Cao Gong expressed some of his thoughts, and Huang Lei and Huang Bo gave him a thumbs up.

“You will feel free and easy this way, and your life will be much easier.”He Jiong said with a smile.

“How do you do it, see these curses, but don’t care at all?”

To be honest, Zhang Yixing wanted to know.

Cao Gong smiled and said to Zhang Yixing:”Whenever I see those scoldings on the Internet, I am actually in a bad mood and feel very unhappy. Why are you scolding me? ? What did i do wrong?”

“Whenever I was scolded and felt wronged, I would turn around and hug Sister Mi and say: Look, your fans are scolding me again.”

“Hahahaha~” Now everyone understood that this guy did it on purpose.

Yang Mi and Guan Xiaotong, as his girlfriends, also knew that their boyfriends were starting to act mean again.

Zhang Yixing, who originally asked for advice humbly, now also spoke out He burst out laughing.

The audience watching the show even widened their eyes, and then started posting comments and curses.,

“You really deserve to die!!!”

“Why do not you go to hell?!”

“cheap! Are you going to cheat on me again?”

“Cao thief! You deserve to die!”

“No!!! I can not stand it any more! Bring me my 40-meter machete!”

For a while, the barrage was flowing wildly, but it made many people laugh.”Two six seven”.

Even Cao Gong himself said after finishing his words:”Well, a little trick every day”

“You really deserve to be scolded.”Huang Bo couldn’t help it anymore. This guy is really too cheap.

“What else to do? If you get scolded, you must do something to make yourself happy.”

“I am happy when I am with Liu Yifei”

“When Reba and I are together, I am sweet”

“When Yang Mi and I are together, I am happy”

“I am happy when I am with Zhao Liying”

“When I’m with Xiao Tong, I feel a sense of accomplishment”

“It’s really uncomfortable to be scolded and EMO, and they are no longer around. At this time, I will look at my savings… Yeah, it’s good, I feel good.”

“Haha~” Peng Yuchang and the others didn’t expect that it could be like this.

“Don’t always look at people scolding you, you have to look at what you have”

“To be honest, I have never done stock investment before. When I had no money, I scolded them even more harshly than them.”

“When I have money and I feel bad when being scolded by others, I will look at what I have and how I am better than them. Naturally, my mood will improve.”

After talking so much, Cao Gong himself was thirsty.

But now that the topic was here, they stopped talking.

“Cao Gong, what did you say just now? What to eat? Dragon meat?”Huang Lei asked him what was going on.

“Yes, Teacher He told me, you can eat whatever you want.”

“I was just thinking, I haven’t eaten dragon meat yet.”

“Haha~” Being so shameless, everyone else laughed weakly

“I still want to eat it.”Huang Lei told him angrily.

“I’m really impressed by you. What kind of king crab do you want? What kind of Buddha jumps over the wall?”

“Do you know that the life we long for is a place where we live a simple rural life?”

After being educated by Huang Lei, Huang Bo still smiled.

“Especially those of you who are on stage, you are the most difficult to take care of.”

“When Chen He comes, he eats Buddha and jumps over the wall”

“It’s great that you’re here, why don’t you still eat dragon meat? Why don’t you go to God?”

After being educated by Teacher Huang, Cao Gong didn’t feel any guilt at all.

“Who is to blame? Isn’t it all your problem?”

“Oh why when my senior brother Chen He came, he had Buddha jumping over the wall to eat, but we didn’t.”

“If you can’t satisfy every guest, then you shouldn’t have agreed in the first place.”

This time, the responsibility was put on Huang Lei and He Jiong.

“That’s right,” even Huang Bo echoed beside him.

“Besides, our Thirty Emperor Huang Bo, a mainland film actor, the first actor with a box office of 3 billion”

“Come to our mushroom house and have a Buddha jump over the wall. Is that too much?”Cao Gong deliberately used Huang Bo to talk.

Huang Bo was also very smart and immediately answered:”Yes, our first post-90s actor with a box office of 15 billion has come to Mushroom House. Is it too much to order dragon meat from you? ?”

“pretty!”With this tacit understanding, Cao Gong immediately raised his glass and clinked it with Huang Bo to celebrate.

“Haha~” Even Teacher He was amused by the cooperation between the old and the young.

“Do you care about Yang Mi?”It was too much to say, so Huang Lei asked Yang Mi

“Can’t control it.”She can’t control her man’s mouth.

“Don’t you care about Xiao Tong?”Teacher He also asked Guan Xiaotong with a smile.

“If I could control what he said, would I still be deceived and taken advantage of?”

Guan Xiaotong said that he couldn’t do it either, because he was deceived by his mouth.

“Speaking of which, Cao Gong, you just said you eat snake meat. Have you ever eaten it? Peng Yuchang was a little scared.

Before Cao Gong could answer, Zhang Yixing said,”What can’t Cantonese people eat?””

“Haha~” Zhang Yixing’s summary was recognized by everyone.

