Chapter 329 Zhang Family Xiaoliu is a magic teller (2nd update)

Zhang Zian found out about the ventilation in Villa No. 1. Tong Liya, Yang Mi and the others were more beautiful than him.

When they arrived at Villa No. 1, their patience was demonstrated. They had to understand the problem of formaldehyde removal in all rooms in the villa and communicate with company personnel.

When purchasing green plants, you also have to watch the cooperating company employees place them with your own eyes, which is more attentive than when signing the contract.

Zhang Zian didn’t have that much patience and kept spending time in the villa.

He also wanted to go to the hospital to see Wu Jing and apply the ointment he made last night to Wu Jing to help him recover as soon as possible.

Although it is impossible for him to get out of bed and recover immediately, it can certainly shorten the recovery time significantly.

Before Wu Jing recovers, Zhang Zian can also take the opportunity to have a good rest. He has been filming since the beginning of the year and has not stopped. It is time to slow down.

“Husband, go see Brother Jing. We won’t go there. We went in a hurry yesterday and didn’t bring anything with us. When you go, don’t forget to give Brother Jing a fruit basket.”

Tong Liya smiled and told Teacher Zhang

“Am I that stupid?”

Zhang Zian said with a smile.

“Hee hee, husband, you are not stupid at all, but you have to be careful. If Qin Zuo takes a roundabout route and takes the initiative to visit Brother Jing to ask for a role, and you suddenly appear at this time, it will definitely put you in trouble, you If you see him there, don’t go in.”

Nazha gave Teacher Zhang a vaccination


As soon as she finished speaking, not only Teacher Zhang was confused, but also the wife of the Zhang family, Tong Liya, Boss Yang, Shibao, and Xiaogu were all stunned.

“Xiaoliu, you have such a mouth, can you say something nice?”

Xiaogu scolded angrily.

“Xiaoliu, you are so funny.”

Shibao reacted and was amused, covering his mouth and giggling.

“Can you predict the future?”

Yang Mi joked

“Xiaoliu, why do you say that?”

Tong Liya did not reprimand Xiao Liu. She was a little confused about why Nazha said that?

Because Nazha said that when Qin Zuo appeared in Wu Jing’s ward, she was very sure, as if it would really happen.

What is the basis for her being so sure?

“Hee hee, fans like gossip stars, and I also like gossip stars. I go to many forums privately, and I know a lot of gossip. It was later proven that these gossips that were exposed were all exposed by people in our industry, and they were all proven to be true. real”

“I slept very late last night and kept browsing the forum. I happened to come across Qin Zuo’s melons. It was revealed that he had failed in his investment and was in a very bad situation. He was chased by creditors to demand debts. Now he is like a trapped beast. As long as there is a chance, he will not I will let it go. If the news is true and my husband cannot get through here, he will definitely go to Brother Jing and take a roundabout route to start from Brother Jing.〃¨”

Naza said swornly

“Don’t read too much gossip. Although some of these things are true, most of them are false.”

Boss Yang said with a smile.

“Husband, if Xiaoliu misfortunes you, you should adapt to your circumstances and avoid him as much as possible. This kind of person is a dog-skin plaster, very thick-skinned, and it will be very troublesome if you get entangled with him.”

Tong Liya reminded her husband.

Teacher Zhang nodded in agreement, said goodbye to Wumei, and left the extremely luxurious living room and walked towards the villa yard.

When he came, in addition to the nanny car, he also drove a Mulsanne.

Because Zhang Zian had already decided to visit Wu Jing today and deliver medicine to him.

So when he came to the villa, he drove two cars. When Zhang Zian left, he didn’t need to drive a nanny car, just drive the Mulsanne.

Teacher Zhang drove Mu Shang, the third eldest son of the Zhang family and Boss Yang, rushed to a private hospital.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Zhang Zian parked the car in a nearby parking lot, prepared a fruit basket, and entered the hospital.

He rushed to Wu Jing Ward At that time, just as he was about to go in, a voice came from inside

“Ah Jing, how did I treat you before? When you came to Hong Kong Island to make a living, you didn’t have any movies to shoot. Throughout the year, you only had a few supporting roles, and you spent most of your time in a miserable rental house. It was I who asked Master Ba for help, and you got the important job of a few movies. Character, this kindness, you won’t forget it, right?”

