Entertainment: Star Escape 365 Days

185. The \"Death\" Of The Clown? ? (First Update)

He shook his hair and looked at Fang Jianguo with a smile: "No, you don't dare, you still don't dare, you are afraid that my "bomb" is not a bomb, and you who think you represent justice are actually afraid."

At this moment, Xia Yan, Okada Shinichi, and Chen Nian in the other car did not speak the whole time, especially Chen Nian.

He is feeling Su Chen up close through the screen on the monitor.

That guy, now basically completely substituting himself into the role of that perverted clown.

"I'll tell you a little secret." The clown in the picture stood up and said, "It's too late now, by the time you figure it out, it's already too late."

"In the hearts of those people outside, I have been deified, can you see what they look like now?"

"It's anger, it's helplessness, it's hopelessness, it's presumptuousness, it's screaming, it's crazy venting."

"You think you're protecting them, but what? Are you really protecting them? Or, what you're protecting is just order.

"I need you to understand."

"It is precisely because of the order that 827 is protected by you that it seems that this group of young people has no future.

"You!" The clown pointed at Fang Jianguo's nose, his whole body trembling with laughter: "You don't even know what you're protecting, hahahahaha!"

Fang Jianguo was expressionless.

"Have you listened to the song they gave me just now?" The clown smiled fiercely: "My heart ached when I heard it."

"You, who protect them, are regarded as incompetent by this group of people, and I am worshiped by them, because I symbolize freedom and resistance.

"In their hearts, I am regarded as a hero, as a god, and you are nothing but lackeys who restrain them one by one."

Hearing the clown's wild laughter and his crazy remarks, Fang Jianguo couldn't help touching the paintball gun on his waist.

"But let me tell you a little secret."

The clown's voice suddenly became quieter, as if he was really putting the child to sleep, he said in a low voice: "They don't know, but you are really protecting them, but I, who they call a hero and a god, just want to Use them."

"What do you want to use them for?" Fang Jianguo couldn't bear it anymore.

"Use them to make a deal with you." The clown saw that Fang Jianguo was about to pull out his gun, and he immediately said: "You guessed right, I did not plant a bomb at the music festival

"But if I want to kill them, it's still easy."

Fang Jianguo had already held the gun in his hand at this moment, and his index finger pulled the trigger.

"Really? You don't have explosives, how are you going to hurt them? By your negative songs? Or by their admiration for you?"

Fang Jianguo sneered: "All of you will be arrested, and you have no chance to threaten me with these young people, whether you are Su Chen or a clown, goodbye


As he said that, the gun in his hand aimed at the clown's head!

The audience in front of the TV clenched their fists!

"Ahh! Fuck, Fang Jianguo really knows how to shoot, he already gave Su Chen the order to kill him last time!"

"No, Brother Su Chen is really bold, is he really sure that Fatty Fang won't shoot?"

in the picture.

The clown sat back on the chair with a plop, he didn't care about the paintball gun pointed at his forehead at all.

Instead, he suddenly looked out the window and said something inexplicable: "It's raining so hard."

In the other car, Xia Yan, who was watching the clown's every move on the surveillance camera, frowned.

"What?" (ahcf) Fang Jianguo asked with a gun in his hand.

The clown is enjoying himself, his eyes on the ceiling of the RV.

"You are an atheist, have you read the Bible?"

"What are you talking nonsense about?" Fang Jianguo had really reached the limit of his patience.

"I want to ask you, in the Bible, if God wanted to destroy the world, what would he do? Similarly, as the god in these people's hearts, if I wanted to kill them, would I use a bomb?"

Fang Jianguo's finger that was about to pull the trigger froze.

And in the monitoring car next door.

After Chen Nian heard these words, he immediately looked at Xia Yan.

The eyes of the two people met.

At the same time, the way in the Bible about God destroying the world emerged in his mind.

"Noah's Ark...the only time God destroys the world is by water, flood!"

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Little bat, help me check the nearby map, I want to see it immediately!"

After two seconds.

Xia Yan came to the little bat's computer, and she looked at all the areas around Jincang Lake Park in Shuzhong City, her eyes finally focused.

Just about three kilometers away from Jincang Lake Park is a huge lake.

The upstream of the lake is the Jincang Lake Dam!!

The heavy rain for several days has caused the dam to continuously open the gates to release water, but the water volume is still very large, and the water level is very high, extremely high.

Inside the monitor.

The clown looked at Fang Jianguo contentedly: "You arrested eight members of our escape team, but you never cared about where Liu Wen and Li Jiayi went?"

Fang Jianguo frowned tightly, he was thinking about the strange words that the clown just said.

"Why, is it raining so hard?"

in the monitoring vehicle.

The old cold sweat had already soaked his back.

Jincang Lake Park is just downstream of the dam.

Once something goes wrong with the dam, then the entire park, all the music festival people, including the investigation team and the escape team.

All will be flooded!

With a distance of three kilometers, once the dam breaks, there is no rush to run!

"Don't, don't let Fang Jianguo do it! Hurry up!"

Chen Nian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, but only then did he realize that Fang Jianguo had turned off the walkie-talkie just now.

As soon as he turned around, he saw that Xia Yan had pushed open the car door and was running towards Fang Jianguo's RV!

"Teacher Fang! Don't shoot, he is prepared..."

Xia Yan just ran to the front of the RV.

There was a loud bang from inside the car.

Xia Yan's body stopped immediately, and the heavy rain soaked her clothes instantly. .

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