Chapter 123 “Liangliang” is released! A poem or a word? When has such brilliant lyrics appeared in the Chinese music scene? !

The two joked and played for a while. After rejoining the team, the new running man live broadcast was coming to an end.。

“Thank you everyone for watching. This is the end of this run, brothers.……”

As Director Yao’s voice fell, all the guests also waved goodbye to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Seeing that the live broadcast room was closed, both the program staff and the guests all let out a long sigh of relief.

After all, the recording of a program requires both front and backstage efforts, which is by no means an easy task.。

“Thanks for your hard work!”

“Well done to the directors!”


In the midst of the hard work, all the guests and all the staff took photos and had a meal together.

After a night, everyone set off on their own journeys the next day.

The same is true for Ye Xuan.

As soon as he boarded the plane, Ye Xuan’s manager Sister Liu’s report rang in his ears.。

“Boss, the TV series “You Are My Glory” is still on the air, and the Penguin platform gives you the best recommendation.……”

“Today, the number of views has exceeded 3 billion, and the topic of the same name has ranked first in Weibo’s total topic list, first in the TV series list, and first in the real-time hot search list for three consecutive times.……”

As the agent reported, even though he had controlled his excitement, his tone still revealed the slightest bit of shock.

Even though this TV series was expected to be a hit, I didn’t know it would become such a hit.

Relying on the popularity of the original work, the enthusiasm of CP fans, and the powerful publicity, after a week of fermentation, the number of views this week has skyrocketed to another level, which can be called extremely popular.

At this moment, compared to the manager’s surprise, Ye Xuan on the side looked calm.

After all, this TV series was once the hit show of the year in his previous life.

As he listened, Ye Xuan’s spirit gradually relaxed and he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

The agent on the side noticed Ye Xuan’s slightly closed eyes, consciously dimmed the lights, and also closed his eyes to rest.。


On the other side, the crew of Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom.

The entire crew was staring at the figure in the red dress under the camera.

The red dress obviously doesn’t have any decorations, but it further highlights the beauty’s original beauty.

The pretty face is bright and scorching, and the eyes are full of charm, and the light is compelling, as bright as a rose.

The phoenix flower on the forehead is the finishing touch of the entire makeup, making it even more sultry and charming. 303

“Click! This one passed! Reba did a good job. ”

Director Lin Yufen is about fifty years old, with neat short hair, and she looks very energetic.

After watching Reba’s performance on the monitor again, she quickly nodded with satisfaction.

The voice fell, and Reba, who played Feng Jiu, Ba quickly left the scene and thanked the staff quite politely.。

“thanks everyone. ”

Taking the water glass handed over by the assistant, Reba was also ready to go back to the lounge to rest for a while.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Yang Mi looking down at the script, and Reba’s pretty face suddenly raised a slight smile.

This movie is called ” The script “Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossom” was introduced to her by Yang Mi from the beginning.

As soon as she got the script and read it carefully, Reba was deeply attracted by the story of the script.

Although she got a second role, The lead star is Yang Mi, the leader of the entire company.

She and Yang Mi are both superiors and subordinates, and they are also sisters.

When she thought of starring in this TV series with Yang Mi, she agreed without saying anything

. After a while, when she saw Yang Mi, Reba was about to ask Yang Mi for advice on what she didn’t understand about acting.

But she walked in step by step and noticed that Yang Mi had obvious dark circles under her eyes, and her eyebrows were even higher. Gao frowned, Reba immediately swallowed what she originally wanted to ask, and asked with concern。

“Sister Mi, haven’t you had a good rest recently? You look very tired……”

Hearing Reba’s voice, Yang Mi came back from being immersed in the script, curled her lips and smiled.。


Subconsciously she didn’t want Reba to worry too much, but when she saw Reba’s caring eyes, Yang Mi’s heart softened. Thinking that Reba was no outsider, she immediately talked about the reason for her frown.。

“Not the anxious theme song yet? ”

Theme song?

Facing Reba’s curious eyes, after all, it was all about this, Yang Mi didn’t hide it and continued.。

“After all, this TV series is produced by Jiaxing. The company has spent a lot of effort on serving the road, choosing the location of the scene, and selecting the actors.……”

“In terms of music, the director also hired a well-known domestic music director, and the opening song, emotional song, and character interludes have all been decided.……”

Having said this, Yang Mi obviously let out a long sigh.。

“But the most crucial theme song is missing. ”

As she spoke, Yang Mi felt a rare headache.

