In the command room, the three teachers saw that Zhang Yi’s three groups had circled to the north of the bamboo forest, and they all showed a smile in unison.

Not surprisingly, a group was eliminated on the first day of the start.

Because they couldn’t see the public’s surveillance, they didn’t know that the three groups had merged, and thought there was only one group in the bamboo forest.

“Everyone, now advance to the bamboo forest, remember that you don’t need to eliminate all of them, as long as you eliminate one person.”

This time, it was Wang Mingling’s order.

Such instructions Xu and Liu still disdain, after all, the subtext of this sentence is to go in and attack the woman or the weakest first.

However, Wang Mingling is obviously a result-oriented person and does not care how she wins, provided that she wins first.


Because the capture team did not deliberately hide and camouflage, the drone could capture a little of their movements.

Looking at the three groups in a closed circle, advancing towards the bamboo forest, the audience watching couldn’t help but pinch a handful of sweat for Zhao Mo and the two.

“Even if Brother Jing is strong, it is impossible to deal with nine people.”

“That’s not the point, the point is that they have guns, as long as they hit, the knockout button will have induction.”

“I’ll go, I don’t even want to see it.”

“I don’t know if Zhao Mo and Brother Jing are nervous, but I’m really nervous.”

“It seems that this issue will be shorter than the previous ones!”

At this moment, in the monitoring room, Lao Huang’s face was slightly dark.

Why don’t these three teachers enter the oil and salt, if they continue to play like this, will they all be eliminated tomorrow.

“How about I discuss it with the three teachers again?”

Xu Qing’s personality is equivalent to those lobbyists in history, but he is more shameless than them and has no lower limit.

“It’s useless, last time I mentioned it and said that I wanted to mention their remuneration, but I was sprayed by Lao Xu and Lao Liu, saying that I smashed them with money and disrespected people.”

“But Daoer, Li Jing and Zhao Mo are eliminated, and this game can’t be played!”

Huang Hao’s face was irritable, and he didn’t know.

However, in the face of the three teachers who did not enter the oil and salt, he could only pray to God, hoping that the two of them could run out of at least one.

The reason why the two old comrades Xu and Liu participated really did not come for money.

They are retired, they have nothing to do at home every day, and finally they have this opportunity

, they play as exercises, since they are exercises, then they are real combat, and after real combat, there is still a reason to let the opponent live.

At this time, Huang Hao could only sulk, and there was nothing he could do with this gang.


Zhao Mo’s hearing was excellent, and at this moment he and Jing Ge had moved to the easternmost part of the bamboo forest.

First, because the depth to the east is large enough, the two intend to break through from here, and the other is that the traps they laid are here.

“Choose a team to ambush?”

Jing Ge voiced his opinion.

Zhao Mo slowly shook his head and said, “Because someone commanded, the advance of the three groups must be synchronized, as long as we stay for a while, we will inevitably be replaced by the other two groups.”

Brother Jing’s brows frowned, this was a problem, and he nodded after a while: ”

I go due north, you go due east, no matter what, you can’t go around to the northeast.”

Zhao Mo nodded.

Suddenly, a strange noise reached his ears, and he made a silencing gesture to Brother Jing, and then pointed to the east, signaling that the person on this side was the closest.

It’s just that the bamboo forest is too dense, and no one on either side can see who at present.

The biggest advantage of bamboo forest is this, because it is too dense, drones cannot capture the lens at all, so it is also a big obstacle to the command.

“Brother Jing, I’ll make some movement first, attract them to my side, you’d better touch the westernmost side, break through from there, there is no one in the west now.”

Brother Jing was about to refuse, and Zhao Mo hurriedly spoke again: “Brother Jing, your role of staying is greater than mine, in case I can’t run, you can still take the food and play with your people.” Listening

to him say this, a touch of emotion appeared on Li Jing’s face, if this is a battlefield, Zhao Mo is covering his evacuation!

It is too pretentious and unrealistic to say that he is not dead, but he knows that Zhao Mo is participating for money, and at this moment he has also decided that

if his own team wins, he must give his share to Zhao Mo.

Jing Ge reached out and patted him on the shoulder, nodded, and then carefully touched the west without looking back.

The three parties were very careful, and Zhao Mo waited for a full two minutes before he began to shake the bamboo next to him.

Of course, the command saw it and immediately ordered: “Three groups and two groups speed up the progress, they nest in the easternmost part of the bamboo forest.” ”


“Zhao Mo is good, this plan can at least guarantee that Brother Jing can stay.”

“It’s not easy to be so calm at this time.”

“Zhao Mo has actually always been like this, from survival to now, he has never changed, and he has always been very considerate of others.”

“Alas, Zhao Mo withdrew, how can I be a little sad.”

“Not only him, the three girls will quit with him, and the sacrifice is quite big.”

“I hope there is a miracle, bless Zhao Mo from being caught.”

“He took the initiative to expose it like this, which is equivalent to attracting all three groups, if they don’t have a gun, Zhao Mo may still have a chance.”

“Yes, the other party has long-range weapons, and wolf dogs.”

“It’s over, the queen group is over.”

“Lao Tzu is a veteran, and he was inexplicably moved to hear Zhao Mo’s words.”

“You go and I cover, of course, the weight of this sentence is not light.”

In the monitoring room, Huang Hao secretly sighed with relief after hearing Zhao Mo’s arrangement.

Fortunately, at least it can be played.

At present, the biggest reliance of the escape group is Li Jing, as long as he is there, it is estimated that he can survive for a few more days.

He regretted it a little, the strength of the two sides was too uneven, although he could catch back, but the escape group now seemed to have no power to fight back!

“I wish I could have lasted a few more days.”

Xu Qing next to him said with a smile: “Zhao Mo’s overall view is good, and he made the most correct choice at this time.”

Huang Hao also smiled and nodded, last year’s escape group lasted for 11 days, this time he has lowered his requirements in his heart, as long as a week.

“Do you think Zhao Mo can save it?”

Xu Qing was stunned, and then slowly shook his head: “It’s unlikely.”

Huang Hao also showed a wry smile on his face, and sighed for a moment: “Maybe it’s because he is too bright in surviving, which makes me also subtly think that he is omnipotent.” After

speaking, I raised my hand and looked at the following table, it has only been three hours, are you going to be eliminated from a group?


Zhao Mo did not hide anymore, and if he did not move, it was the most passive approach.

He continued to increase his movements, running two or a few steps north to shake a bamboo, and then running south to shake the bamboo again, he wanted to create a false impression for the headquarters.

First, several people here are estimated to have realized the danger and intend to break through separately, and

the second is that he wants to force the encirclement to shrink rapidly, so that he can come slowly, maybe some of the previous arrangements will be discovered.

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