The manager already felt that he was about to cry. A lot of cold sweat has already risen on this back.

How much I liked this Sakura in the past, but how disgusting it is to Sakura now.

Why haven't I found out before, why this Sakura is such a woman.

If I knew it, I would definitely not like this kind of woman. I still liked it for such a long time. Speaking of pursuing, I have been pursuing it for a year or two.

As a result, Sakura did not say that she did not like herself, but she did not accept herself. Her friends thought that Sakura was hanging herself, but the manager didn’t believe it. He just thought he liked someone so much, this woman. Children must like themselves, but they are shy.

But now like this, the manager really wants to punch himself.

I was so stupid in the past. I didn’t believe my friend’s words. I was still a bystander. The authorities were fascinated. I didn’t know that I was deceived by others. If it weren’t for this, then I really don't know yet.

"No, I'm sorry. It's our negligence that people have come in, Xiaocao Xiaofang, you two will blast this out, and this person will not be allowed to appear in our hotel in the future. Did you hear that? , Have been notified."

The manager was so angry that he not only felt unworthy for his previous self, but was also angry that this woman actually ruined the customer's feelings about using their hotel.

You know, few people can afford the presidential suite, so those who can live in this suite, needless to say, everyone knows, they are definitely very rich people. If it doesn't come anymore, then their-the loss can be great.

In case it is the outfit of a big boss that has a bad influence on the cooperation of their hotel, then-it will be finished.

And by doing this, I breathed a sigh of relief for myself, and even breathed out this customer.

The two security guards got their manager's instructions and quickly moved on.

Just stand up and go out.

How did Kozakura think that she would have such an encounter!

I have never been treated like this in my life.

On weekdays, people coax me and compliment me. Now I have to be sent out by these security guards.

Not to mention that the manager, who usually saddles her horse, treats herself that way. She is really angry.

·········· Ask for flowers············

"Very good. Now that it is handled, thank you the manager. However, I think you still have to pay attention to your hotel's customer information and security issues."

The manager seems to be able to handle things well.

But what Su Ye didn't say was that this hotel, I am afraid that I will never come again in this life.

.... ........ .......

What an unpleasant experience. Who are the people that this hotel finds, who can actually recruit this kind of woman.

"Okay, OK, don't bother, rush you to support our hotel, and look forward to serving you next time."

Su Ye nodded, thinking yes, but there is no next time. This time, it is enough.

The manager left, and Curly hair moved in Su Ye's arms.

During the whole process, Curly Hair is very quiet, just like a very popular object on the Internet.

They are called melon-eating crowds. At this time, the curls are really a bit like, the whole process is quiet, and then I watched with my big round eyes open, and then there was no movement or expression, just watching. That's it. earth.

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