"What is hidden in the Sutra Library? Experts from all walks of life are competing for the top spot"

"For the sake of fame, never bow your head"

"In a duel, who is using internal force to fight like a trapped beast?

"The dragon is beating restlessly~"

"What is hidden in the Sutra Repository? The four martial arts schools won’t tell you."

"Let the legend live forever~"

"After reading the scriptures, only righteousness can roar like a lion~"

"A Laugh from the Sea~~~"

""Pah!" At the end of the dance, the six people handsomely threw open their paper fans and placed them in front of them.

"Woohoo~~~"The audience cheered in unison.

After the performance, Dilireba, the representative of the national producer, walked onto the stage with a smile.

After coming onto the stage, Dilireba was surprised:"Chen Li, was that really you just now?"

"How come you are so good at dancing?" Reba was really surprised.

Chen Li, who was called out, panted and shyly lowered her head and said,"No, no, I am still far behind everyone else, and it is all thanks to everyone's patient teaching. Thank you very much.""

"Great progress. I remember when the theme song was rated, �� was dropped to Class D because of his poor dancing skills. But tonight he really impressed everyone."

"This is all Cao Ze, who arranged dance training for me in the past two weeks."

"There are other brothers who guide me."Chen Li-Nong is very excited now.

Reba looks at Cao Gong who is breathing steadily beside him and openly winks at him.

"Oops." Seeing Reba PD winking, Fan Chengcheng, who was standing next to Cao Gong, turned around immediately and said,"My eyes are dirty. I just saw Reba PD winking at Cao Ze."

""Hahaha~" Fan Chengcheng's reaction to the conspicuous bag made the audience laugh.

While Cao Gong was laughing, he also slapped Fan Chengcheng on the head.

The trainees from another group also came up one after another.

At this time, they need to introduce themselves to the national producers and canvass for themselves as much as possible.

While other trainees were canvassing for themselves one by one, the heating CP began again.

The two stood on the edge of the team and chatted openly on the stage.

Dilireba, dressed in a black suit, is very queen and has a strong aura.

And Dilireba is 170 cm tall, plus she is wearing high heels.

Dilireba is now about 173 cm tall.

But when she stood next to Cao Gong, she still looked half a head shorter.

In particular, Dilireba, dressed in a suit, is so queenly dressed. But now she is standing next to Cao Gong, standing coquettishly with her hands behind her back. How can she look like a queen? She clearly looks like a little girl.

Cao Zei, who is 185 cm tall, is now 187 cm tall because of his shoes.

The two have a height difference of nearly 15 cm.

When Reba stood next to him with her hands behind her back like a little girl, Cao Gong also faced her without hesitation.

When the two were chatting quietly on the stage, this scene was captured by the staff of the program group.

All the staff on the scene looked at the heating CP.

I don’t know why, as long as these two people stand together, everyone’s eyes will subconsciously look at them, even the camera.

The director of the program group even stroked his chin, and looked at the golden boy and jade girl on the stage with a smile.

Including the audience watching the show, after seeing the heating CP sweetly in the same frame again, they all swiped the barrage.

"Haha~ The sound is the trainee canvassing for votes, but the camera image is the heating CP"

"I'm dying of laughter! The picture shows the heating CP, but the sound is the trainee canvassing for himself!"

"The cameraman gives you a chicken drumstick!"

"Phew~ So pitiful, the trainees didn't even have any shots when canvassing for votes, all went to the heating CP"

"Did even the photographer buy the couple's CP? But is it really worth buying?"

The audience watching the show were all teasing and joking about this.

But Cao Gong and Dilireba were still chatting in a low voice.

"I want to listen to music." Reba subconsciously puffed up her cheeks, as if she was acting coquettishly to her boyfriend.

"Didn't you just sing it?"Cao Gong was amused. Didn't you sing it before the show started?

Reba puffed up her cheeks and wrinkled her nose at Cao Gong:"That was sung before. I want to listen to the new song."

This looks like a girlfriend acting coquettishly with her boyfriend.

Many audience members also noticed this scene.

Even several mentors in the waiting room noticed it.

"No, what is this sister doing? She is hosting a stage performance, how can she be in love?"

Cheng Xiao pointed at the TV and bent over with laughter.

The other mentors were the same, and they all laughed helplessly.

"No, are they really together?"Li Ronghao, who had not been here for long, was particularly curious about this.

"Yes, is it true? Are they dating?"Ouyang Jin is also eating melons.

"No." Cheng Xiao was very clear about this matter and said,"No."

"Didn't they talk? Why does it look like the girlfriend is flirting with the boyfriend?"

"Look at Reba's puffy cheeks. If you say it's not a girlfriend acting like a spoiled child with her boyfriend, who would believe it?"

Li Ronghao said he didn't believe the two.

Zhang Yixing, Wang Jiaer and others also clapped their hands and laughed.

"Really not! Cho Gong is about to debut, idols can't fall in love"

"Reba's career has just started to take off, so she doesn't dare to talk about it, for fear that the company will be unhappy if she talks about it."

"So these two people are not dating, but it feels like they are in a relationship when they spend time together, right?"

What Cheng Xiao said is what everyone thinks is true.

These two people really look like they are in love, and there is light in each other's eyes.

Cao Gong looks at Reba with loving and gentle eyes, and Reba looks at Cao Gong with sweet and happy eyes.

Just from the way these two people look at each other, you can feel that they must be a couple.

But unfortunately, these two people are not, just because their status does not allow them to be together.

"���"What new songs are you singing? Listen to new songs, don't make a fuss." Cao Gong whispered to the sister.

Fortunately, Cao Gong turned off his headset, otherwise the audience would have heard it clearly.

""Yeah~ I want to listen to new songs, love songs." Reba, with her hands behind her back, shook her head unhappily and acted like a spoiled child.

But what she didn't know was that all her actions were captured by the camera.

Moreover, the program editor also released this part.

After the audience saw it, they were all moved by Reba's coquettish look.

"Stop it." Cao Gong deliberately glared at the sister who was acting like a spoiled child, telling her to stop.

"Hmm~" Reba, who was being scolded, pouted and looked at Cao Gong, with a mist of grievance rising from her pretty big eyes. Then she asked him in a baby voice:"You are so mean to me?""

"I didn't." Cao Gong was also panicked. Why did she cry?

But he forgot that the sister in front of him was an actress. This was acting.

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