Chapter 401: Celebration Banquet, where all the big guys and celebrities came together (1st update, please subscribe)

Xinhua Lufang got off to a good start that day, defeating the Treasure Hunting Alliance on the first day and winning the Japanese crown.

The next day, they had a head-to-head fight with The Treasure Hunters. The two films were very close to each other in terms of ticket prices. In the afternoon, they were victorious. After the prime time show in the evening, Xin Hua Lu Fang successfully suppressed the Treasure Hunters Alliance by virtue of its film schedule advantage.

This situation lasted until seven days later, when Xinhua Lufang began to lead the Treasure Hunting Alliance by a large margin and firmly established itself as the Japanese champion.

At this time, the cumulative box office of Treasure Hunt League has exceeded 3.4 billion.

The initial box office estimate clearly underestimated the potential of The Treasure Hunt, and the estimate also increased significantly from 3.8 billion to 4.2 billion.

In other words, AMAI will produce its first film with a box office of over 4.2 billion.

Not only is it the first American film, it is also the first film in the film and television industry to earn more than 4.2 billion. This means that the era of box office explosions in China has truly arrived.

Because of the great achievements, Anmei naturally had to hold a celebration banquet. This was considered a prosperous time in the entertainment industry, so Anmei invited many colleagues to celebrate together.

Before the Chinese New Year, the eight beauties of the Zhang family gathered together again. They were all the hostesses of the Zhang family. Under the leadership of Tong Liya and Boss Yang, they entertained their colleagues in the reserved banquet hall.

Not only the mainland, but also celebrities from Hong Kong Island and Taiwan Province, and everyone invited came.

People who were not invited also found connections to come in, and the scene was very lively and noisy.

When I came to Anmei, I naturally looked for opportunities to cooperate. With the help of Tong Liya and Yang Mi, Teacher Zhang saved a lot of trouble.

At this moment, the only people who could talk to him were Wang Datian, the boss of Guangxian, Wang Dajun, the boss of Huayi, Yudong, the boss of Bona, Song Ge of Capital Culture, and Zeng Dajun of Wanda Film and Television.

These are all top-ranked film and television companies in the Mainland, and they have all produced excellent films.

Teacher Zhang only invited familiar friends. Except for Bona and Wanda Film and Television, Teacher Zhang did not invite Guangxian, Huayi, and Jingcheng Culture at all.

Because there is no cooperation.

Unexpectedly, they also came to support me, which really gave me face.

Fortunately, Tong Liya, the wife of the Zhang family, was very smart and added a table in advance so that she would not be unable to accommodate the guests.

A group of big guys and Teacher Zhang gathered around a table. Other artists who wanted to chat with Teacher Zhang had no chance. They could only come over after they finished talking.

“Teacher Zhang, the development of the Ghost Blowing Candle movie should be put on the agenda. The audience for the work is countless, and now we can also produce special effects. We should create our own special effects blockbuster.”

Wang Dajun, Wang Datian, Song Ge, and Zeng Dajun looked at each other. Wang Dajun spoke first and got to the point.

He came here today to support him because he was talking about cooperation. He has taken a fancy to the big IP of Gui Chuu Zhu.

Unfortunately, the copyright is completely In the hands of Teacher Zhang.

The works are all created by others. If you want to get a share of this big IP, you can only come and talk in person.

Although there is little hope, you have to fight twice if you have dates or not. Just in case. Teacher Zhang is willing to take a share of the pie?

“To make Ghost Blowing Candle into a series requires a huge investment. Although Mr. Zhang has never failed, there are risks in large investments. If there is an opportunity, our company is willing to help share the risk.”

Wang Datian Road

“Teacher Zhang, it would be a pity not to develop it when the time is ripe.”

Song Gedao

“We have a cooperative relationship with the top special effects companies in the United States. If there are special effects that cannot be done, we can ask them to come over.”

Wanda Film and Television Zeng Dajun said.

Teacher Zhang laughed, these guys are all human beings, but Yu Dong didn’t speak, Teacher Zhang was a little surprised,”Mr. Yu, you didn’t come here just to attend the celebration banquet, right?”

