"Hahaha, I can't laugh, this is the rhythm to send Bai Lu's wife away!"

"Cemetery passerby: Hey! There's another guy who died by a bullet."

"Bai Lu: I will erase the cause of death on the tombstone when I become a ghost"

"Hahaha, it's amazing, the picture is full of sense, and I'm already starting to laugh"

"I didn't expect that this issue was so funny at the beginning, Lin Yu is really good at playing terriers, I estimate that the entire internal entertainment is unparalleled, routine milk Xiao, scare Bai Lu, can you be a good person"


Under the lens,

Lin Yu was indifferent, as if he was doing a craniotomy!

"So I'm going to start?"

Lin Yu walked to Bai Lu slowly and raised his arm,

"Don't worry, Bai Lu, Lin Yu said that he was playing, and he would definitely not kill him"

"yes! It's all a show effect, don't be afraid of it"

The words of concern of everyone here are not finished!

Between the 19 light and flint, Lin Yu moved, and his fingers slashed an afterimage in the air, fast enough to be invisible to the naked eye.


I only heard a crisp sound in front of Bai Lu's brain, and everything was silent, like knocking on a very Buddha-like wooden fish.

"Woohoo! It doesn't hurt"

Bai Lu gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, and after saying these words, she didn't say a word.

"It doesn't hurt yet! Bai Lu, you have antlers popped out of your head"

Lin Yu smiled and pointed towards the place of the red seal.

"Ah! Don't live either."

Listening to Lin Yu's mockery, Bai Lu instantly burst out, as if he had unlocked some kind of seal, and rushed towards Lin Yu with his teeth and claws, and he became a ball again.

"Hahahaha, don't fight, this live broadcast"

"You two! It's really helpless."

"In my last life, I must have been wronged"

After the program group carried out a wave of thick Anmuxi,

The running man's group followed the program group and took the bus to change to the next task point.

"The market we are in now is the West Market in Yanji"

"It is a comprehensive bazaar with the characteristics of the Chaoxian ethnic group"


"The mission is located in the West Market"

"Now please make your second choice today"

"There are two ways to reach the mission point"

"One is to take the stairs"

"One is to take the escalator"

"Let's discuss how to get up"

"Departure one by one"

After Yao PD finished speaking, there was also a wail in the bus.

Originally, everyone thought of privately forming an alliance to sanction Lin Yu, but this departure in turn also made everyone confused.

"I think it's a bit hard for you guys, now?"

Li Chen moved his brain, stood up and hinted to everyone.

"Hahaha! It's useless! If you say that, no one will take the elevator."

Bai Lu rubbed the antlers on her head and said with a smile.

"This in itself is a matter of probability, you can't guess it, and you can't mislead"

Zheng Kai voiced the key to this task.

Lin Yu is also closing his eyes and pondering, everyone's vigilance is very high now, and continuing to use emotional cards or words to guide is definitely not effective.

"Lin Yu, you go first"

"Yes! That's right, let Lin Yu go first"

"Uh! Anyway, you got 6 dice points in the last sentence, and it gives us a chance to be selfish."

“OK! Good"

Lin Yu opened his eyes and without the slightest hesitation, he stepped off the bus.

"Aaaaaa Lin Yu"

In Yanji's West Market, entire streets are banned.

The roadside was full of screams from little fans and fans, deafening and loud.

"Lin Yu, you are so handsome"

"Lin Yu, look here"

"Lin Yu, can you sign my name?"

Listen to the hustle and bustle and cheers around you,

Lin Yu was stunned, and his heart moved, but he shook his head with a helpless bitter smile.

After all, this is at work, not at the fan meeting, go to say hello at this time, and I'm sorry for the announcement fee of the running male program group!

This is also the first time that Lin Yu has come into close contact with so many fans, and this picture also touches Lin Yu a lot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


After the release of records, fan meetings, and concerts are imperative, but you can't always carry the name of this variety show to continue to mix, you must also have some works, otherwise you are sorry for the support of this group of fanatical fans.


When Lin Yu walked into the entrance of the west gate, he found two road signs, guiding the two directions respectively.

Choose an elevator!

Choose a staircase!

"Hello, this mission is on the fifth floor, please make a choice"

The staff lady nodded with a smile.

"There is really no difference between elevators and stairs, the main problem is how to become the team with fewer people"

Lin Yu said to the camera at a super fast pace.

"Stairs! For girls who do live broadcasts, it is definitely unrealistic, especially on such a high floor, climbing up is estimated to have a makeup artist to touch up makeup.

890 With today's North Nose, Bailu and Milk Xiao's delicate makeup will most likely choose the elevator. "

There are still Sha Yi, Li Chen, Zheng Kai and Zhou Shi left!

That's how it would be... Hey!

At the same time,

The bus is also analyzing Lin Yu, watching like a cat and mouse game, and the police and bandit war is as exciting.

"I feel that Lin Yu must be climbing the stairs, although I don't know how many floors, but with his physical strength is absolutely fine"

Zheng Kai also exercises regularly, and after fighting with Lin Yu last time, he knew that there were people outside the people, and there was a sky outside the sky.

Lin Yu's physique can be comparable to that of a national athlete, and he is terrifying.

"It's better for you all to choose the stairs, and we three girls choose the elevator, so that the outcome is acceptable no matter what the outcome is"

Yang Yingmei's eyes turned and blurted out.

"Makes sense"

"Lin Yu takes the elevator, there are our three sisters"

"Lin Yu takes the stairs, we have a lot of R coins"

"Good! That's it."



Looking at the real-time picture in the monitoring room, Yao PD shook his head silently, no matter how cunning the fox is, he can't compare to the old hunter after all! !

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