Chapter 476: The hotel where Wonder Woman is staying (1st update, please subscribe) is not far from the world premiere venue of Speed Train.

It is a top hotel chain brand, and Antiy Fund has a stake in it.

This was all due to the auditing company’s audit of Antiy Fund’s accounts. Only after the report was reported, Zhang Zian learned that he had invested in the hotel.

Antiy Fund is audited once a year, and a large amount of assets are added every year. As the assets increase, the industry also increases significantly.

In the hotel sector, a lot of investment was made last year, and this hotel brand was invested in last year.

Teacher Zhang and Guan Guan entered the lobby.

I found that Guan Guan was looking at a girl wearing a low-cut long skirt and couldn’t move his eyes away.

“It turns out that Guan Guan, my family member, is also lustful.”

Zhang Zian joked

“Brother Zian, I hate it. That girl is so tall and classy. Is she a Hollywood star?”

Guan Guan said curiously.

“She is Gale Gadd, the Fast and the Furious actress.”

Zhang Zian introduced

“Teacher Zhang is right. In addition to the world premiere press conference of Venom, Fast and Furious will also be held, but ahead of us, Fast and Furious will be released a week before us. In other words, the only one who will compete with us head-on is”one Four Seven” has venom.”

Zeng Dajun said

“Lao Zeng, ask Gale Garst if he is interested in joining Chuanqi.”

Zhang Zian said

“Mr. Zhang, Chuanqi Pictures does not have an artist management department. There is a relatively complete management company in the United States, and many artists are affiliated with them. For many years, they have not interfered with each other’s major film and television companies and will not interfere with each other’s business.”

Zeng Dajun explained

“Rules are rules, you have to be flexible. We are not trying to develop artist management business, we are just signing a few potential stocks.”

Zhang Zian said.

Zeng Dajun nodded.

Teacher Zhang naturally lives in the presidential suite. Whether it is hardware, software, or vision, it is top-notch and quite nice.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the iconic urban buildings of Los Angeles, Panoramic view

“Brother Zian, that Tao Tao won’t become my sister, right?”

Guan Guan helped Teacher Zhang pack his luggage. After taking a shower, he came over in a bathrobe and hugged Zhang Zian from behind, who was standing in front of the French window.

Zhang Zian turned around, hugged Guan Guan, and sat on the sofa next to him. , jokingly said:”How did you conquer me and you forget it so quickly? I’m always passive, but I won’t take the initiative.”

“I hate it, so you mean that as long as she takes the initiative, you will give in? Then I have an extra sister, right?”

Guan Guan’s face was full of vigilance.

Although she knew that it was impossible to completely weld the Zhang family’s high-speed train to death, she didn’t want anyone to find the opportunity to come on.

Moreover, before coming to Los Angeles, Sister Yaya had made an explanation Yes.

If there are more sisters in foreign countries, it means that she has neglected her duties and failed to serve Teacher Zhang well.

“You are so sensitive. I signed her because I was optimistic about her. If the newly developed Tomb Raider series had not been given to Da Bingbing, then Gal Gadot would have been the best candidate.”

Zhang Zian said

“It turns out that you have taken a fancy to her potential. I searched just now and she is just a little transparent. Why do you think she can be popular?”

Guan Guan said doubtfully.

“Have you forgotten my job? Zhang

Zian smiled and said

“Ah, yes, you are Director Zhang Da, with unique vision. If you are so optimistic about her, then there is really a chance that she will get married. Now it seems that I have misunderstood you.”

Guan Guan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling quite embarrassed.

“Insulting people’s innocence, just wanting to expose it with just one sentence, where can such a good thing come from?”

Zhang Zian is smiling but not smiling, and he is punished.

“I hate it, you’re hurting someone. It’s not my idea to supervise, it’s Sister Yaya’s.”

Guan Guan acted like a baby.

After a while, Guan Guan lay on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and called Yaya.

“Arrived in Los Angeles?”

It’s night in Beijing now. Yaya received a call from Guan Guan and immediately said

“Sister Yaya, it’s all your fault. I confessed you, and now brother Zian is punishing me and asking me to call you. He’s so annoying!”

Guan Guan hum

“Tell your Yaya sister, don’t make any small moves in the future.”

Zhang Zian patted Guan Guan and asked her to send a message

“Sister Yaya, did you hear that? Brother Zian asked me to pass on the message now. He doesn’t like to be supervised.”

Guan Guan said aggrievedly.

