Chapter 56 Yaya and Nazha’s first masterpiece

Tong Liya is as resolute as ever.

This time it was no longer the two of them heading to the Magic City, but a trio of three heading to the Magic City together.

While recording”Not That Simple” for Tong Liya and Na Zha, Zhang Zian was chatting with Tang Yan, Yang Mi and Liu Shishi in the lounge.

Tang Yan: Zhang Zian, I’m sorry, I signed the contract on your behalf and made you refuse the chicken strips.

Yang Mi: I’m sorry, the price offered by the Penguin Program Group is too high. I can’t refuse, so I can only join them.

Master Liu: I hope you can understand us. The other party is very sincere and cannot refuse.

Zhang Zian looked at the messages they sent and smiled without replying.

“Teacher Zhang, Teacher Tong and Teacher Nazha are still worse than you.”

The person in charge of the recording studio was familiar with Zhang Zian. After he came over, he complained to Zhang Zian about Tong Liya and Na Zha. Zhang Zian laughed, and what the other person said was too tactful. It was not just close, it could be said to be a joke. Hips, this is still after Zhang Zian helped cheat and compose the lyrics. They only need to catch the beat, but obviously, the beat is a bit stretched.

“Yaya, Nazha, take a rest for a while and adjust your condition.”

Zhang Zian asked Tong Liya and Na Zha to rest

“Woohoo~, hubby, I’m so embarrassed for you. Tong Liya said that you did it again and again, but we pulled our hips every time. It’s easy for you to record songs, but it’s so difficult for us to record songs. It’s holding us back.”

Nazha was embarrassed and blamed herself.

But her talent was only so small, and it was useless to force her.

Tong Liya was also embarrassed,”Husband, aren’t we embarrassed?”

“Don’t worry about it for now. I’ll teach you how to resonate with the head cavity and whisper from a high position. You can just follow me and practice. Don’t feel any psychological burden. After all, you are not a professional student of music.”

Zhang Zian comforted her.

Then she taught her little by little and polished her little by little. After an hour of polishing, the two women were obviously much better and their confidence increased greatly. They went in and recorded again.

After twenty minutes, the most perfect state was finally presented. Although Only one time

“Okay, okay, two teachers, you are great!”

The sound engineer cried with joy, he really cried with joy.

The two rookies had unexpectedly passed the standard.

He had given up hope.

Who would have thought that Zhang Zian forced them to pass.

The two girls were very happy.

As soon as they came out of the recording studio, Na Zha He rushed towards Zhang Zian, jumped directly on Zhang Zian, hugged his neck and acted like a baby,”Husband~, you are so amazing, I am so happy.

I will have a masterpiece in terms of songs in the future, I have a feeling , this song will definitely become a classic.

I only released one song and it became a classic.

Fans will definitely admire me even more.

“You’re shameless, come down quickly!”

Seeing Nazha and her husband so close, hanging on Zhang Zian like a koala, Tong Liya was jealous, and without any hesitation, she went straight to her buttocks.

“Husband, you see she will bully me, please help me out~”

Not only did Nazha not come down, but she hugged her even tighter.

“Come down, everyone is watching.”

Zhang Zian felt a little uncomfortable and asked Nazha to come down.

Nazha seemed to feel something, blushed and slipped off Zhang Zian’s body.

“Upload now?”

The person in charge of the recording studio asked with a smile.

But he was talking to Zhang Zian. He could see that the lyrics and music of this song were both written by Zhang Zian. Although the names of Na Zha and Tong Liya were written, the two people just said it. The performance of the crotch stretching is so good that even a layman can see that they cannot produce such a high-level work.

“Post it.”

Zhang Zian said.

The publishing process is different from Zhang Zian’s. Tong Liya and Na Zha are celebrities. After communicating with the official, the official sent a document with a high share ratio of 7.50%.

After all the procedures were completed,””It’s Not That Simple” was successfully released online.

When this song was released,”No Such Life” had successfully advanced to the tenth place, and the speed of its rise was not unpleasant.

“Teacher Zhang, you are so amazing. You are going to contribute another classic work. I have been playing your single”No Such Life” on a loop today. The more I listen to it, the more I get hooked on it. It is so resonant.”

The person in charge of the recording studio admired Zhang Zian’s talent for all to see.

I really don’t know where Tong Liya found this husband. According to Zhang Zian’s strength, he shouldn’t have been unknown before, and before that, Zhang Zian also I have never posted any work in the circle.

After recording the work, it was completely dark.

Zhang Zian was planning to book a high-speed rail ticket to go back, but Tong Liya said:”Honey, it’s too late. Let’s find a hotel and rest for the night. Go back again.”

Nazha next to her, her eyes were rolling around.

Zhang Zian nodded.


The next morning, when Zhang Zian woke up, Tong Liya and Na Zha were still sleeping soundly in the room.

Last night, the two women fought extremely hard against the landlords. Zhang Zian, the landlord, had never lost before. He kept fighting against them until the early hours of the morning without winning a single round.

It can be said that the most miserable female star in history.

After Tong Liya and Na Zha woke up, they had breakfast and returned to Jiaxing.


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