Chapter 116 The love-minded Zhao Xiaogu (1st update, please subscribe)

Zhang Zian’s script sold for 10 million. After the news about Xiao Huanxi’s remuneration for the script was known to Yang Mi, Tang Yan and Liu Shishi, they arranged for professional lawyers to come and help. Zhang Zian signs the contract.

Of course, Tong Liya and Nazha were not far behind and also arranged for lawyers to come over.

So, Zhang Zian and Zhao Xiaogu took the car back to the villa. As soon as they got off, they saw five lawyers waiting at the door.

What a coincidence, Zhao Xiaogu knows these people. They are all very capable lawyers in the industry, specializing in film and television industry investment contracts.

“Go wherever you came from, I have already arranged for someone to come over, so I won’t bother you all.”

Before Zhang Zian opened his mouth, Zhao Xiaogu became angry.

What do you mean?

My husband signed the contract, can I not arrange it properly?

Are you just a few vixens thousands of miles away who are interested in your husband~? I won’t Are you interested?

“Miss Zhao, there is no way to explain to Mr. Yang when we go back – ah.”

The lawyer arranged by Yang Mi was in a dilemma

“Yes, Mr. Tong has already told him that he must help Mr. Zhang get the contract signed.”

The lawyer arranged by Tong Liya said

“That’s right, we’ve come here, let’s negotiate together, and it will be easier to explain when we go back.”

The lawyer arranged by Tang Yan said

“That’s right, with so many of us gathered together, if there is a flaw or trap in the contract, it will definitely not be hidden from us.”

The lawyer arranged by Master Liu said

“Let’s all help check the contract together.”

The lawyer arranged by Nazha said with a smile.

They kept talking to each other, but Zhao Xiaoxiao was so stubborn.

What do you mean? I can’t handle it well? There are so many people here, who do you look down on? She couldn’t help but look at her husband with grievance,” Husband, the lawyer I arranged has been working with me for many years. He has a good reputation in the industry, is superb in his work, and is fully qualified. You don’t need so many people.”

“Everyone, I’m sorry to bother you. The person who signed the contract with me is my friend. Teacher Huang Lei’s wife will bring a lawyer here later. With so many of you joining the battle, how can I maintain a relationship with my friends in the future? Don’t worry about not being able to explain, I will explain the situation to them.”

Zhang Zian said, took out his mobile phone and sent a voice message in the WeChat group.

He told them that Xiaogu had arranged a lawyer in advance and that Huang Lei’s wife would come over to sign a contract with him. The relationship would have to be maintained in the future and there would be no need for so many lawyers and the other party. Talk.

Yang Mi’s voice: Husband, I’m sorry,

I didn’t think carefully. I’ll let him withdraw. Tang Yan’s voice: Husband, you’re right. I didn’t think well, so let Xiaogu’s lawyer do it.

Liu Shishi’s voice: Hee hee~, I listen to my husband, just do whatever he arranges.

Nazha’s voice: Husband~, everything you said is right, I will let him withdraw now.

Finally, Tong Liya also sent a voice: Husband, I have already let him He withdrew.

Voices came one after another.

The lawyers arranged by Yang Mi and the others kept nodding. Then they said goodbye to Zhang Zian and Zhao Xiaogu, and left together.

Zhang Zian and Zhao Xiaogu returned to the living room, and Zhao Xiaogu went to the kitchen to prepare for the meal. My husband made tea and found that there were no tea leaves. He immediately called the property management and asked the property management to buy tea on their behalf. It must be good tea.

After the instructions, he hung up the phone.

Then he ran out of the kitchen with a smile, and then accelerated, He ran into Zhang Zian’s arms, hugged his neck, and looked up at him with a delicate face,”Hubby, it’s great to have you. The Chinese restaurant live broadcast didn’t notify when it would resume. Originally, they had a smaller one left. As for the monthly schedule, now I can take a good vacation. Husband, can we stay in the capital for a while?”

Zhao Xiaogu wants to live a two-person world with her husband. Tong Liya, Yang Mi, and the others all have jobs and are so busy that they don’t have time to go back to Beijing to rest. This is convenient for her.

Now that I think about it, the Chinese restaurant live broadcast data of crotch pulling, It’s not all bad.

She even secretly rejoiced that it was precisely because of the Chinese restaurant data and the show’s pause that she and her husband were able to integrate together so quickly, and now they have a lot of time to spend time together.

“Since you have such a long time, why not take advantage of your current schedule and make the movie”I Will See You When It Rains”. Zhang

Zian smiled and said

“Your focus this month is not to promote”Speed”. Will filming”It Rains to Meet You” delay the promotion of your first film?”

Zhao Xiaogu said

“Just let Wu Jing and the other creative staff run more promotions. If everything goes well, we may finish filming in half a month, and there is still a week to promote. I will do a few variety shows to promote”Speed Rescue” It’s the day of release”

“Whether Speed Rescue can get high box office, the key is quality. The National Day holiday is very long, there is enough time to ferment, and I will order the screening in advance one week before the release to let the reputation ferment as soon as possible.”

··· 0 flowers requested····· ·

Zhang Zian explained patiently

“Husband, just make the arrangements and I will listen to you.”

Zhao Xiaogu said as her cell phone rang.

It was a call from her studio manager, who was preparing to arrange a new announcement for her.

“Mr. Zhao, I am going to make a new announcement for the free time in the Chinese restaurant.……”

Before the other party finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Xiaogu.

“There is no need to arrange any announcements for the schedule from September to October. I leave this schedule to my husband. Also, you are not allowed to call me unless there is something important.”

Zhao Xiaogu died after finishing speaking.

“Isn’t this not good?”

Zhang Zian was a little surprised.

You must know that Zhao Xiaogu is very popular now, and he is the kind of celebrity. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is making a fortune every day.


But now Xiaogu is completely in love, everything is about him.

“What’s wrong? You can make more money, but it’s hard to find opportunities to spend time with your husband day and night.”

Zhao Xiaogu said with a smile.

At this time, someone else’s phone rang.

Zhao Xiaogu went over to answer the phone. After answering the phone, he said to Zhang Zian:”Husband, Teacher Huang Lei’s wife Sun Li is here with a lawyer. I will arrange it. My lawyer also came over. I’ll have to talk about her later. Why did she come here now?”

Not long after, Sun Li came over.

She brought with her a capable female lawyer.

In addition to them, there was also Huang Duoduo, her and Huang Lei’s daughter. She was already like a big girl. She could be said to be the teenage version of Sun Li. , almost carved out of the same mold.

As soon as she came over, she stared at Zhang Zian, looking left and right, up and down, full of curiosity about Zhang Zian.

Zhao Xiaogu’s lawyer is also a female lawyer, known as Sister Li , one of the best in the industry, good at fighting various film and television investment contract disputes, copyright disputes and other lawsuits

“Sister Li, you haven’t met my husband yet. Let me introduce you formally. This is my husband Zhang Zian.”

After Zhao Xiaogu complained about Sister Li being late, he introduced Zhang Zian to her.

Sister Li nodded with a smile.


“Teacher Zhang, Mr. Zhao, we have prepared the contract. You can take a look at it first. If you have any objections, you can raise them and we can resolve them through negotiation.”

After Sun Li and Zhang Zian and Zhao Xiaogu exchanged greetings, they asked the lawyer to take out the prepared investment contract for Xiao Huanxi..


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