“Thank you host Qin Da for your reply, thank you very much, and let me increase my knowledge.” Netizen I love to watch history five-star praise replied.

Then Xu Zheng shook his head and said to the camera: “Speaking of this “Three Kingdoms”, there are actually many differences in essence from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms you saw before. “

The main thing is that “Three Kingdoms” is mainly entertained in a way that is not inside, and it is not as rigorous as the main history, and the most important thing is that Bojun smiles.

Xu Zheng then said to everyone: “But its plot will still be promoted like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but the thoughts of the people in it are actually similar to the thoughts of our modern people, which is mainly to make the audience better understand and better grounded changes.” “

Netizens said in the world: “Director Xu, what is the reason why you have been working hard, is this the same experience as your previous experience?” “

“Well, this question, it’s a very good question, in fact, in the early days, I also started from the bottom of the group, at that time, as long as it was a box lunch, it was enough, and I didn’t think about today’s achievements.” However, I still have to thank some unbearable retrospectives in those years, only those who can survive the hard years will feel that those gray years must be a kind of wealth in life. ”

Xu Zheng said to him seriously.

“In the early years, our family had many children, because in that era, the economy was not good, not such a standard of living as modern, at the beginning, I just wanted to do odd jobs, and my appearance was not outstanding, just like going to a movie place to see, maybe what kind of work will there be?”

Qin Chuan is actually very vague about Xu Zheng’s early life, he only knows that Xu Zheng has stayed in the crew, played miscellaneous, and also ran through dragon sets, and then slowly came out, but for Xu Zheng when he was young, why he chose to be an actor, this Qin Chuan really doesn’t know.

Thinking of this question, it must also be a question that the audience wants to know, Qin Chuan said to Xu Zheng: “Brother Xu, why do you want to be an actor, what kind of situation prompted you to enter the entertainment industry?” “

As soon as Qin Chuan said this, he saw Xu Zheng suddenly fell into deep thought, and after waiting for a long time, he slowly eased up and said to the camera: “Actually, when I was a child, I was a very stuffy child, and I was not as lively as I am now, everyone thinks that I am in my forties and fifties, how can I still be like a child, and I don’t seem to have any troubles all day.” ”

“In fact, when I was young, I was always very lonely, and I was very unsociable, and compared with other children, I seemed to be a young man. As for making many people think that when I was young, I had some kind of disease, a bad head, or a natural idiot. “

Xu Zheng looked at the photography with emotion

Xu Zheng’s words, in fact, even the most confidant friend, Qin Dao, Xu Zheng, who has always been optimistic, how could he be such a child.

If Xu Zheng didn’t talk about his childhood, then it is estimated that Qin Chuan would think that when Xu Zheng was young, he must be a child king who ran all day on the street.

But as soon as he heard Xu Zheng say this, Qin Chuan was a little sad, perhaps the happiness shown by many people was only on the face, and the pain buried deep in the heart was invisible to ordinary people.

Qin Chuan knew that there were many big stars like this who looked beautiful on the surface but were a little melancholy behind them.

Especially in the entertainment industry, everyone and the star must maintain the best side for the audience.

No one wants to show their most helpless or saddest side to the audience, if this is the case, then the actor is almost finished, and at that time, it is not clear which black fan will say that it is because the star has sucked something, resulting in such a languishing look.

So as a star, you must look, very sunny, very decent, and have positive energy.

What even ordinary people can do is a very rare enjoyment for celebrities.

For example, smoking, many people like to drink and smoke when eating, sitting and chatting with friends, or going to KTV.

But for celebrities can’t do this, if they do, if they are seen by some paparazzi, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.

Then the next day’s headline entertainment news will read: “A well-known big star smoked in such and such a bar, and was caught properly, anyway, it is some such topics.” “

Qin Chuan understood that stars are also people, and they also have all the thoughts of normal people, stars are not Old Master Kong, not saints, they can go a week without eating, and gentlemen do not eat food from robbery.

But for celebrities, as long as they can live more securely.

There are many stars who suddenly became popular inadvertently, and these stars actually just planned to eat mixed meals, but because they performed with their hearts, the audience suddenly felt that they were acting very well and began to pay attention to them.

In fact, some celebrities don’t want to be popular at all, because if you want to become a star, then you must lose some things, such as freedom, such as privacy, or want to go shopping and play basketball without worry, which are very luxurious things for some first-line stars.

Thinking of this, Qin Chuan also gradually understood Xu Zheng’s childhood, Qin Chuan not only shook his head and sighed.

“Brother Xu, why do you look different from other people’s children since you were a child? What causes you to look like this, and you now give people the feeling that you are having a very happy time every day, and your movies are mainly based on comedy, and the whole movie is to make people happy, but I can’t imagine that you had such an unsatisfactory life when you were a child. ”

Qin Chuan also did not expect that Xu Zheng would have such a childhood, no matter how he looked at Xu Zheng, who had always been cheerful, he should be a teenager who chased the wind, and he was not even as unbearable as he said.

“Well, in fact, when I was a child, I was always autistic, maybe you can also understand that I became an introversion, this introversion has reached a very serious point, sometimes when others talk to me, I just nod or shake my head, and I don’t talk to anyone.”

Xu Zheng sighed and said, as if as soon as he mentioned his childhood past, he fell into a sad look that he could not look back on. _

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