
As soon as Han Xuanxuan spoke, Qin Chuan heard the word “old” and immediately interrupted her.

“What is there to say, we are all here!”

In a second, Han Xuanxuan understood Qin Chuan’s meaning, and immediately fell silent.

After a five-second pause, Han Xuanxuan smiled: “That’s right, Qin Chuan, isn’t it going to carry out the propaganda of Taiji Zhang Sanfeng?” According to your orders, our company will soon launch this new variety show “Flowers and Boys”, do you want to…”

Speaking of this, Han Xuanxuan’s words were already very clear.

“Flowers and Youth” is a new tourism-based variety show to be launched by Starry Sky Entertainment and Tanuki Entertainment.

The idea still comes from Qin Chuan, and all the plans are also written by Qin Chuan.

Even the list of resident guests was set by Qin Chuan.

The company only needs to be responsible for preparation, communication and negotiation, etc.

According to the usual routine, when a new movie is released, it must be wildly publicized in advance.

After the release, there will be a road show, which is a necessary procedure.

Even “Taiji Zhang Sanfeng” is the same.

Originally, Qin Chuan was still pondering which variety show to participate in for publicity.

But now that “Flowers and Teenagers” has been successfully prepared, it will definitely not flow into the fields of outsiders and choose its own variety show.

“Flowers and Boys” is a 24-hour live broadcast.

After the live broadcast, it will also be edited and broadcast on the TV station.

Because of this, Qin Chuan didn’t need to wait too long, just publicize it directly in the live broadcast.

And the live broadcast time is very long, and you can interact with the audience at any time, and promote it anytime and anywhere, the effect will definitely be better.

But there is a problem.

According to Han Xuanxuan’s meaning, it is to let Qin Chuan make a permanent residence and become a resident guest.

Qin Chuan had not considered this matter.

Originally, Qin Chuan rarely participated in variety shows.

Except for the invitation of friends, or for publicity, he basically does not participate in variety shows.

Because Qin Chuan positioned himself as a pure actor.

This kind of reality show for show, in fact, Qin Chuan is not much interested.

Of course, this variety show was personally formulated by Qin Chuan.

Whether in terms of content or program form and meaning, it is relatively good.

Go to different areas in the north of Tiannanhai to enjoy different customs and cultural life.

Not only can you relax, but you can also make a big profit, which is obviously a good plan.

Moreover, this variety show is the first variety show launched by his own Starry Sky Entertainment production.

Qin Chuan couldn’t let it encounter Waterloo.

In order to increase attention, ratings, and clicks, it is nothing for Qin Chuan to personally go into battle.

The main thing is that this variety show has only ten issues.

The recording of each episode is only three or four days.

If you record it intermittently, it won’t take long.

Therefore, after some evaluation, Qin Chuan decided to become a resident guest.

However, this will be the only variety show that Qin Chuan actively participates in.

Other variety shows, except for publicity, Qin Chuan will not participate.

“Okay, in that case, then I’ll stay there, and you arrange the first phase first.” Are the guests all in touch? ”

“Rest assured, the resident guests have been contacted and signed, and now they are waiting for the flying guests, and the venue is also arranged.” Han Xuanxuan said.

According to Qin Chuan’s setting, there are eight permanent guests.

At the same time, several flying guests will be invited to each issue, which is a very large lineup.

Eight resident guests, including Yue Yunpeng, Shen Teng, He Lu and Guo Dalin.

There are also Gulinazha, Dili Heathong, Li Ertong and Fruit.

Together with Qin Chuan, that is nine resident guests.

“By the way, the company has also signed some actors, and they haven’t reported to you yet.” There are still a few candidates to be signed, you see how it is, I’ll send it to you later. ”

Then Han Xuanxuan hung up the phone.

The moment he hung up the phone, Qin Chuan was inexplicably relieved.

This feeling of stealing sunshine, although very exciting and refreshing, but also really a little worried.

When he finds the right opportunity, Qin Chuan will definitely show the truth to the seventh girl and give Han Xuanxuan a proper name.

Although she is not a star, she does not have the star aura of the size of the seven women.

But Qin Chuan still pursues a policy of equal treatment, and will not keep Han Xuanxuan hidden because of this, leaving her in the dark.

That was not Qin Chuan’s style.

Of course, this is not yet an opportunity.

Just when the stone in Qin Chuan’s heart fell to the ground.

The seventh woman suddenly surrounded and stared at Qin Chuan.

“Okay, husband, you don’t have to hide it, we all know it.”

Yang Mi held Qin Chuan’s hand and smiled faintly.

Seeing the complicated eyes of the seventh woman, Qin Chuan was a little confused.

“Got it? Know what? ”

Qin Chuan suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

All this time, they have looked at themselves with the eyes of obsessive women, why is it a little ill-intentioned now?

“What do you say? Husband, confess automatically! Di Li covered his mouth and smiled.

Although her tone was joking, it had an interrogatory meaning.

“Confess unintentionally? Confess what? Okay, I’ll confess… I was with Naza four times last night, and each time it was…”

When Qin Chuan said this, Gu Linazha immediately covered his mouth.

“What and what, husband, who made you confess this? Stop playing the fool, say it quickly…”

Even Gu Li Naza was urging himself, Qin Chuan was really a little inexplicable.

“What the hell do I confess?”

Seeing that the sisters were swallowing, Li Xiaoqin was a little impatient and went straight to the point.

“Husband, of course, I confessed Xuanxuan’s affairs.”

Hearing this, Qin Chuan still maintained a calm attitude on the surface, and his heart was indeed a little panicked.

He didn’t know about himself and Han Xuanxuan, how did these stupid girls know?

Usually he looks like he has no heart and no lungs, but he didn’t expect to be such a thief.

Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the sofa, poured a cup of tea, looked at the seventh girl, and smiled: “Or you guys say it for me, what news do you all have?” ”

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