The voice was aggressive. Zhang Zian looked in through the crack in the door.

He saw only Wu Jing and a man with a strong build on the hospital bed in the ward.

That man was none other than Qin Zuo, a former Hong Kong martial arts star.

Zhang Zian’s expression froze slightly when he saw this.

Their Xiaoliu reminded him when he came, but Zhang Zian didn’t take it to heart, but he never expected that their Xiaoliu guessed it right.

He issued a statement, Qin Zuo knew there was no hope, so he started with Wu Jing after the bamboo basket failed. He really took a roundabout route.

But the previous incident of hiring navy soldiers to promote himself and belittle Wu Jing could be treated as if it hadn’t happened so quickly. It was shameless. It’s thick enough too

“Zian, you are here.”

Xie Nannan was very happy to see Zhang Zian appear.

It was good that she didn’t shout. The shout immediately alerted Wu Jing and Qin Zuo in the ward, and they both looked towards him.

Zhang Zian had no choice but to find out After saying hello to Xie Nannan, he opened the door and walked in.

“Teacher Zhang, I can see you in person. I, Qin Zuosan, am so lucky.”

Qin Zuo slapped him over with a flattery. He didn’t care about being reserved at all. His tone, demeanor, and expression were extremely flattering.

Seeing the former popular martial arts star like this, Zhang Zian sighed and said,”You are also practicing martial arts. As people who practice martial arts, we are peers. Do you know what is the most important thing for people who practice martial arts?”


Qin Zuo said without hesitation.

Zhang Zian shook his head


Qin Zuo was confused and unsure.

“Luck and talent are just the icing on the cake. Luck and talent can only take you farther. But if a person lacks character, even if he has luck and talent, he will not be able to go far, because these two points are temporary.”

Zhang Zian said

“Zhang Zian, what do you mean?”

Qin Zuo’s face was a bit ugly. Unexpectedly, Zhang Zian didn’t give him a good look when they first met. He directly said that he had no character and almost called him a despicable person.

“々` What do I mean? You know, hitting someone is not a slap in the face. You must also know what you have done before. I will not hold you accountable, not because I am generous, but because an elephant does not care about an ant and has no character. I don’t know how to use it.”

Zhang Zian said

“You are so crazy. You said that I am a clown and I don’t like you. You don’t bother to look at me. I was brilliant back then and I was considered your senior. But you insult me like this? Zhang Zian, you are going too far!”

Qin Zuo was immediately irritated, and swept over with a whip.

His rage was fierce and exposed.

“Zian, be careful!”

Wu Jing reminded loudly.

Xie Nannan behind Zhang Zian was already frightened.

Zhang Zian did not evade and blocked with both arms. Qin Zuo’s leg fiercely swept Zhang Zian’s arm, and then only heard a click, Qin Zuo He groaned and fell to the ground in pain.

The calf bone that hit Zhang Zian’s arm was broken, and the heartbreaking pain made Qin Zuo grimace.

After he groaned, his forehead was instantly soaked with sweat, which was cold sweat..(Yes)

“Don’t overestimate your capabilities! Zhang

Zian looked at Qin Zuo who was attacking him and said:”For the sake of our colleagues, I will save some face for you and ask someone to come and push you.””

“Zhang Zian, I remember this grudge!”

Qin Zuo looked at Zhang Zian fiercely and said.

Then, he started to make a phone call.

Not long after the call, Qin Zuo’s wife came, and a big-breasted girl with heavy makeup came in.

Seeing her husband’s miserable appearance, she directly He rushed towards Zhang Zian

“what are you doing?”

Wu Jing’s wife Xie Nannan reacted quickly and immediately pushed the opponent away.

Zhang Zian is a man. If the opponent pounced on him, it would be unreasonable.

Xie Nannan’s shrewdness was shown at this time, and he immediately blocked Qin Zuo Wife, and then shouted for someone.

Soon, the room was filled with doctors and nurses, as well as security forces who rushed over.

“Zhang Zian hit me. My injury was caused by him. My wife, please call the police!”

When Qin Zuo saw so many people coming to watch, he had an idea and immediately raked it over and pointed the finger at Zhang Zian..


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