“Teacher Zhang, there is something you may not know.”

Yu Dong smiled slightly, looked at Guangxian boss Wang Datian, and said with a smile:”Mr. Wang, you are not authentic. After Teacher Zhang’s Ghost Blowing Candles became popular, many people imitated it. These people are very smart and step on it. Write with the red line that is considered plagiarism, so that even if you are accused, you will not be found guilty of plagiarism.”

“One of them has made an appearance and attracted numerous audiences, called Tomb Robber Diary.

When I noticed it, I went to contact the author, Uncle Sanshu of Beipai, and was told that his book had already been copyrighted by Guangxian Media with a large sum of money before it made its appearance.

I gave you tens of millions, Mr.

Wang, you have done such a big job to win this big IP second only to Gui Chuu Zhu, and now you want to get a share of the original Gui Chuu Zhu, isn’t it authentic?”

Wang Datian was exposed and laughed. He was an old man and responded quickly.

He smiled and explained to Teacher Zhang,”Teacher Zhang, I have to explain this matter.

I went to negotiate with the third uncle of the Northern School.

The cooperator was not me, but a vice president of the company.

I trusted him very much.

After he negotiated with the other party, he asked me to approve the copyright of Tomb Raider Diary, which he purchased with a large amount of money.

Only then did I know about this.

At that time, I was He refused, but the vice president was very capable and had already negotiated.

It would be inappropriate to refuse any more, so he agreed to buy the copyright of the tomb robbing diary.

Teacher Zhang burst out laughing when he heard this.

In his previous life, Gui Chuu Zhu could not escape the fate of being plagiarized, and now it has happened again.

But Teacher Zhang didn’t take it to heart.

If nothing else happens, Tomb Robbery Diary will repeat the fate of its previous life.

In the later stage , The plot collapsed, holes were dug but not filled, the core changed from tomb robbing to CP, and it deviated from the main line. After being adapted into many movies and TV shows, none of them were successful.

Even if such a work has many fans, Teacher Zhang will not take it too seriously.

“Mr. Wang, no need to explain, I understand.”

Teacher Zhang said.

Wang Datian breathed a sigh of relief. After being disturbed by Yu Dong, he had no chance to invest in Gui Blowing Candle.

This big IP wanted to get a piece of the pie, but it failed. He could only go back to create a tomb robbing diary.

He wanted to invest in Gui Chuangzhu. The five companies that blew the candles were kicked out, and there were four more companies.

It is impossible for Mr. Zhang to be a solitary person, because Wanda Film and Television cannot be underestimated in the cinema. In Mr. Zhang’s explosive previous works, Wanda played the role of An important role, it can be said to be a strategic partner, and the two parties cooperate very closely.

In addition to Wanda’s cooperation, Teacher Zhang is ready to cooperate with Yudong, but not on the big IP of Ghost Blowing Candle, and in-depth cooperation on other works.

With The main reason for cooperating with the other party is that the other party has the resources he needs. For example, this guy has resources from Hong Kong Island. Hong Kong Island movies are declining, but there are still good filmmakers, such as Xu Laoguai, Zhuang Wenqiang, Lin Chaoxian and others, and these people have signed contracts Bona.

These talents are still valuable to Teacher Zhang.

For example, in Taking Tiger Mountain Outsmarted, Teacher Zhang hoped that Mr. Xu would direct it.

In the end, Teacher Zhang chose Wan Wan for the first movie of Ghost Blowing Candle. In Big Film and Television, other people’s plans to get a piece of the pie were ruined.

However, Teacher Zhang was still very generous and prepared other scripts. Everyone in the family got two scripts and ten scripts, and everyone had a share. The

Treasure Hunting Alliance achieved results. , now Anmei has become the leader. As a leader, it must contribute to the revitalization of the film and television industry. It is unrealistic to keep everything in one’s own belly without plucking a dime. After the cooperation matters were negotiated, the bosses suddenly smiled and exchanged glasses. They look like close partners.

But don’t forget that while everyone is cooperating, they are also each other’s competitors.

“Teacher Zhang, can I spare you a few minutes?”

