The story of Xu Fengnian, the prince of Beiliang, who has a brilliant mind, tells the story of his life.

With the earnest expectation of his father Xu Xiao, Xu Fengnian finally became a great man. After thousands of miles of training, three times in and three outs, Xu Fengnian walked in the unknown world of Jianghu.

Although the road was long and difficult, and ruthless murderous intentions were always around, he still persevered and completed the journey to achieve the realm of immortality.

"There are too many characters in this book, so I need to refine the outline."

"The beginning is a bit boring, but it is to set the stage for the plot later."

"So I can't make changes"

"But do Feilu's readers have the patience to read on?"

Wu Shaohan had a headache when he thought of this.

But he could only write according to the original work.

Once it was modified, it would be difficult to continue.

He spent an entire night and wrote 15,000 words.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, he published the book directly.

Less than half an hour after the new book was put into the warehouse, there were nearly 300 collections.

Five thousand flowers, more than 500 evaluation votes, 32 monthly votes and 11 urging votes.

But the readers in the comment area were all scolding.

: After waiting for so long, you wrote such a thing?

: Brother Rishe, you participated in a literary discussion meeting. Could it be that you want to change your style and write traditional literature?

: No one reads traditional literature on Feilu!

: Although your writing has improved a lot, your plot is too slow. I don't know what you want to say after publishing eight chapters!

: From the introduction, it seems to be a martial arts novel, but you might as well write about martial arts!

: After reading for a long time, I saw a King of Beiliang, a mentally retarded younger brother, a servant, and a white-faced fox who was neither male nor female.

: The protagonist is not very interesting! No system and no cheat code!

: Is this the so-called Flying God? I can't stand it! Goodbye!

: Will you accept the courtesan Yu Youwei? If not, I won't read it!

: Come on! Write slowly, there's no rush!...

There were dozens of comments, but only one encouraged him.

And the person who posted this was Reba.

At this time, Reba was sitting on the bed, with a plaster on her snow-white ankle.

She was holding her phone and watching with great interest.

"Xu Fengnian......"

"Xu Xiao......"

"Old Huang......"

"What kind of story does he want to tell?"

"Why does Yu Youwei who appears in Chapter 6 sound so familiar?"

"Does this guy want to start a harem again?"

Reba kept muttering.

Several female stars in the WeChat group were also talking about this book.

Zhang Zifeng: That writer has published a new book, my brother is so happy!

Zhao Lusi: I am reading it, but I don't understand it. Yang Chaoyue

: Me too, I feel the plot is a bit boring.

Bai Lu: By the way, this writer is so handsome! Did you see the hot search yesterday?

Chen Duling: I saw it! The video of his debate with director Guo Jingming went viral on the Internet!

Li Wei: How dare he, a newly debuted writer, mess with Guo Jingming?

Bai Lu: A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger!


Zhao Lusi: @Reba, were you there?

Reba: Yes.

Zhao Lusi: Wow! That scene must have been very exciting, right?

Reba: Very exciting, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded. Yang

Chaoyue: Is he as handsome in person as in the video?

Reba: Even more handsome than in the video.

Yang Chaoyue: Ahhh! (Infatuated face)

Zhao Lusi: He is so handsome and talented, so perfect! @Reba, are you moved?

Reba:......Refused to answer.

Zhao Lusi: You two already know each other, right?

Yang Chaoyue:!!!

Bai Lu: Really?!

Reba:......Refuse to answer, please pay attention to the work.

Zhao Rusi: Hahahahaha~

Yang Chaoyue: Can you recommend his WeChat to me?

Reba: Don’t be a fangirl! I don’t have his WeChat either!......

Reba said this and smiled.

I thought to myself, although I don’t have WeChat, I have his mobile number~

That’s not right......

Why am I so happy?

What does having a cell phone number mean?

Reba patted her head to calm herself down.

But she couldn't help but look down at her chest.

Why did I feel numb last night?


What was I thinking about!......

"Sure enough, Feilu's readers can't accept this style of writing."

Wu Shaohan read the book review for a while and sighed helplessly.

But it's not a big problem.

This book is slow to warm up. Just be patient and keep writing.

But the update speed of this book will be slower.

After all, the writing style is relatively high and needs to be coded word by word.

Five days later.

The number of words in this book reached more than 60,000.

It wrote that Lao Huang, in order to invite Xu Fengnian to go out of the arena, carried the sword box alone and went to Wudi City to fight Wang Xianzhi.

With one move of the sword, he traveled 96,000 miles and almost defeated the number one man in the world.

Unfortunately, his meridians were broken at the critical moment, and he finally sat cross-legged on the top of the city, looking north, and died but not falling.

【Old Huang, what did you dig out from the ground?】

【Master, these are cucumbers stolen from the vegetable garden near the village. They can be eaten raw.】

【Old Huang, am I going to die? I should have known not to touch the box in your bag.】

【No! Young Master, don't let your imagination run wild. People are always scared by themselves. I like to think positively.】

【Old Huang, have you never had a wife?】

【No, when I was young, I only knew how to do hard labor, working as a blacksmith all day, but I couldn't save a penny. Later, when I got older, no girl would look at me.】

【Old Huang, you said that Wen Hua wants to practice swordplay all the time, but looking at his posture, he doesn't look like he has a talent for swordplay.】

【After this battle, no one in the world dared to say that Jian Jiu Huang was inferior to the Sword God Deng Tai'a. Cao Guanzi in the Guanhai Tower praised Jian Jiu's sword moves as majestic and powerful, saying that there was no better sword moves in the world!】......

After this chapter was released, the new book’s data exploded!......


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