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The three of them were having a great time, but Yang Mi and Zhao Xiaogu were miserable as they had notes stuck on their foreheads.

Teacher Zhang didn’t bother them either, he would start editing Speedy Rescue 2 next.

To do this work, of course you have to call Wu Jing over. He is the well-deserved number one male lead. Before editing, you still have to listen to his opinions.

“Zian, I can’t go through with it. I’m currently training to prepare for the Climbers. You can be responsible for the editing of Speed Rescue 2. Your level is obvious to all in the industry. I can’t provide any useful advice even if I go there.”

Wu Jingdao


Zhang Zian was surprised. Wu Jing had never mentioned this project before.

“They found me suddenly. I couldn’t refuse, and the filming schedule was very fast. They signed the contract the same day they met me, and then started relevant training. I am not in Beijing now, but in Jinmen. After filming the scenes in Jinmen, I will continue to work on it after that. Go to Gangshika Snow Peak in Qinghai Province……”

Wu Jing explained

“Who are the main creative actors?”

Zhang Zian asked curiously

“Besides me, there are also International Zhang, Zhang Yi, Jing Bairan, Hu Ge……”

Wu Jingdao.

After listening to this, Zhang Zian couldn’t help but feel happy. Sure enough, they were still the same cast members.

Thinking of the script of The Climber, Zhang Zian didn’t know whether Brother Jing was lucky or unlucky.

The emotional drama in the script is extremely toxic.

I wonder if this version of Blue Star will be the same as Earth

“Is there any emotional drama? Zhang

Zian thought of this and immediately asked

“Yes, the emotional scene between me and Gui Zhang.

Wu Jing said with a smile:”It makes me quite uncomfortable.””pill.


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