Liu Tianxian and the others also looked at Chu Sheng puzzled, after all, the information revealed by Jiang Wen’s words was quite a lot.

First, he said that Chu Sheng was talking nonsense, which meant that these three might just come to see their old friends and would not cooperate again.

Second, he said that it is difficult for Chu Sheng to write a script, does this mean that the screenwriter of the movie “Let the Bullets Fly” is Chu Sheng.

Third, as far as the tone and tone of his conversation with Chu Sheng, it was obvious that the two were very familiar and had a particularly good relationship.

These points alone are enough surprises.

To know.

Chu Sheng and Jiang Wen can be said to be two types of people who are completely incompatible!

They turned out to be friends, even if Chu Sheng explained it in the show before, and Jiang Wen also said on Weibo that he had a good relationship with Chu Sheng, but everyone thought that they were the relationship between investors and directors at that time.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be familiar to this point.

Not only these people present were shocked, but even the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

Everyone is a little curious, what is the relationship between this Chu Sheng and several movie stars?

“Yes, Mr. Chu, don’t joke, I have no plans to act.”

Brother Fa also said with a smile.

His smile is particularly infectious, just a slight smile gives people a particularly comfortable feeling. 11 On the contrary, it was Uncle Ge, who rolled his eyes and made several young people laugh.

As a result, everyone laughed even more when he said the next sentence.

“Teacher Xiao Chu, don’t make fun of us, the movie will definitely not be made anymore, I can watch it when I drink.”

With Uncle Ge’s words, everyone understood that Chu Sheng was joking.

The audience in the live broadcast room was immediately disappointed.

“Alas, it turned out to be a joke!”

“yes, I thought I could really see these people working together again.”

“But isn’t it, there were still many feelings that were not said in that play.”

“It’s not that I didn’t say it, it was originally an open-ended ending.”

“But Chu Sheng turned out to be the screenwriter of “Let the Bullets Fly”, which surprised me a little.”

“Yes, it feels like this play doesn’t seem to match him.”

“Hahaha, doesn’t the style match?”

“There is a little, it is not a way at all.”

“It’s normal, you can’t eat eggs delicious, just look at what the old hen looks like, right?”

“Hahaha, you’re right.”


The audience was talking about it on the barrage, and on the grassland side, several people and Teacher He and others had already begun to exchange pleasantries.

After all, their status is there, Huang Xiaochu is okay, and the remaining few people, including Teacher He, have to say hello politely.

A few people didn’t have much to do, and they all smiled and greeted everyone.

“Are you building your own house?”

Jiang Wen looked at the wooden house cleaned up by Huang Xiaochu and the others curiously, and asked a little unexpectedly.


He has never watched the variety show “Longing for Life” at all.

Everyone was not surprised at all, because this was Jiang Wen’s consistent style.

He really is that kind of person.

There is a saying, do not know how to turn in circles.

On the contrary, Brother Fa was very curious about Yixing’s work, leaned over with interest, and asked a few words.

Yixing replied one by one, nervously.

After all, this is Zhou Minfa!

Known as the existence of the god of Hong Kong Island acting!

Since decades ago, it has occupied the small screen of TV series, and after switching to the film industry, he became famous all over the world with a “The True Color of Heroes”, and then starred in countless classic movies and roles, and is still a male god in the hearts of many people today.


Brother Fa is also a very approachable person, there is no shelf on weekdays, and he will go out to buy vegetables and cook on Hong Kong Island.

Compared with those artists who can’t move the dozens of bodyguard assistants around them, it is simply unimaginable.


Brother Fa also plans to donate all his assets to charity after his death.

In his own words: I don’t have children anyway, so help more children.

For this alone, he is worthy of respect.

As for Uncle Ge, he was chatting with Teacher He there.

The two had met several times before, and he had also eaten with Teacher He, but he was no stranger.


Jiang Wen’s question was finally answered by Huang Xiaochu.

Both of them belong to the Beijing circle, but one is from the Beijing Film Studio, and the other is the center of the TV series.

Most people think that the statement of the Beijing circle refers to the group of actors and directors around the Huayi brothers, but this is actually wrong.

The early Beijing circle is divided into three circles.

One is headed by Zheng Xiaolong, director of the Yanjing TV Drama Center, and the main members include Zhao Baogang, Feng Xiaogang, Wang Shuo, Dao Ming Chen, Uncle Ge, and Jiang Wen.