“Yes, I also saw someone say that on Weibo”

“Cao Gong, have you really eaten snake meat or rat meat?”Teacher He is a little scared.

“I have eaten the farmed ones, but not the wild ones.”That’s for sure

“Your teeth are really good.”Even Yang Mi was helpless.

“It’s very expensive. Snake meat costs one or two hundred yuan per pound. It’s the most common kind of meat snake.”

“The purchase price alone for this kind of meat snake is sometimes around 100 yuan.”

“And in some restaurants, to make delicious dishes, snake meat costs more than 200 pounds per pound.”

“Do you think it’s cheap?”Cao Gong laughed and shared this with them.

“Do you eat silkworm chrysalis? I dare not eat this”

“Eat silkworm chrysalises, scorpions, grasshoppers, and bee pupae.

Upon hearing this, Guan Xiaotong immediately said:”Get out of here and don’t kiss me again.””

“Eat everything.”Guan Xiaotong even rolled up his sleeves as he spoke:”Goosebumps are rising on my skin.”

Guan Xiaotong’s reaction made Yang Mi happily hug her and laugh non-stop.

“What’s this? You’ve even drank urine…Oh, I’m sorry.”Cao Gong knew that he had said the wrong thing and immediately apologized.

“Wait, please explain to me clearly, what do you mean?”Guan Xiaotong immediately asked him to explain clearly.

“Stop saying it, I said it wrong.” Realizing that he had talked too much, Cao Gong immediately apologized.

“No, please tell me clearly quickly, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep tonight”

“Renzhongbai, do you know what it is?”There is no other way, he can only confess

“I don’t know, what is Renzhongbai?”Yang Mi also shook her head.

“Renzhongbai is the precipitated solid matter of urine. It means collecting human urine into a bucket. After time, there will be a layer of mud-like sediment…….. ”

“After processing, it became a traditional Chinese medicine called [Ren Zhong Bai], hahaha~”

As he spoke, he noticed the expressions of Yang Mi and Guan Xiaotong, and he couldn’t help it.

They had a different feeling. good feeling

“The effect of Renzhongbai is to clear away heat, reduce fire, stop bleeding and remove blood stasis.”

“Often used for vomiting blood, lung heat, mouth and tongue sores”

“Just, what, usually hehehehahaha~”

He couldn’t go on.

“Cao Gong!!!”At this time, Yang Mi stood up excitedly and roared at Cao Gong

“Haha.” Everyone else understood and naturally laughed.

“Let’s just explain it all at once. In addition to people who are white, there are also people who are yellow.”

“White philtrum corresponds to urine sediment”

“The one corresponding to the yellow among people, actually…ahem~”

He didn’t finish, but Yang Mi and Guan Xiaotong had already widened their eyes. Many of the viewers watching the show had laughed until their stomachs hurt.

“Vomit~” Guan Xiaotong stood up and couldn’t help but retched.

Seeing his girlfriend’s reaction, Cao Gong comforted him.”Don’t be like this. This is Chinese medicine, which is good for your health.”

“Haha~” The others were very happy.

“No, why are you laughing?”Cao Gongxiao asked Zhang Yixing, why are you laughing again?

“I…” No, Zhang Yixing immediately widened his eyes.

“No, do I have one too?”Zhang Yixing was very excited and asked Cao Gong

“Otherwise, the prescription I prescribe must be there.”Cao Gong said with certainty.

“Wait a minute hahaha~” Zhang Yixing, who used to eat melon, now eats it on himself

“Oops, in addition to humans, there are also pigeons and sparrows that use feces as Chinese medicine.”

“Pigeon’s daddy, called Zuopanlong in traditional Chinese medicine, can activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.”

“It will be used to treat rheumatism and arthritis.

“The sparrow’s cake, called white lilac, can nourish the kidneys and strengthen yang.”

4.8″Don’t look down on it, okay? These are all good things.”Cao Gong was very serious about popularizing it to them.

“I suspect you did it on purpose, but I have no proof.”Yang Mi feels a little aggrieved.

“No, it just happens to be used, and when combined, the effect is better”

“I’m not giving this medicine to you just for the sake of being sinister.”

“this thing���You can’t just prescribe the medicine casually. All medicines must be prepared according to the condition.”

Although her boyfriend said so, Yang Mi still couldn’t get over this hurdle.

Now that things were like this, Cao Gong continued to be mean:”However, I gave you the medicine containing Renzhongbai.”

“The medicine I gave Yingbao was never like this medicine.”

“!!!!!!”Yang Mi, who was already shocked, now widened her eyes.

Noticing Yang Mi’s expression, Cao Gong immediately said:”Look, I’m good to you.””

“Such a good medicine, Yingbao can’t even drink it if he wants to”

“It’s you who I am willing to give you this medicine.”Cao Gong continued to be mean.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes in anger. When she saw a broom next to her, she reached out and picked it up.

“Wrong, wrong.”When he saw Yang Mi picking up the broom, Cao Gong immediately admitted his mistake.

“Hahaha~” Now it was over, the audience watching the show burst out laughing.

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