She also thought of the competition songs she had heard in the director’s office these days.

Although the crew had received dozens of competition songs, even Even a layman like her found it unsatisfactory, let alone the picky screenwriter and director Lin. In the words

of the screenwriter, it must not only reveal the antique charm, but also show the sorrow of love, hate, and separation, and it must also be in line with the Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles. The storyline of Peach Blossom.

With layers of difficulty, the theme song has never been solved. Seeing

Yang Mi’s anxious look, Reba seemed to have thought of something, and couldn’t help but feel a move in her heart.

A handsome and graceless figure suddenly appeared in In front of her eyes.

Pursing her lips, Reba couldn’t help but say。

“Sister Mi, I have a recommendation. ”

Hearing this, Yang Mi looked up at Reba and noticed that Reba’s earlobes were slightly red. She seemed to have thought of something and blurted out.。

“You mean Ye Xuan? ! ”

As soon as the words were spoken, Yang Mi’s face was also filled with joy after running through this idea in her mind.


Ye Xuan’s first song was the antique “Red Dust Inn”.

The following songs An album that can be said to be the ceiling that no one can surpass in the field of Chinese style “Blue and White Porcelain”.

Isn’t this the exact style that Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom needs?!

How could she forget Ye Xuan?!

With this idea , Yang Mi has always been a person who is not procrastinating at all, so she immediately said。

“Reba, help me contact Ye Xuan to see if he is interested in writing a theme song for our crew……..”

After saying this, Yang Mi seemed to have thought of something. Her eyes were a bit gossipy, and her voice was a bit joking.。

“It can be regarded as helping you create opportunities to meet Ye Xuan. ”

As soon as the words came out, Reba’s earlobes immediately started to burn.。

“Sister Mi, what are you talking about? ”

But as she said this, the corners of Reba’s mouth turned up unconsciously.。


On the other side, when Ye Xuan got off the plane, he saw a series of messages from Reba popping up on WeChat on his phone.

Ye Da Singer!

The TV s

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) eries starring Sister Mi and I lacks a theme song. Can you help us write a theme song?

Please, please, I’ll treat you to dinner after this is done!

Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossom Attachment


After taking in Reba’s chat history, Ye Xuan’s eyes fell on the last attachment.

Last time I heard that Reba had joined the new cast. Unexpectedly, it happened to be Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom.

In the previous life, this TV series not only propelled Yang Mi to the throne of the ratings queen, but also doubled the value of Reba and others.

Among them, the theme song “Liangliang” played an even greater role���role.

Now that Reba has come to find me, it doesn’t mean that I can’t write.

In this way, as soon as Ye Xuan got into the nanny car, he opened his laptop and typed quickly with his hands.

After he finished copying the cool lyrics in his mind, Ye Xuan casually sent the document over.。


Reba on the other side quickly returned to filming after sending a message to Ye Xuan.

However, as soon as she finished filming, she immediately picked up her phone, fearing that she would miss Ye Xuan’s news.

Although she also knew that Ye Xuan had a busy schedule and might not have time to check his phone in time.

But she couldn’t help it.

When she got the phone again, the clear electronic sound of the phone sounded.

Reba lowered her head and looked at WeChat.

I saw a message from the avatar with the note “Ye Xuan”.

See if it works first.

What works?

There was some doubt in Reba’s eyes.

Just when I was about to ask a question, I saw a document coming right after me.

Her beautiful eyes suddenly opened a little.

This is? !

A subconscious guess appeared vaguely, but Reba seemed to not believe her own thoughts at this time, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Click and take a look, and the document happens to be the lyrics of a song!

So fast? !

It’s only been more than an hour since I sent the message!

Even if she is not a singer, she knows how difficult it is for a singer to write a song.

It is common for many singers to spend several months or even a year or two writing lyrics.

But how long did it take for Ye Xuan to do this? !

At this moment, Reba had no idea that it actually only took less than ten minutes for Ye Xuan to finish writing this poem.

After all, lyrics that others can’t write are as simple as carrying cabbage for Ye Xuan.

At this moment, Reba swallowed hard, and before she had time to take a closer look, she immediately found Yang Mi’s figure.

After walking around the set and seeing Yang Mi talking to Director Lin, Reba immediately stopped and waited next to the two of them.