After Teacher Zhang had reached an agreement with a group of company CEOs, Tao Xin, played by Xiao Huanxi Song Qian, came over. Teacher

Zhang of Xiao Huanxi had invested and the two parties had cooperated.

Teacher Zhang stood up and walked aside with Tao Xin. He waved to a bald head. Teacher Zhang looked up and saw a shy bald head walking over…. 0

The bald man is none other than Tao Xin’s husband, Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng has not yet emerged. Not only is his career unsatisfactory, he is also labeled as a soft-boiler.

“Zhang, hello, Teacher Zhang.”

Xu Zheng was very nervous when shaking hands with Teacher Zhang.

“Teacher Xu, Teacher Tao Xin and I are friends. We have collaborated on Xiao Huanxi, and Xiao Huanxi has achieved great results. We will collaborate on the second film in the future. You are not an outsider, so don’t be so nervous.”

Teacher Zhang behaved very kindly. This is a piece of fat. If he didn’t take the initiative to deliver it to his door, Teacher Zhang would have forgotten about him. If nothing else

, Xu Zheng is ready to enter the movie.

But he doesn’t know that what he wants to shoot is people. In Jon Tu, he is still Tai囧.

In his previous life, Jon Tu helped him establish a foothold in the director’s field, and later he climbed to the limelight and collaborated with Tai囧.

After Tai囧 became a big hit, he soared into the sky.

“Don’t be so mean, take out the script quickly and show it to Teacher Zhang.”

Tao Xun urged.

Xu Zheng immediately took out the script and handed it to Zhang Zian with both hands.

Zhang Zian took it and read it, and was happy.

There were two scripts, one was”Journey to the Road” and”囧囧”, The screenwriter is Xu Zheng

“The copyright of the script is all in your hands?”

“Well, it’s all in my hands, Mr. Zhang, if you like it, I can sell you one of the scripts, but there are conditions. I want to direct it myself, and I also need your investment.”

Xu Zheng said shyly

“I bought both scripts and asked you to direct them. The first one will be paid according to the salary of a second-tier director. The second one will be determined based on the results of the first one. Please think about it.”

Teacher Zhang said with a smile.

“How much can you give me for two scripts?”

Xu Zhengdao

“Sell the two as a package and give you 5 million.”

Zhang Zian said.

This price was beyond the psychological price range of Xu Zheng and Tao Xin. After the two looked at each other, they agreed.

Not only did the script sell for a high price of five million, but he could also personally direct his own work. Zhang The teacher is really interesting.

When the couple was grateful, Teacher Zhang called Bingbing,”Teacher Xu Zheng created two scripts: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐ and agreed to sell them to us Anmei. After I agreed to buy them, the two scripts The film and television version will be directed by Mr. Xu Zheng himself. You go and get the contract with the legal department. After you get it done, ask Yaya to sign it.”

Teacher Xu Zheng is also afraid that Zhang Zian will regret it. After all, he and several company bosses drank a lot at this moment.

What if he doesn’t admit it after he sobers up tomorrow?���, who should he talk to to reason with?

Therefore, we also hope to finalize the contract as soon as possible

“Teacher Zhang, can you stop drinking so much? What a strong smell of alcohol. Bingbing rolled her eyes at Teacher Zhang, gave Xu Zheng and Tao Xin a warning and left.


At this time, Chicken Tiao member Huang Bai came over and said,”I just chatted with Xu Zheng for a while. He had great ideas and said that if we can reach an agreement with you, he would ask me to star in”Thailand”.”

“We’ve reached an agreement, but I won’t ask you. Your current salary is too high, and I can’t afford it.”

Teacher Zhang said with a smile.

“Zian, use me, my salary is low.”

The squirrel came over quickly.

“You can’t do it. You have a low status. I’m a big guy. I can give Anmei a friendly price. Consider me.”

Yan Wangdao

“Brother An, you can use me if you have a suitable role.”

Yixing is also here.

“Let me go, what are so many of you doing together?”

Huang Lei came over, followed by a follower. It was his eldest daughter Huang Duoduo..


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