The other group is from the human arts side, and people mainly focus on dramas, which are very low-key.

Also, like Huang Xiaokitchen, the family is all from Beijing Film Studio.

This is the complete Beijing circle.

It’s just that Jiang Wen and their group were the earliest popular that year, and the earliest batch of TV series in China were all filmed by them, so they were the most famous.

TV series such as “Longing”, “The Story of the Editorial Office”, “I Love My Home”, and “Yanjing People in New York” all have them as behind-the-scenes promoters.

It’s just that with the development of the times, personal ability, in the face of the power of capital, is becoming less and less worth mentioning, and the two brothers Wang Zhonglei and Wang Zhongjun have more and more power to speak.

This led to the rumors of the so-called bigwigs in the Beijing circle.


The early Beijing circle looks at the background, the medium term looks at personal ability, and now, it depends on who has money.

This is an inevitable result.

After all, the existence of capital is sometimes really unreasonable.

“Kind of interesting.”

Jiang Wen smiled, and then looked at Chu Sheng and said, “Why don’t you go down to work?” ”

“I’m an overseer.”

Chu Sheng said angrily: “You think that everyone is like you, acting and filming.” ”


Everyone was speechless, and then they all laughed.

Jiang Wen was also amused by Chu Sheng’s words.

He first debuted in movies and was an actor.

He collaborated with Guoshi and Gong Huang on the film adapted from Mo Yan’s novel “Red Sorghum”, and also starred in “Furong Town” directed by Xie Jin.

Then, he began to develop in the direction of directing.

The self-written and directed debut film “Sunny Day” was named the first of the “Ten Best Films in the World in ’95” by Time Magazine.

The anti-Japanese war film “The Devil is Coming” won the Grand Jury Prize at the 53rd Cannes International Film Festival of the Millennium Millennium.

Jiang Wen’s character and temperament influenced the characteristics and style of the film, and this characteristic gradually became the symbol of his film works, and then recognized by the industry and the audience.

The scene of the film has a strong subjectivity, which epitomizes the relationship between the creator and the viewer, that is, whether the creator is “telling you to watch what you want” or “watching whatever you want”.

The use of scenery elements directly determines the style characteristics of the film.

Jiang Wen’s films make extensive use of small scenes such as close-ups and close-ups to emphasize, exaggerate, and enlarge the objects to highlight their dramatic characteristics.

This is something that many people see, but do not understand.

It must be admitted that Jiang Wen is the kind of person with talent. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Whether you make a film or be a director, this is the case.

“Teacher Jiang Wen, you have a good relationship with Teacher Chu?”

Teacher He took the initiative to ask Jiang Wen a question at this time.

Everyone is actually very curious.

What is the relationship between Jiang Wen and Chu Sheng.

Chu Sheng said before that Jiang Wen that guy lost a lot of money to himself, and he even took revenge on Jiang Wen.

Hearing Teacher He’s question, Jiang Wen was slightly surprised, but still nodded: “The relationship between the two of us, it can be regarded as forgetting the New Year, when I filmed “Sunny Day”, the budget was not enough, just when Teacher Mo Yan introduced him, I begged for his head, and as a result, although the movie was made and won the award, but you know, my movie, the box office has always been bad…”

“It’s not bad for you, it’s called pounce on the street.”

Chu Sheng was on the side, and complained faintly: “When I filmed, I promised to release it, but when it was filmed, I could only sell the copyright.” ”

Hearing his words, Jiang Wen blushed a little at a rare sight, and said, “This, accident, is definitely an accident.” ”


“It’s so funny.”

Looking at the appearance of these two people, everyone couldn’t help it anymore, and they all laughed.

“And what about later?”

Teacher He immediately asked.

“Since then, I have been lying to him, saying that the next film will definitely be released, and the next one will definitely be released.”

Jiang Wen blinked, and finally said: “It wasn’t until “Let the Bullets Fly” that he finally made money. ”

No wonder Chu Sheng said that he was a big wrongdoer before, but now it seems that this is really the case.

This Jiang Wen is simply a huge pit!

“Ahem, Mr. Jiang, let’s change people occasionally, and we can’t catch a sheep and make wool!”

Huang Xiaochef was on the side, forced to smile and said to Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen laughed and nodded: “This, mainly there were no other good candidates at that time, moreover, although Chu Sheng scolded fiercely, he would really pay.” ”


Everyone laughed again.

But to be honest, in fact, everyone understands Jiang Wen a little.

