Li Mo sat in front of the camera, while Robert moved a chair and sat quietly watching, although now he no longer had to worry about Li Mo’s ability.

However, I have to admit that watching Li Mo filming is a kind of enjoyment.

Now Robert has already felt the charm of this movie just by watching the monitor. He can’t imagine how wonderful it will be when the soundtrack and post-production are added.

No matter what others think, he wants to see it first.

After Li Mo adjusted the camera, Li Mo shouted:


The back of Olson is in the camera, and the camera follows Olson towards Crawford’s office.

Olson enters the office, and the camera replaces her perspective and scans every corner of the office.

Scattered. The documents, piles of manuscript paper, and pens on the table all prove that Crawford is a hard-working police officer.

In the middle of the shot, Olson’s entire body appears in the camera, and then he zooms in, with a close-up of his face, Olson’s eyes were staring in one direction.

Her excitement after exercise was quickly disappearing, her expression began to become cold, and her eyes began to become sharp.

09 The camera switched, the perspective Olson was looking at, it was a blackboard , there are some news reports posted on the blackboard, as well as some compiled clues. There are a few words written on the blackboard – Buffalo Bill has cut off the human skin of five people! There are also some photos posted below, and above the photos are five people. girls and their tragic deaths.

This is the first time that Buffalo Bill appears in this story.

The camera focuses on Olson again. Olson is still staring at the blackboard. A figure appears behind him, and the figure gradually It is clear that it is Freeman.

The camera zooms in, past Olson, and the protagonist of the camera changes from Olson to Freeman.

Freeman is looking at Olson. This is something Li Mo did not expect, but it is The scene that Li Mo most wanted to see.

During the transition shot earlier, Li Mo gave close-ups of the eyes of many extras. Those eyes were also staring at Olson, but the meaning conveyed by the eyes was Hong Guoguo’s desire.

Li Mo’s idea of showing Crawford’s kindness also starts from his eyes.

If he were to act, he would also stare at Stalin, but the meaning conveyed by his eyes would have to be completely different.

However, If this shot is not shot well, it will be easy for people to follow the shot and think that Crawford’s eyes also want to sleep with Stalin.

So Li Mo didn’t ask Freeman to act like this just now. He was very afraid of screwing up. But now, Li Mo is staring at the camera. In the camera, Freeman is looking at Stalin, but his eyes are completely different from the eyes just now. His face is kind, and his eyes are full of appreciation and praise, without any trace of anger. Evil thoughts.

Li Mo couldn’t help clenching his fists. This look was really great. Compared with the looks of the extras just now, it was completely different.

In this way, the audience could immediately feel Crawford’s It’s different. It can be said that with just one look, Freeman has already begun to shape his own character.

Great, he deserves to be Freeman!

“Good morning Stalin?”

“Good morning Mr. Crawford.”

Freeman’s eyes naturally moved to other places, and there was no covetousness from other people at all. This treatment was really wonderful.

Freeman hung his coat on the hanger and was about to sit down when he saw Stalin still standing. He immediately smiled and said:

“Take a seat, Stalin”

“thank you sir”

“I’m sorry to call you here suddenly. I know you. Your grades are very good and you are excellent in all aspects.”

“thank you sir”

“I remember you came to my class before, I remember I gave you an A”

“In fact, it’s A-”

Li Mo’s eyes lit up, and Olson caught it with ease, which surprised Li Mo very much.

Although this is not an emotional outburst scene, subordinates are essentially always cautious when facing their superiors.

However, Li Mo doesn’t need to be so cautious. Starling should be confident and brave, so she can’t be too restrained or nervous.

It can only be said that Olson’s portrayal of the character of Stalin during this period was very successful and achieved the effect Li Mo wanted.

“In fact, Stalin, I called you this time because I had something in mind for you. Don’t be nervous, this might be a very interesting thing.”

“I’m not nervous, sir. When facing all criminals, I have only one idea, and that is to let them accept legal punishment.”

“Oh, great, I mean, you’re even better than I thought. Well, actually we have been doing psychological research on serial murders. This will be of great help to us in solving the case.

Most of the prisoners are willing to cooperate with us, but I’m sorry, Miss Starling, are you an easily frightened person?”

“Not an official”

“The person we most want to study has been refusing to cooperate. I want you to go to the mental hospital and meet him.”

“who is he?”

“Psychological Factors Hannibal Leida”

“Hannibal the ogre?”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It was Freeman’s turn to speak, but he didn’t speak.

Everyone was startled. Did the old man forget his lyrics?

Li Mo also frowned. Brows, then seemed to think of something, and quickly controlled the camera to close up.

After Olson said the name Hannibal, both people in the camera were silent.

Then there was a close-up of Freeman’s face, his lips trembled slightly, and his eyes revealed some Fear and unwillingness[]

Close-up of hand, playing with pen unconsciously.

Switching to a close-up of Olson’s face, Olson’s expression was solemn, and his eyes were slightly surprised with a hint of fear.

After the two close-ups, Li Mo couldn’t help shouting loudly:

“marvelous! Morgan, you are a genius!!!”

Morgan shouted loudly:

“Did you film it? Did you take the photo?”

457″Of course, do you want to come over and take a look?””

“certainly. Freeman excitedly ran to the camera, while Li Mo walked up to Olson and hugged her vigorously and said:

“marvelous! Awesome Olsen, you are my Oscar winner!!!”

Olson said with relief:

“I was startled. I thought Morgan had forgotten the words, but I didn’t think of it until I noticed the change in his expression.

God, this is so unnerving.”

“No, baby, you’re doing great! Very cool!!!”

Many people don’t understand the excitement of the three Li Mo people, but Robert understands.

Freeman was not only shaping his own character, but even had a sudden inspiration to pave the way for the role of Hannibal.

Hannibal, the ogre Hannibal. Just mentioning a name will make people unable to help but silence. Just mentioning this name will make anyone who hears it unable to help but feel fear.

Just like in Harry Potter Like Voldemort, his terror has made people dare not even shout his name casually.

Freeman’s flash of inspiration was simply a stroke of genius.

Not only that, Robert looked at Li Mo again, and Li Mo could I understood Freeman’s on-the-spot performance in an instant, and quickly filmed it, constantly switching lenses.

This is really rare. If any one of the three of us makes a mistake, the shot will not be completed!.

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