Volume I, Chapter 163

“Don’t panic, there’s really nothing in that tank?”

Seeing that both of them looked so shocked.

Qin Chuan smiled lightly and shook his head.

Then he walked up to the fruit and seemed to mumble something.

Originally because of Yue Yunpeng and Shen Teng.

As a result, the results of the bus not far in front of him can be said to contain fear.

I didn’t dare to come into contact with it at all.

But when he heard what Hugo said.

That panicked expression almost disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In its place was a wave of surprise.

As if she had received something that made her feel incredible, she asked in disbelief: “Boss, what did you say… It’s true? ”

“What did I lie to you for?”

Qin Chuan smiled lightly.

Looking at the results with such a worried look, he shook his head helplessly.

“Things have already been told to you, so let’s go boldly later.” If you take the initiative to participate in the challenge in front of so many audiences, I am afraid that it will definitely drive a surge in popularity, so let’s say it yourself! ”

Although the guests present could not see the grandeur in the live broadcast room.

However, according to the understanding of the entertainment industry and the live broadcast industry, how much popularity and income can be gained from this variety show.

Qin Chuan’s heart naturally also had a rough estimate.

Especially for newcomers like Fruit, it’s a great time to attract fans!

You know, several guests of the current three teams.

He Yu and Qin Chuan didn’t need to say it themselves.

One can be said to be an old fritters in the entertainment industry, and the other is a popular star in the limelight.

This bit of popularity for live streaming is actually just a dispensable attitude.

It doesn’t have to be.

As for Liu Shishi’s side, it is even more so.

With the hot blessing of recent movies.

Liu Shishi’s popularity has risen at a rate that ordinary stars can compare.

Participating in variety shows is just to consolidate popularity and maintain exposure.

In this case.

Even if the challenge in front of her brings her popularity, it will not improve much.

Only the results are different…

As a rookie actor who has just debuted, and even appeared in front of everyone’s eyes for the first time.

What is needed most is a chance to attract heat.

When operated, with this wave of excellent performance, it can completely win a large number of fans, and since then embarked on the road of gradually glowing.

But if the operation fails, you have to wait for the next opportunity.

After all, rookie actors are such a thing.

But only when you first appear, do something that everyone can’t imagine, is the easiest time to win fans!

“I want me, the young results will never admit defeat, come on!”

The result gritted his teeth and made a decision quickly.

Although it is true that he has little experience because he has just debuted young, he is not a fool, for this kind of opportunity in front of him to make himself a hit.

And how can it be let go?

Now the boss Qin Chuan has given this opportunity…

As for whether you can catch it, then you can only look at yourself.

No one can help other than that!

“Shen Teng challenge is over, so in the last group, which guest do you send to appear?”

Wang Zhengyu’s voice sounded again.

When I heard this prompt, I didn’t wait for the inquiry to finish.

The results of the determination were raised almost immediately.

With a solemn face, he said, “I’ll challenge!” ”

“666, this newcomer girl can be!”

“Scare Xiao Yue Yue and Shen Teng into such a water tank, can’t convince this girl, but take the initiative to challenge?”

“This newcomer called Achievement is really cool enough! And the appearance seems to be very good-looking, which is the type I like. ”

“Like newcomer +1!”

As Hugo expected.

After volunteering to participate in the challenge with the results.

In the live broadcast room, which was originally watching the excitement everywhere, it boiled almost immediately.

The courage to face the results is impressed.

To know.

The audience in the live broadcast room has seen all the challenge process just now.

Although he did not go to the scene in person, it can be seen from the reactions of the two guests that there is definitely something extremely terrifying in this water tank.

They are waiting for them.

But even so, in the face of such a terrifying water tank.

It’s just the result of newcomers, not only without the slightest flinching.

Instead, it issued a declaration of challenge with great momentum.

This has to make the audience subconsciously have a good feeling.

Especially the appearance of the results… Because he had just graduated, he still had a hint of a student’s immaturity on his face.

Coupled with the unpretentious sound, and the incomparably hearty movements full of youthful atmosphere.

It is simply a clear stream among the female stars in the current entertainment industry.

In this case, the audience can’t help but feel a heartfelt love for it.

“I want this girl called Fruit, just take the rest away!”

“Bah, who wants Liu Shishi and a few of their old faces? Give me the results to the others! ”

“What do you want?” I love Qin Chuan! I love Qin Chuan! ”

“The male god is so handsome!!!”

Fortunately, the situation in the live broadcast room was not seen by the guests present.

Otherwise, if she learns that she is disliked by the audience, Liu Shishi may have to fall on the spot.

Don’t just run away!

“Uh… Okay, then follow the challenger’s requirements. Next, invite the challenger results into the bus! ”

Wang Zhengyu also did not expect that someone would volunteer.

I am also ready to shoot more time so that the guests of the three teams,

There is work to choose people slowly.

But since the other party has already requested, then as a director.

Wang Zhengyu’s reaction will naturally not slow down by half a bit.

Almost immediately, the show continued to be filmed.

“Then boss, I’ll go up first, you have to pray for me!”

Courage unleashed.

Facing the bus in front of him, Cheng Guo cautiously glanced back at Qin Chuan.

What he got was an extremely encouraging look.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and step back on the bus.

And at the moment in the car.

Yue Yunpeng and Shen Teng who have ended the challenge are because of the restrictions of the program.

As a result, they can no longer return to the guest line before the end of the project.

Just getting together, there is a match, and the small talk begins.

Plan how to fix the stars who will come later.

However, when I saw that it was actually the result that got on the car.

The two who were originally still full of treacherous smiles were immediately stunned, and their faces were full of incredulity: “Why are you?” ”

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