The profession of directing is sacred, not only because they make films to document facts, but also because they are showing something deeper to the public, such as truth, such as life.

Of course, many directors don’t do it, because they shoot bad movies.

But Jiang Wen is not like that.

Few directors will participate in some small roles in movies, but Jiang Wen did, and he actually played a supporting role in Star Wars who received a bento early, simply because he liked it.

It’s not easy.

At the end of the day, it’s because he loves movies.

Therefore, he will catch Chu Sheng and keep pitting, because he knows that Chu Sheng is the same person as himself.


Naturally, the group could not continue to stay here.

Everyone cleaned up and headed towards the cabin.

Along the way, everyone naturally chatted while walking.

After all, the probability of these three actors appearing in variety shows is very low, and it is hard to have a chance, of course, you have to make the most of it.

“Teacher Chu, why have you been investing in Mr. Jiang Wen’s films, is it because you like his shooting style?”

Peng Peng, as a professional actor, naturally said it more professionally, and under the prompt of Huang Xiaochef, he took the initiative to ask Chu Sheng.

As for why he didn’t ask Jiang Wen this question, he naturally wanted to hear Chu Sheng tell the truth.

Chu Sheng smiled: “It’s very simple, because his movie is really good-looking, although the box office is not good, but the connotation is there.” ”

Everyone was stunned, and they were all a little surprised.

But it has to be said.

What Chu Sheng said seemed to be true.

Jiang Wen’s movies are very old, whether they are TV series or movies.

“Red Sorghum”, “Sunny Day”, “Have Something to Say”, which are not era-based films, including Star Wars, also take place in the future.

Many directors can’t do this feature, mainly because most of the current directors are too young to experience the process of change in the development of the 950s in the 950s, nor have they experienced the early growth of Chinese films.

But Jiang Wen did it, in “Let the Bullets Fly”, he asked those people not to kneel, because the emperor was gone, but they wanted to kneel, why?

Because they lived in the past, living in fear, Jiang Wen’s purpose in this fake county order was originally to make money, but it became to want to change, to change them.

In Chu Sheng’s view, it is precisely because he really saw that living in the army compound allowed him to see a lot of things that the public could not see and see more real changes, but it was precisely because he saw it that he was more willing to show it in the movie.

Times are changing, let the goose city in the bullets fly to change, people’s concepts must also change, because that Zhang Mazi, who wants gold and silver treasures, has finally become a county order who loves the people like a son.

At the same time, his films and TV series are also a portrayal of China’s social changes, from “Red Sorghum” that took place on the Loess Plateau in 88, to “Sunny Day” that took place in Yanjing in 95, from “Let the Bullets Fly” that took place in the Beiyang period in 2010, and then to “One Step Away” that took place in the Pearl of the French Concession in 2014, which is exactly why Jiang Wen made the film, record.

“I didn’t expect you to understand me so much.”

Jiang Wen looked at Chu Sheng and said with some surprise.

He really didn’t expect that Chu Sheng knew himself so well.

Then, he simply walked up to Chu Sheng and hugged him: “Oh, thank you so much.” ”

“You let me go away!”

Faced with Jiang Wen’s hug, Chu Sheng pushed this guy away and said angrily: “I don’t need your hug, when you make a movie in the future, I will thank you for losing less money.” ”


Hearing Chu Sheng’s words, everyone present laughed.

It’s rare to see Chu Sheng like this, and sure enough, it has to be Teacher Jiang Wen!

The audience in the live broadcast room also laughed when they saw this scene.


“It’s also so funny.”

“These two people are really invincible.”

“Laugh at me, Teacher Chu’s disgusted expression is the same as I dislike my girlfriend.”

“I can especially understand his feelings, I have a friend, who is so disgusted by me, hates this guy’s sense of borderlessness, but I can’t help but worry.”

“That’s a friend, it’s normal.”

“I’m friends with you, I’ll help you with something, but can you stop being angry with me.”

“Hahahaha, the look of disgust on the godfather is too cute.”

“Well, people must have different ideas.”

“Seriously, Mr. Jiang Wen’s movie is very good, but if you think about it, it’s really a bit pitted.”

“How to say, Jiang Wen’s movies have never been made for most audiences, he has his own ideas in it, so it is very niche, no way.”


The barrage of the entire live broadcast room is simply hilarious.

Everyone is also more curious about what Chu Sheng will talk about next.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscription, the author strives to break out, you godfathers support me a lot!., 11/03/2023 18:42

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