"No, uncle, why are you looking for me?" Cao Gong, whose neck was pinched, shrank his neck and asked

"Stop talking nonsense to me. I know you are on summer vacation. The college entrance examination summer vacation has been started for a month."

"My movie"Wolf Warrior 2" is about to start filming. As an investor, you have to make a cameo appearance as a rich second-generation in the movie. Hurry up and leave now and go abroad with me."

Wu Jing kidnapped Cao Gong without saying a word.

Going abroad?

Are you kidding? This movie is going to be filmed in South Africa.

What's the situation in South Africa now? War is nothing.

You want him to go to South Africa to film a movie?

He traveled through time and space to this world to enjoy life, not to suffer. How could he go there ?

"Then I won't invest anymore. I'll withdraw my capital." Cao Ze said without hesitation.

"What did you say? You said you want to withdraw your investment."Wu Jing was very excited.

"Yes, if you want me to go to South Africa to film, I will withdraw my investment. I will not invest in this film for you."

"Get out of here, I don't care about you so much, just come with me now, there is no point in withdrawing your investment, and you are not allowed to withdraw."

Wu Jing's tyranny made Cao Gong really helpless.

Speaking of which, there is an episode. 10

That is, in March last year, after he traveled to this parallel world, he started to speculate in stocks.

After he made money from stock speculation, he happened to watch the drama"Charlotte's Troubles".

Because he still likes the comedian Shen Teng.

So he invested in this drama to make a movie, with a total investment of 20 million.

With an investment of 20 million, he, as an investor, does not have to do anything, just pay the money.

And he does not need to issue the distribution, as long as the investment of 10 million is received.

Then As for the box office share, since he was just an investor, he could only get 30% of the box office dividends.

But in the end, the box office of this movie won 1.441 billion.

According to the 30% dividend, Cao Gong invested 20 million and got him a dividend of 432.3 million.

This box office share arrived in December last year, and 432.3 million is not a small amount at all.

In April this year, Liu Dehua’s new movie"My Agent Grandpa" was released, and Wu Jing also came to promote it for Hong Jinbao and Liu Dehua. Cao Gong was also taken there.

After meeting Wu Jing, I learned that he was going to prepare for the second"Wolf Warrior 2".

Although there are many film companies willing to invest in him.

Because the box office of the first film was very good, many companies were willing to invest.

But they were willing to invest, but these capitals intervened in the creation of the movie script, requiring Wu Jing to add more scenes, or asking Wu Jing to agree to the actors arranged by their company.

As a result, Wu Jing, who has a very bad temper and is very straightforward, said directly: Oh my god, my wife couldn't act.

Then the most classic words came: only choose the right ones, not the expensive ones; want to use actors with high traffic? That's absolutely not possible, I have to shoot it according to my own way, otherwise I don't want your investment.

It is precisely because of Wu Jing's character that he is unwilling to compromise with capital that he finds it difficult to attract investment.

In the end, Cao Gong quietly told Wu Jing that he would invest.

But at that time, Wu Jing didn't believe it. He thought that how rich could a young man like Cao Gong be?

To invest, He must have asked his father Liu Dehua to invest.

But Cao Gong said that he invested in"Charlotte's Troubles" last year and got more than 400 million yuan.

At that time, Wu Jing didn't quite believe it, and he called Ma Li to ask.

Because Wu Jing and Ma Li are also familiar with each other, he knew it was true as soon as he asked.

That's why Cao Gong invested 200 million yuan in Wu Jing to shoot"Wolf Warrior 2".

Then in the drafting of the contract, Wu Jing wrote, directed and acted in the film, and took 5% of the box office dividends, without any salary. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then, Cao Gong did not have a distribution company, but was only an investor. So when the movie was released, he had to find a distribution company to distribute it, so he had to give a 5% dividend to the distribution company.

Because the distribution company only distributes, it does not produce or invest.

In other words, for this movie, Cao Gong, as an investor, can get 30% of the ticket sellers' dividends.

5.6 billion box office, 200 million investment, divided into 30 points, that is, 1.6 billion.

How could Cao Gong let go of such a high return? Of course he invested.[]

Wu Jing, who received the investment funds at that time, still found it incredible.

His own movie"Wolf Warrior 2" was actually invested by a 20-year-old boy?

It was because of this that the story at the beginning came about. Wu Jing asked him to make a movie.


"No, I'm participating in a competition now. Cao Gong was very speechless and said that he didn't have time to participate in the competition.

"Then you should withdraw from the competition. With your ability, it's really a waste of time to be on this show."

"Others work hard for their dreams, but what about you? Are you going there to get some peace and quiet?"

"Can it be the same?" Wu Jing scolded the brat angrily, saying:"You have withdrawn from the competition now, but you don't take up a place. Your place will be vacated for another trainee."

"What about you? You are so talented and popular now, can't you debut on your own?"

"Why do you have to join the fun and become a boy band? And you're taking up a spot, what's the fun in that?" Wu Jing said as he kicked Cao Gong's butt again, but he didn't use much force, just pretending.

Cao Gong, who was originally considering withdrawing from the competition, now heard what Wu Jing said, and it made sense.

With his ability, continuing on this show would be a waste of time and would also take up a spot.

"Well, I have to discuss it with the platform, otherwise I can't leave, I have signed the contract"

"Give me two days. I will go back today and discuss it with the platform."

Wu Jing was satisfied and said to Cao Gong,"Then hurry up and do it. I will be here to watch over you for the next two days."

"Lest you, the bastard, run away again"

"If it weren't for you, my movie would have started shooting long ago. Why is it delayed until now?" Wu Jing was very anxious.

But Cao Gong still refused:"No, I really don't want to go to South Africa to shoot a movie.���That place is a mess"

"I see people wandering around with guns every day. I don't go because I'm afraid." The richer you are, the more you fear death." This is what Cao Ze said.

When I was poor, I wasn't afraid of being poor, so how could I be afraid of death? But now it's different. After all, I have 1 billion assets. I haven't enjoyed a good life enough. Of course I'm afraid of death.

"Don't worry, there are security guards to protect our safety, don't worry."

Wu Jing persuaded Cao Gong several times, but Cao Gong was still struggling.

But no matter how he struggled, it was useless. Wu Jing was determined to pull him to film"Wolf Warrior 2" and let him play the role of a rich second generation in it.

""Okay, okay, I'll go discuss it." Cao Gong had no choice but to agree.

"Hehe~" Finally got the boy's agreement, Wu Jing also smiled frivolously

"Hurry up, don't go back and see this girl Dilireba and forget to leave."Wu Jing laughed and teased Cao Gong and Dilireba, which made Cao Gong scratch his head helplessly.

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