After figuring out what this place is.

Zheng Kai and the others couldn't help but show surprised eyes.

However, it soon returned to normal.

"There's nothing you can do to stay here, let's go back." Bailu said.

Song Yuqi and they nodded one after another.

But Lin Fei looked left and right back and forth.

But he shook his head and said

"Wait, no hurry."

Song Yuqi was a little puzzled:

"What else is there to wait for?"

Lin Fei said with a bad smile

"I just suddenly felt that before we left, we could send some warmth to Teacher Shayi and them."

"Send warmth?" Song Yuqi was stunned for a moment, seemed to understand something, and mocked:

"You don't want to help Li Cheng and them open the lock of this level, do you?

Then you are really a good person.

I suggest you go to the Lingshan Great Lei Yin Temple, kick the Buddha out of it, and then sit on it yourself. "

Lin Fei gave Song Yuqi a blank look.

"Just your cleverness."

Then, head straight towards the exit door of the Shayi Secret Room.

Bai Lu and them, all curiously followed.


Lin Fei opened the notebook that recorded the clearance conditions of this secret room while taking out a pen from his backpack.

Lin Fei turned the page with the conditions for clearing the customs.

Then I looked left and right.

Discover the Chamber of Secrets.

Standing behind several iron bars that do not know what they are for.

The corners of his mouth grinned at a diabolical magnitude.

Hands up and down.

On top of brand new pages.

A row of "cursive writing" is written gorgeously.

"Let's go."

Lin Fei put the pen away.

Go straight back.

Bai Lu curiously leaned over to the front of the table and glanced at it.

Immediately gasped.

Song Yuqi also walked over curiously.

It's like being struck by lightning.

Stunned on the spot.

The rest of the team looked at the contents of the notebook.

Quan couldn't help but turn around and ask:

"Lin Fei, isn't this too miserable?"

Lin Fei's face was calm:

"Teacher Shayi, they just taunted us with a walkie-talkie."

"I made a little joke with them, it makes sense, right?"

The guests of Group Two looked at each other.

He hesitated for a while before keeping up with Lin Fei.

Among the program group.

Yao PD at the end of the question mark.

"What did Lin Fei just do?"

The assistant director shook his head a little helplessly.

"There is no angle, I can't see clearly."

Yao PD was really curious in his heart.

Be prepared to let the staff come over and take a look.

But this time.

With a crisp click.

Shayi's side.

The door to the chamber was opened.

They were a group of six.

Walk inside while cheering.

Seeing this, Yao PD had to dismiss the idea of letting the staff go over and take a look.

Instead, he looked curious.

Staring at the table in the secret room.

At this time.

In the Chamber of Secrets.

"Don't relax too much, everyone!"

Sha Yi shouted, "We must maintain our fighting spirit! Breath! Pass this level too! "

"In this way, the progress can be on par with Lin Fei and them!"

Li Cheng nodded approvingly: "Teacher Sha is right!" Let's go, let's see the clearance conditions of this level! "

A group of six people.

They all approached the table in front of the gate.

Zhou Yan picked up the notebook.

The result was only one glance.

The whole person froze.

Li Cheng: "Yao PD, it's really the devil!" "

Shayi nodded: "Devil? Satan saw Yao PD, and he had to go around! "

Baby and Fan Chengcheng couldn't read the contents of the notebook.

The two shouted in unison

"What are the conditions for this level?"

"Read it!"

Zhou Yan's expression was extremely strange, and he read the contents of the notebook word by word:

"Humans are worthless creatures."

"But we AI have to admit it."

"Human striptease, pole dancing, is the treasure of the entire universe!"

"Challengers, do a striptease and pole dancing for me to enjoy!"


Be quiet.



And then.


In the live broadcast room of the show.

The barrage began to frantically brush the screen.

"Groove !!"

"What the hell is this mission?!"

"Wait! The paragraph that Zhou Yan just read should not have been written by the program group, but by Lin Fei just now! "

"I finally know why Zheng Kai and them have that expression just now!"

"Any idea why pandas are endangered? Because the bamboo shoots in the mountains were all taken away by Lin Fei. "

"This is really damaged!"



"I am the ninth great benevolent person, and I am about to go to Western Bliss with merit, but just now with this smile, the merit was deducted into a negative number, upstairs, you pay me merit!"


Among the program group.

Yao's face was already taped to the computer screen.

The complicated expression makes people not know how to describe it.

He has been in the entertainment industry for many years.

There have been countless unexpected situations.

Every time, he was able to solve the unexpected perfectly.

But this time....

He really didn't know what to do with it.

The unlocking is open.

Just drive to the next room.

If you want to make the stumbling block take revenge on the hatred that was ridiculed before, forget it.

It is indeed human nature.

But how did Lin Fei come up with such a netherworld idea?

Even if it is to tie all the demons and monsters of the East and the West together.

I'm afraid I can't even come up with this idea!

Everyone is saying that he is the devil.

They are all saying that the king of Yan wants to tattoo him on his back.

But now Yao PD feels.

Compare himself with Lin Fei.

It's a complete witch.

King Yan saw Lin Fei.

You have to shout daddy.


At this time.

In the Chamber of Secrets.

After listening to what Zhou Yan read.

Baby and Fan Chengcheng.

It was all like being struck by lightning.

Stunned in place.


After a long time.

Zhou Yan broke the silence:

"So... Pole dancing, striptease, who will do it? "

The gaze of all.

They all turned to the baby.

The baby was stunned.

Immediately took half a step back.

An expression of a strange uncle.

Sha Yi coughed dryly and said

"What do you guys do with baby?"

"You can't let the baby jump."

Fan Chengcheng scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks.

"But we're just a girl."

Sha Yi was silent for a moment, and said coldly

"Who ruled that pole dancing striptease must be done by girls?"

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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