Chapter 10: An actor’s self-cultivation.

Tong Liya brought him out because she wanted him to integrate into the entertainment industry.

After all, we will have to get along with each other for half a year in the future, so it is unrealistic to keep him in cold storage without contact with the outside world.

Therefore, after starting work ahead of schedule, I brought him over.

But now, no one was paying attention to him at this moment.

He looked at Tong Liya who had come out after changing into costumes.

Tong Liya has completely changed. She is disguised as a man, with very light makeup, a beard on her mouth, and a hat. She looks gentle and gentle, like a teacher.

As soon as she came out, the on-site producer communicated with Tong Liya, Teacher Du, who played the role of the spy who pretended to surrender, and the extras, so that they could familiarize themselves with the shooting location and the camera positions.

He also reminded people to protect themselves when filming.

After the communication was completed, Mr. Du, the secret agent who pretended to surrender, walked into the courtyard with the group and began to get familiar with the venue and get a feel for it.

Tong Liya, who had already changed into costumes, was pacing back and forth outside the yard to get a feel for the scene.

Assistant Xiaomei wanted to hold an umbrella for her, but Tong Liya refused.

“Quite dedicated.”

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zian nodded frequently.

He didn’t expect Tong Liya to be so dedicated. You have to know that in his previous life when filming, he had seen a lot of all kinds of tricks. He used numbers instead of lines, shot multiple movies in succession, and was busy with them. As a stand-in, I broke some skin while filming. I went to the hospital to be bandaged, and then took selfies and posted them on Weibo…all kinds of sexy actions took turns, and it was so sexy.

When Tong Liya was looking for a feeling next to her, Zhang Zian saw a small awning set up next to her. , and immediately walked over.

There was a mazaar in the awning, and he sat down.

There was a table next to it with a book on it.

Zhang Zian picked it up and read it, and the name of the book was exposed to Zhang Zian’s sight.

This It is Stanislavsky’s work,”The Actor’s Self-cultivation”.

The work is famous in the industry.

It is regarded as a guide by many people in the industry.

The Actor’s Self-cultivation is a representative of the realist drama genre. Stanislavsky fictionalized in the work It brings together a group of teachers and students who are enthusiastic about drama exploration, and demonstrates the role of experience in performing arts…

This work is divided into two volumes. The first volume was completed by the author during his lifetime, and the second volume was compiled after the author’s death.

The first volume The content of the volume is the actors’ internal experience skills, such as imagination, pictures, emotional memory, etc.

The second volume discusses the actors’ external expression process skills, such as lines, typhoons, swordsmanship, gymnastics, etc.

Zhang Zian was also an industry insider in his previous life and has learned about this. This film was a work, but I didn’t take the time to study it, let alone delve into acting skills.

The company has professional people, and when it comes to filming a project, except for some roles given to related parties, the main roles are supported by a few people with good acting skills.

He doesn’t need to cast himself, it doesn’t matter to him whether he has the ability to appreciate acting skills or not.

Check out the first volume.

Ten minutes later

“Ding, preliminary understanding, mastered certain skills, acquired certain acting skills, rated b-, can portray a so-so character, and barely passed)

Fifteen minutes later

“”Ding, I have a deep understanding and mastery. I have already begun to have a glimpse of the door. My acting skills have reached B level. I can play some supporting roles (non-core supporting roles).”

Zhang Zian was surprised. Before he finished reading, he was rated as B level acting by the system.

Zhang Zian continued look down

“Ding, I have my own unique insights, can express some characters in depth in my own way, present better performance effects, further upgrade my acting skills, get B+, and can play core supporting roles.”

Zhang Zian has already experienced the Almighty Learning God System, but this is the first time he has acquired skills from studying professional books.

I have to say, the system is awesome.

Zhang Zian has finished reading half of it, and his acting skills have improved from scratch to B-. He was upgraded from b- to b+.

This speed made him very satisfied.

“Can you do it? If you can’t do it, just change someone else. Why do you fall out of line when it comes to you? The other supporting roles are all good, but why can’t they be here like you? You are so big and you only eat dry food?”

Zhang Zian was about to continue studying when he was interrupted by a severe reprimand. It came from the yard.

Zhang Zian stood up and walked towards the yard.

At this moment, the rain continued unabated and people were lying in the yard. The supporting characters on the ground were stained with blood on their chests, mixed with the rain, and were all stained red. However, a big man lowered his head and allowed the oval-faced middle-aged man to scold him without daring to refute a word.

The deputy next to him was The director was so anxious that he was sweating,”Xiao Liu, can you give me some help? Everyone has been delayed for almost an hour because of you. The rain will stop later, and all our work will be in vain.”

“Let me talk about the drama again. After getting the news, Teacher Tong Liya came to assassinate the spy who pretended to surrender, played by Teacher Du. Teacher Tong Liya successfully solved the other people in the yard. When she next assassinated Teacher Du, she was stopped by Xiao Liu, who was protecting Teacher Du personally. After a fight, Xiao Liu was killed, and Teacher Du was not spared in the end.……”

After the assistant director finished narrating the play, his voice became hoarse.

It could have been done a few times, but Xiao Liu just couldn’t do it, and he always pulled her crotch.

As soon as he appeared on the scene, he would either trip or bump into each other, like a sluggish fly, a complete rookie.


“God Ike!”

After Tong Liya assassinated the spy responsible for protecting Teacher Du in the yard, Xiao Liu, who was protecting Teacher Du in the room, was alerted.

Xiao Liu discovered Tong Liya and immediately fought back… Then the two sides began to shoot at each other. They just exchanged fire. Within a few seconds, Xiao Liu staggered and fell to the ground. The prop gun in his hand flew out on the spot.……

“Gan, if it weren’t for the fact that you are from Jingdian, have the same surname as me, and come from the same school, I would have told you to get out, and replace me immediately! Director Liu said angrily.


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