“Why does he care about me, a woman? It’s too annoying, so don’t be a spy anymore.”

Yaya feels sorry for Guan Guan

“Brother Zian, did you hear that? Sister Yaya said she won’t let me be a spy in the future.”

Guan Guan breathed a sigh of relief.

“Um. Zhang

Zian nodded and said with a smile:”Don’t be a spy anymore. Supervise your man. What do you want to do?””

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.


Zhang Zian and Guan Guan were sitting on the sofa, looking at the tall, blond foreign girl in front of them.

When Zeng Dajun next to him was about to introduce, Zhang Zian waved his hand and said in authentic English:”After filming Sudden, what are your plans?”

“I couldn’t hold on any longer. The competition in Hollywood was too fierce. I needed connections and resources, but unfortunately, I didn’t have either.”

Gail Jia stamped her hands helplessly, she had already made plans to return home.

“You are right, whether it is Hollywood, H-country entertainment, R-country entertainment, or ** entertainment, the competition is all about resources and connections. It is difficult for ordinary people to rise up and reach the sky.”

After Zhang Zian finished speaking, he added:”In the United States, there are many film and television works that have this kind of plot. Signing a contract with the devil in hell, the person who signs the contract will instantly have powerful energy to achieve their own goals, despite the hidden dangers. But many people still signed, including many protagonists.”

Gail Jia Teng was stunned for a moment, thoughtfully.

“An, if I sign, will there be big resources to support me?”

Gail Jia stamped.

Even his name for Zhang Zian changed.

“You can understand it this way, but I also remind you that in the words of our *** people, there is no free lunch in the world. Now if you obtain resources that do not belong to you in advance, you will have to pay a price, and the contract will be more demanding…. 0”

Zhang Zian said

“I’m willing to sign.”

You can get the chance to become famous by signing a contract. She feels that all the efforts are worth it.”

“Congratulations, you successfully seized the opportunity.”

Zhang Zian said.

The next day, The Fast and the Furious had its world premiere, and Gale Gaga joined the cast. There was no splash. She is just a little transparent now, and she has not established a foothold in Hollywood. Who cares about her? What?

However, as an artist signed by Chuanqi, when her work premiered around the world, Teacher Zhang still went with Guan Guan to support her.

However, the two of them kept a low profile, otherwise Zhang Zian would definitely be recognized due to his popularity.

He is now the best commercial box-office director in the Chinese film industry and is a veritable big shot.

“Brother Zian, that bald man is so majestic. I feel like he can kill a cow with one punch.”

“What about the two bald heads, which one are you talking about?”

Zhang Zian said with a smile.

Seeing Bald Sen, Zhang Zian felt a little regretful. Now that the commercial box office of this product has risen, it is impossible to sign a contract.

But it doesn’t matter. After all, the opportunities for missing out are limited. If you can sign and stamp, it’s okay. good

“Bald Sen, he is stronger, but that bald guy is not good.”

Guan Guan looked at the two bald heads on the stage who were not interacting and commented.

Zhang Zian smiled and said to Zeng Dajun:”You arrange for people to have more contact with Bald Sen and maintain a good relationship. He will be of great use to me in the future..”

Zhang Zian thought about the big villain of the Wolf Warrior series to be developed next year.

Compared with the earth, the first part of Wolf Warrior must be fully upgraded, and the supporting characters must also be big names, so they will fool Dushi Sen.

But the opponent is a wrist. , strong box office appeal, inner skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐ Strong, and a big-name star in the United States, it is simply impossible to get the other party to agree.

So Zhang Zian decided to make arrangements in advance and give this task to Zeng Dajun.

Zeng Dajun is very capable, and it doesn’t look like it. If the task that can be completed is in his hands, it will be possible

“I see.”

Zeng Dajun immediately nodded in agreement.

As for what means he will use, when Zhang Zian needs Jushi Sen, Jushi Sen will yield and agree, and Zhang Zian will not ask.

“An, Guan. Thank you for coming to support me.”

After Jia Jie took the photo, she walked down the stage to greet Zhang Zian.

She is a little transparent, and the protagonist is two bald heads. She took the photo and was trying to catch the protagonist. No one paid attention to her at all.

Although she is very hot and sexy, But Hollywood has Hollywood rules. There are so many beautiful girls. Before they become famous, they are just desserts and will not get much attention.

“It seems that your promotional work for Sudden World Premiere has ended. Then come back to the company with me. The big resources you need are waiting for you.”

Zhang Zian said with a smile..


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