Chapter 441: Going to see Yoona (1st update)

At noon, Tong Liya came back.

Because Hello, Li Daying, will be released during the Spring Festival, and the promotion mode will start next.

She is the starring role, and in order to promote the movie, she gave up all her work at the end of the year.

Bingbing has already prepared the publicity expenses. As soon as the publicity starts, she will start spreading money. Now the publicity is very important and cannot be ignored.

“Husband, I’m sorry. I just came to Beijing and I have to go on a promotional tour, so I don’t have time to spend time with you.”

After having dinner with Teacher Zhang at the company, Tong Liya was full of apologies.

“Sister Yaya, career is the most important thing, men are not important.”

Bingbing joked from the side.

“Ice baby, you are getting smaller and smaller.”

Teacher Zhang glared at her and said to Tong Liya:”The competition during the Spring Festival will be fierce. In addition to Hello, Li Daying, our cooperation with Bona to take the power of”One One Three” Hushan will also be released during the Spring Festival. There is a Monster Hunt, and this movie is also very competitive”

“Ah, Mr. Zhang, you have forgotten about Monkey King and the White Bone Demon in Journey to the West. The main actors of this movie are Gong Huang and Guo Tianwang. Some people in the industry watched it in advance and praised it full of praise. I heard that they will order it soon. It has been released, the reputation is stable, and it is IP itself, so the competitiveness will definitely be very strong.”

Bingbing reminded Teacher Zhang that in her opinion, the most competitive one is not Monster Hunting, but the Three Fighting Bone Demons.”

“Husband, don’t you think highly of the three dozen white-bone demons?”

Tong Liya said doubtfully

“Bingwa said that if the reputation is stable, the competitiveness will be very high. What if the reputation is not stable? In the Spring Festival period, there are four films, except for Three Fighting Bones. All three films are very competitive. We have two. No matter which one wins, we will not suffer.”

Zhang Zian said.

Tong Liya and Jia Ling went to run Hello, Li Daying’s promotion, and it didn’t take long for Three Strikes of White Bone Demon to start screening.

After the word-of-mouth of the screening came out, Yishui’s praise

“Teacher Zhang, you must have misunderstood. Three dozen white-bone spirits have praised it. This time Gong Huang and Guo Tianwang join forces, Wang Zha is a foregone conclusion, and Old Monster Xu and Jia Ling may be killed.”

Bingbing said.

After saying that, she showed the good reviews to Teacher Zhang.

Teacher Zhang smiled and said nothing.

It’s useless to say anything now. See the real story when it is released.

On the first day of the new year, all nine members of the Zhang family gathered together and joined in the fun to watch it.

Teacher Zhang watched four movies in one day, including Taking the Tiger Mountain by Wisdom, Hello, Li Daying, Monster Hunting, Journey to the West Part 3: Fighting the Bone Demon. Teacher

Zhang and Tong Liya, Damimi did not watch it, and other family members , I went to see it.

There were a lot of people watching the movie during the Spring Festival, and the ratings quickly stabilized.

Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom scored 8.2 points. Mr. Xu did not overturn, and he held on to this classic. The combination of art and business is perfect..

Hello, Li Daying got 8.1 points, which was beyond everyone’s expectations.

Monster Hunt got 7 points.

Journey to the West Part 3: Fighting the White Bone Demon, a serious overturn, directly fell below the passing line, only 5.8.

Spring Festival box office The battle for the box office championship took only three days, and the box office champion was decided. The first place was Taking the Tiger Mountain by Wisdom, and everyone was optimistic that it would win. The second place was Hello, Li Daying.

Because the filming of Taking the Tiger Mountain by Wisdom was so exciting, Hello, Li Daying, did not enjoy the treatment as when it was on Earth, and the box office shrank significantly, but many people were still optimistic that it would win the runner-up.

The third place was”Monster Hunting” Note.

The box office of this movie was also very strong on the first day, but as soon as the ratings came out, it was cut in half. Of course, compared with the three dozen white-bone demons, it is still much better.

In a word, the big winner in the Spring Festival is the smart phone developed by Anmei Two works,”The Powerful Tiger Mountain” and”Hello, Li Daying”, won the first and second place. The combined box office of these two works is initially estimated to exceed 6 billion. Anmei has become a veritable big winner, making a lot of money.

Spring Festival Not long after the holiday, Penguin Video launched Skyscraper directed by Xin Yukun. After Skyscraper was played, Song Yi, who played the role of Zhong Meibao, became popular. Compared with before, the increase in traffic was quite obvious.

Pan Yueming took over Skyscraper. The secret corner of the starring role.

After the completion of this web drama, Pan Yueming had a vague tendency to become a god, and overwhelming resources came to him. Whether it was variety shows, TV series, or movies, they all flocked to hope to cooperate with him.

Whether they are from home or outside, there are too many resources for Pan Yueming to eat, so he is not in a hurry and just chooses slowly.

After two online dramas were released in succession, Penguin Video did not immediately release the silent truth. Now two major Explosion, they can take a breather… The weather in May is already very hot. The crew of People’s Day was extremely hot after just staying in the sun for a while.

The People’s Righteousness started filming in mid-April, and a lot of scenes have been filmed. The atmosphere among the entire cast and crew is very good.

Zhou Jie, who was appointed by Teacher Zhang, performed very well and fully brought the role of Liangping to life.

Compared with the version of Lu Yi that Teacher Zhang saw in his previous life, it was just like rubbing on the ground.

“Zian, you really made the right choice in casting Zhou Jie as the male lead. He did a great job.”

Mama Liu came to visit the cast to play Wu Huifen’s best friend Tao Huimin, but found that the male lead Zhou Jie played the role very well and the character was too distinct.

“Hee hee, Mom, my husband’s vision has always been very accurate.”

The beautiful concubine who accompanied her mother to visit the class heard her mother Liu praise Teacher Zhang and looked at Teacher Zhang with admiration.

Teacher Zhang just smiled at her mother-in-law’s compliment and called Yaya over.

That’s right, Teacher Zhang finally gave Yaya the role of Lu Yike.

The original actress could only be said to be barely passable. Although she was much better than Lu Yi, she still didn’t pass the test with Teacher Zhang. So Teacher Zhang simply used her own actress people

“Husband, what’s wrong?”

Yaya came over and said hello to Liu Ma, then looked at Zhang Zian suspiciously.

“You were a little stiff just now, and when you play with your opponent, you feel a little stiff. You need to relax a bit.”

Zhang Zian said: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐.

Since Zhang Zian became the producer of this work, this situation has happened every day.

Of course he has to train and polish Tong Liya. TV series are different from movies because they have to perform in a variety of situations, so It is easy to expose the shortcomings of personal acting skills.

Movies can polish the lens, but one shot can be polished several times. After all, a movie has a limited time, and there is plenty of time to polish the lens. This cannot be done in TV dramas. The opportunities are limited, and the performance is not good. It is impossible to have a full crew I’m waiting for you, after all, I still have to film the following plot

“Husband, I know, I’ll pay attention next time.”

Tong Liya said.

Teacher Zhang did not stay as the crew leader of People’s Dayi. After Tong Liya fully adapted to the role of Lu Yike, he left the crew. During the

Chinese New Year, Teacher Zhang promised Yuner to go to Country H in May. Look at her, it’s time to keep her promise.


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