"Well, come and see how the trainees have fared in their three days of training."

In the conference room, several instructors have arrived to check the assessment videos. It would take at least 400 minutes to watch each of the 100 trainees' videos one by one.

In other words, it would take more than six hours just to watch these videos.

"This is a lot of work."

Dilraba, who was sitting in the middle, expressed her feelings.

"100 trainees." Even Cheng Xiao felt the same way. After all, the workload was indeed huge.

"How about this, we let Cao Ze enter A directly"

"No, no." Zhang Yixing immediately raised his hand to stop Dilireba's selfishness and said with a smile:"You can't do this, it's too obvious to be biased, just give him an A?"

Dilireba crossed her legs and pretended to be stupid."Huh? Is it that obvious?"

"Isn't that obvious enough? I gave it an A without even looking at it."

"If the audience saw it, how could it be fair?" Cheng Xiao smiled and looked at Reba beside him.

"No, in my opinion, it is unfair for him to participate in this talent show, right?"Dilreba laughed.

It's true that Dilireba's words were recognized by the mentors.

Whether it was Li Ronghao or Ouyang Jin, they all agreed with this evaluation.

Letting Cao Gong participate in this program is simply trampling the word fairness on the ground.

"Tell me, with your songwriting ability, can you make an album for Mr. Liu Dehua that will sell explosively?"

"Although the songs in this album are all Cantonese songs, everyone has seen the songwriting skills of the author, right?"

"Then there is the dancing ability. Not to mention the choreography of the theme song, he has even participated in the choreography of the title song of Zhang Yixing's new album. What do you think of his dancing ability?"

Zhang Yixing, turning the pen in his hand, smiled shyly and nodded, agreeing with Dilraba's evaluation

"As for singing skills, no matter how bad they are, they can't be worse than other trainees, right?"

"《Love Transfer" and"Loyalty to the Country", I believe who among us here doesn't want to listen to it again?"

What Dilireba said is true, this song is really too good to be true

"That's it, just give him an A, that's because the only rating here is A"

"If there is an S, SS, or SSS, I will give it to him without hesitation."

It's not her intention, but she really feels that Cao Gong has surpassed all the trainees here.

The audience watching the show also thinks so, because Cao Gong is really versatile.

"Well, let's watch the first one, let's watch Cao Zei's video first, how about using him as the standard?"

Wang Jiaer suggested to everyone with a smile, let's watch Cao Gong's video first.

This time, Cheng Xiao smiled and shook his head:"If we use Cao Zei as the standard, I'm afraid no one can get an A."

"Yes, yes, be more considerate."

Li Ronghao also agreed very much, so he suggested giving appropriate scores.

After playing Cao Gonglu's video, several instructors watched it carefully.

After watching this video, Cheng Xiao said embarrassedly:"They danced better than me."

"Haha~" Cheng Xiao's comment, which was too embarrassing to look down, made the other instructors laugh subconsciously.

"He sings better than me." Li Ronghao also gave his own evaluation at this time

"So there are no objections, right?"

"I was afraid that if I didn’t give an A, the audience would tear me apart, after all, it was my personal reasons that made me not give an A in the first stage."

Reba was getting anxious now and quickly explained her thoughts

"AAAAA"Now, the other five people had no objection.

After giving Cao Gong a score, Reba smiled and said,"Do you think it's unnecessary to watch it again?"

"Haha~" Reba's complaints and rants made the other people laugh and applaud.

The audience watching the show all joked.

"It seems that Reba has really fallen in love!"

"It’s over, Reba is really going to fall in love, what should I do?"

"I don’t want it!!! I don’t want to be in love with Reba!!!"

"Reba, you have to hold on, don't fall in love, career is the most important thing!"

But Reba couldn't hear or see these for the time being.

Because she was watching the dance video seriously, but as she watched, the expressions of several instructors became particularly solemn, because too many trainees performed unexpectedly.

There were many trainees who gave up while dancing.

"What are they doing? Do you know what this means?"

"This is fate, are they kidding with their lives?!"

Wang Jiaer was so anxious that she slammed the table.

Zhang Yixing was also in a difficult situation and said,"Do they know how important this is?"

"Oh my, how do we rate this?"

"No, I have to go check on these kids. I can't stand it any more. What are they doing?"

Zhang Yixing said as he went to check on the trainees.

Almost all of them were in the practice room, waiting for the final result.

Cao Gong was also here, but he was really impatient and said,"I'm leaving."

"Cao thief, where are you going? Seeing him leaving, Fan Chengcheng hurriedly asked

"I'm going to find a studio to practice dancing. It's a waste of time waiting here."

"God knows how long we have to wait?" As he said that, Cao Gong was about to leave the practice room.

Coincidentally, Zhang Yixing and Dilireba came to the door of the practice room. He ran into them as soon as he walked out, and Dilireba asked him:"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find a practice room to dance. Why else would I be waiting here?"

"100 trainees' dance videos, not counting 4 minutes per video, even if each video is 3 minutes, that would be 300 minutes; that's 5 hours."

"It's too boring to waste five hours waiting here, so I might as well go dance and move around."

"I can't be idle." Cao Gong stretched his neck and explained what he was going to do.

Knowing that he was going to practice dancing, Reba nodded:"Go ahead, and pay attention to the time to eat."

"Don't let the canteen run out of food and you have to go hungry again."

Reba reminded Cao Gong, and after answering, he left here bored.

It's not that Cao Gong is trying to be special, but he is seizing the time to practice.

After Zhang Yixing entered the practice room, he scolded these trainees.

But he couldn't scold them too harshly, for fear of hitting these trainees.

Because they are all teenagers, he is afraid that speaking too harshly will hit them in the heart.

This is what Zhang Yixing thinks is the most difficult.

It's not good to say harsh words, and if you say it lightly, you are afraid that they don't know the seriousness of the matter.

When it came to Dilireba, she was very calm and just asked them to learn from Cao Gong.

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