After communicating with Director Lin about the key points of her filming, Yang Mi looked up and saw Reba waiting aside.。

“Reba, what’s wrong? ! ”

Seeing the beaming look on Reba’s face, her mind moved slightly, and Yang Mi had a vague guess.

Could it be that the theme song has been decided?!

“It’s the theme song……”

As soon as the words came out, Reba on the side nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said in a cheerful voice。

“Sister Mi, I’ll send it to you. Ye Xuan has already sent the lyrics. ”

At this moment, Reba’s voice also attracted the attention of Director Lin on the side.。

“What lyrics? ! ”

Seeing Director Lin’s eyes looking over, thinking that it would be better to hit the sun than to choose the right day, Yang Mi simply introduced her story about asking Reba to find Ye Xuan to write songs.。

“Director, let’s take a look together. ”

At this moment, the music director and screenwriter were all in the distance. When they heard about Ye Xuan writing songs, several people also came over.。

“Did you actually persuade Ye Xuan? ! I’m Teacher Ye’s fan!”

“I must listen carefully! ”

Soon, the document sent by Ye Xuan opened on the computer screen.

When he saw the title of the song, Director Lin shouted out in disbelief.。

“Cool? ! ”

This name…

Isn’t it a bit unlucky?

Your own TV series wants to have at least a huge viewership, but why is it so low? !

Just as the corner of Director Lin’s mouth twitched, the music director on the side also sighed with emotion.。

“If this was placed in a zhengqu, I would kill this name when I saw it.……”

At this moment, several people looked at each other, obviously seeing each other’s surprise.

How could Ye Xuan write such a song?

Is Jiang Lang’s talent exhausted? !

At this moment, a series of words from several people fell into Reba’s ears at the same time. Reba had not noticed the title of the song at all just now, and now she was rarely a little confused.

Isn’t Ye Xuan’s song title a bit unpretentious? !

But out of trust in Ye Xuan’s strength, Reba still had undiminished confidence and took the lead in breaking the calm.。

“Take a look first?”

“Yes, let’s take a look first. “Yang Mi also agreed.

Both of them are the starring roles in this TV series. As soon as the words came out, everyone was willing to give some face.

Nodding, Director Lin read the lyrics aloud while looking at the lyrics.。

“It’s getting cooler at night”

“Flowers fall to the ground and turn into frost”

“You are looking from afar”

“Use up all the twilight”

“It’s hard to forget each other without thinking about it…….”

As the lyrics were read slowly, Director Lin looked a little more surprised.

Many of the lyrics she had received before were just a random patchwork of ancient elements, and they were obviously pointless moaning.

But at this time, these words clearly touched her heart.

The more she read the lyrics, the more amazing she felt.

These poetic words are as if they were tailor-made for a TV series!

Not only was Director Lin immersed in the lyrics, but the screenwriter on the side looked at the lyrics on the screen and seemed to notice some details. His eyes flashed across surprise, astonishment, and surprise.

By the end, his pupils were wide open.

When he looked up again, his eyes were full of excitement。

“It is difficult to forget each other without thinking about it, and there was also a slight frost on the temples, from Su Shi’s “Jiangchengzi”. Ten years of life and death are blurred, without thinking, I will never forget them…”

“Yaoyao peach blossoms are cool, Zhuo Zhuo peach blossoms are cool, selected from “The Book of Songs”. Recipe, Shining. When the son returns home, it is suitable for his family……”

“The cool night makes me miss you like a river, from Du Mu’s “Autumn Evening”. The sky is as cool as water at night, lying down watching Altair and Vega……”

“Turn into spring mud to protect me, from Gong Zizhen’s “Miscellaneous Poems of Jihai Part 5″. Fallen flowers are not heartless things, into Chunni more quadrangle……”

“Almost every lyric has a poetic origin. How much literary attainments and poetic skills does this require? ! ”

As the screenwriter smashed down a series of ancient poems, the director and others on the side were stunned.

Especially Yang Mi and Reba.

They never expected that as soon as Ye Xuan took action, he directly threw a king bomb!

According to the screenwriter, in these few hundred words, every sentence can be found in a corresponding ancient poem!

And it is a completely different poem!

It can be called a poem!

When has such literary talent appeared in the Chinese music world? Remarkable lyrics?!

After repeated shocks, Director Lin finally stuttered and said such an exciting sentence。

“We want this song! ”

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