Cao Gong suddenly turned to Reba and asked,"Oh, by the way, PD Reba, do you like me?"

"What's wrong with liking you? Is it not okay? That's my freedom."Reba said unhappily

"Of course, it's my honor that Reba PD likes me."

"But Reba PD, what religion do you Uyghurs believe in?"

"Islam?!" Reba answered subconsciously, and Cao Gong, who got the answer, immediately said happily:"I believe in Buddhism. Our beliefs are different, and we are destined not to be together."

Reba, who was rejected, immediately raised her hand and grabbed Cao Gong's ear.

Reba grabbed Cao Gong's ear with one hand and covered her mouth with the other hand, bending over with laughter.

He could actually think of such a reason for rejection?

The audience watching the show did the same, and they burst out laughing.

You are a new Islam, I believe in Buddhism, our beliefs are incompatible, let's break up.

What Cao Gong didn't know was that his words became a popular Internet phrase after the show was broadcast.

"Do you want to die?" Reba, who was teased again, bit her lip and asked��

"No, no, no." Cao Gong held Reba's hand and asked her to let go quickly.

When the commotion was almost over, Cao Gong asked Reba:"Have you decided what kind of song you want?"

"Well, can you write it down, or is there any written one?"

"A song that expresses that life is short, because if you miss someone in this life, you may not meet them again in the next life, so you should learn to cherish and not lose the person who loves you and has eyes only for you?"

Dilraba Dilmurat asked for this song, and Cao Gong quickly thought of a suitable song

"Have a listen." Although she was not sure if it was what she wanted, this song was indeed very close to her.

There was an electronic keyboard in this practice room. This electronic keyboard was the instrument that teacher Li Ronghao used to play songs for the trainees during vocal lessons.

Now that Cao Gong saw this electronic keyboard, he used it.

Cao Gong's eyes and expression were particularly serious and gentle when playing the song. Dilireba, who was standing aside, crossed her left arm in front of her lower abdomen, held her right elbow with her left hand, and pinched her chin with her right hand, looking at Cao Gong who was playing the instrument and singing tenderly and sweetly.

While singing, Cao Gong subconsciously looked at the beautiful figure standing quietly beside him.

Looking at the beautiful figure beside him, Cao Gong's singing seemed to be sung for her.


"Until I have traveled through half a lifetime and four seasons"

"Only then did I realize that the scenery is not as good as you~~"

"I love you like the wind that travels thousands of miles without asking when it will return, like the sun that rises and sets regardless of day or night"

"I love you like a cloud that drifts for thousands of miles without resting, like white snow that rages across the earth without end~"

"I love you like a moth flying into a flame, fearless, like the pile of yellow flowers that the wind cannot blow away~"

"I love you like a river... it never stops flowing, like the weeds in the wilderness that regenerate and burn~"


The climax of the song made Dilraba's eyes filled with sweetness and tenderness.

These few lines of lyrics are simply a critical hit to the hearts of little girls.

Many viewers were attracted to this song after hearing it.

Especially girls, their hearts were severely teased by Cao Gong.

The love expressed in this song is like the endless river water, flowing continuously in people's lives.

Cao Gong interpreted this song with a mellow and infectious voice, which made people deeply feel the rich emotions of the song. When you hear his high and passionate singing, you will feel the fearless and passionate power.

Hearing such a beautiful song, the sweetness on Dilraba's pretty face cannot be hidden.

At the right age, I met the right you

"What is the name of this song?" When Cao Gong finished singing, Reba gently asked him the name of the song.

After singing the song, Cao Gong subconsciously answered Reba:"I love you without asking when you will return"

"Okay, I accept your confession. Reba tilted her head mischievously and looked at Cao Gong with a smile.

"……"This really confused Cao Gong. How could he confess his love to you?

However, the title of this song seems to be a confession.

After realizing that he had fallen into a trap, Cao Gong was helpless.

"Then you are unemployed. Cao Gong also smiled and said to Reba

"I'm unemployed, will you support me?" Reba smiled and continued to act with him.

"I can't afford it." Cao Gong was helpless and said,"My current income can't support you."

"But my current income can support you." Reba said to Cao Gong confidently.

Cao Gong, who had just been a muscular man with an abstinence look, immediately said:"Wife, I love you, I don't want to work hard anymore"

""Puchi~" Cao Gong's servile and unpromising reaction made Reba laugh:"Haha~"

The audience watching the show were once again amused by Cao Gong's golden words."

Sister, I love you, I don't want to work hard anymore", this sentence is also widely used in emoticons.

Cao Gong's golden sentences frequently appear, making the audience watching the show love him so much.

The director of the program also understands the audience, so he gave more shots to Cao Gong.

Because Cao Gong has more shots, more people will see it, and the more people see it, the more money the program will make from advertising fees.

And in order to increase the popularity of the program, in addition to updating the content of the talent show every week, the program team also edited an extra episode of the love variety show"Heating CP".

You know, the interaction between the heating CP is very sweet and interesting, and the audience likes it very much.

Since they like it and since it can bring benefits to the program, of course they should make good use of it.

"If you don't want to work hard anymore, go find your dad." Reba said with a smile

"Forget it, my superstar dad has to support two women."

"What? Two, two women?"Reba panicked. Is this something she can say?

"Well, I have a half-sister, she's a little kid, it would cost a lot of money to send her to kindergarten."

"The tuition for one semester of kindergarten in Hong Kong was enough for me to go to college for four years."

"Hehe~" After knowing that he was talking about her half-sister, Reba felt relieved.

Otherwise, she would have really thought wrongly.

Reba pinched her chin and said distressedly."This song is nice, but is it suitable for the two of us to perform?"

Cao Gong squinted at the woman, and her little thoughts had long been exposed.

Noticing Cao Gong's squinting eyes, Reba knew she was exposed.

"If you keep acting, you will be the best actress if you act in a TV series with this acting skill."

"No way." Reba puffed up her face shyly and said coquettishly that she was useless.

"Hum, not yet? You deliberately brought up a topic, isn't it just to make me sing a love song for you?"

"Hehe~" Reba, who was exposed, stopped pretending. She put her hands behind her back, bent over, and approached Cao Gong with her pretty face. She said sweetly,"Yes, but you still sang for me, didn't you?"

Cao Gong looked at the pretty face so close with doting eyes, then raised his hand and gently flicked Reba's forehead with the back of his fingers.

""Oh." Although it didn't hurt, Reba still covered her forehead very nervously.

But this small action of the two of them made countless female audiences scream excitedly.

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