"Come on, you don't need to practice anymore, just show off your personal talents"

"Dance, yesterday's initial assessment did not show your dancing ability"

"Today, let's have a dance battle to see how good your dancing ability is."

Wang Jiaer, who was interested, wanted to have a dance battle with Cao Gong.

Cao Gong stood up and agreed without saying a word:"Okay, come on, I'm a little itchy too, let's dance to relax. Today's exercise volume is not enough, I need to warm up."

Everyone present is talented, except Li Ronghao and Ouyang Jin.

The other three are from idol groups, and their dancing skills are definitely good.

But Cao Gong's dancing ability is now A-level.

Wang Jiaer's dancing ability is also very strong, but compared with Zhang Yixing, there is still a gap.

In terms of dancing alone, Zhang Yixing's dancing is better than Wang Jiaer's.

Although Wang Jiaer's dancing level is also A, they are both A-level, and there is a difference in strength.

A+、A、A-, both are A-level, but there is a difference in strength.

If we really have to rank them, Wang Jiaer's dancing strength should be A, but Zhang Yixing is A.+


In the practice room, two handsome guys had a dance battle, and the onlookers all cheered.

Judging from the current dance battle, Wang Jiaer's dance is more beautiful and the overall movements are more smooth and natural.

On the contrary, looking at Cao Gong, his dance moves are a little bit awkward, and because of his height, he looks worse than Wang Jiaer overall.

People who can dance know that if you are taller, your dance moves will be less enjoyable than those of shorter people.

Generally speaking, if a boy is around 175cm tall, his dance moves will be more beautiful. For boys over 180cm tall, the same dance will not be as enjoyable as the dance moves of people around 175cm tall.

It will give people a sense of encumbrance with long arms and legs.

And it will take more time and energy to practice than shorter people.

"Wow, his dancing is amazing. Li Ronghao could see that Cao Gong danced very well.

"This guy has a very good dancing talent, very abnormal"

"Can you believe it? He has only been learning dance for a year."The dance teacher said to the people around him.

"What? Only one year?" Cheng Xiao and Zhang Yixing were both surprised.

Judging from Cao Gong's dancing skills, he was not a beginner, but someone who had been dancing for at least six or seven years. How could he be a newcomer who had only been dancing for one year?

"Yes, he just learned dancing from me last year."

"He couldn't learn it at first, but after a few days, his skills improved by leaps and bounds, and he caught up with me in no time."

"This guy is like a cheat, he is really gifted in eating."

What the dance teacher revealed surprised the audience.

He can have such dancing skills after only one year of study, he is simply a monster.

After the dance battle, the two stopped.

"You're such a great dancer, aren't you? You're almost as good as me."

"Your problem now is that you are still not consistent in dealing with your height, arm length, and leg length, and you don't know how to deal with them."Wang Jiaer pointed out his problem directly.

Cao Gong himself admitted that this was the case.

Whether he copied his dance teacher's B-level dance ability or Zhang Yixing's A-level dance ability.

Both of them are about 175cm tall, so their dance experience and skills do not have any solution to the problem of long arms and legs.

Because their heights are not as high as Cao Gong's 185cm, they do not have the skills in this area of height. In the end, Cao Gong still needs to accumulate experience on his own.

"Cao Zei, do you have a pop song? Let's collaborate on one."

"That's right, I want that kind of pop dance music, mixed with some loyal elements."

Zhang Yixing sat down and discussed his album plan with Cao Ze.

After learning about his plan, Cao Ze pinched his chin and thought

"Your request is not clear enough. What do you want to incorporate into the so-called Zhongguo elements? In the music, or in the lyrics, or in the dance, in the MV, there are too many ways to go. What you said is too vague."

Zhang Yixing had not considered this before, but now that he thinks about it, it is really

"Look at my"Compendium of Materia Medica", the elements of loyalty to the country are incorporated into the lyrics."

"The song is a typical electronic music, and the singing style is American hip-hop."

"Because I didn't shoot a music video for this song, I just wrote the music and lyrics, and then performed it live."

"So the loyal Chinese style and elements of my song are reflected in the lyrics."

Listening to what Cao Gong said, they all recalled that his performance last night was indeed like this.

Zhang Yixing fell silent, and then said:"What I want is kPOP, so that must be the style of the song."

"Right." Cao Gong nodded and said,"If you want KPOP, then the style can only be this, and the song cannot have any Zhongguo elements. You have to consider the lyrics, dance, and MV." Zhang Yixing couldn't figure it out, so he simply asked Cao Gong,"What do you think?"

Facing Zhang Yixing's question, Cao Gong subconsciously looked at

"Oops, my phone was confiscated. Otherwise, there is a good song in my phone that should be suitable for you."

"There is no other way. Mobile phones must be handed in during the training camp."

Zhang Yixing said this to him with a smile, and then took his computer over.

"My computer has music.���"You know how to use it, right?"

Cao Gong smiled and nodded to Zhang Yixing.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, he used Zhang Yixing's music software to compose his own music on the spot.

When Cao Gong was composing the music, Ouyang Jin, Wang Jiaer and Li Ronghao beside him were all people who could compose music.

So they knew at a glance that Cao Gong was really good at composing music.

Although, the music he composed was completed before.

Now it's just a re-arrangement, which is not difficult for him.

But even so, Cao Gong's fluency in composing music and his sense of sound are extremely admirable.

A song is finished in just a few minutes, because it is ready-made and there is no need to think about it, so it is very fast.

But even so, Zhang Yixing and the others are still very amazed at Cao Gong's talent and ability.

Needless to say, Cao Gong is definitely one of the candidates for the debut of this show.

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